If you’re a small or solo L&D team, the world probably feels like it’s changing faster than ever!
The question is how can we respond, adapt and innovate to solve complex problems?
The Agile L&D approach will help!
And Natal Dank (Author of Agile HR: Deliver Value in a Changing World of Work) gives you the tools to build one in this live podcast.
Running order
0:00 Intro to Natal and Agile HR
2:54 What’s agile and why now?
10:46 Direct L&D benefits and relationship
14:59 Fall in love with problems, not solutions
19:15 Working in multi-skilled ways
21:16 The agile mindset for L&D
29:38 Thinking like a scientist and celebrating small wins with agile
35:05 Design principles for agile L&D
43:34 Scaling L&D efforts
47:07 Other agile tactics for L&D
50:22 Audience questions and final thoughts
How to connect
Download your FREE Death of the LMS guide: https://try.gethownow.com/death-of-lms-guide
Find Natal on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nataldank/
Learn more about PXO Culture: https://www.pxoculture.com
Get your copy of Agile HR: https://www.pxoculture.com/agile-hr-book
Find Gary on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gary-stringer-copywriter/