Your systems of decision-making have the potential to bring greater clarity to who you are and how you do things. Today, Sean Morgan discusses how level-five leaders frame each decision with a silver-bullet technique, and how it can lead toward momentum every time.
Welcome to Episode 108 of the Leaders in Living Rooms Podcast with Sean Morgan.
Leading Change, by John Kotter
If you’re a leader approaching a succession or transition. Or maybe you’re a few years in and beginning to see how complex transitions leadership is… go to The Art of Pastoral Succession and check out my brand new course in partnership with Carey Nieuwhof.
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Sean started out in ministry serving in a San Francisco area church plant as their Executive Pastor. He went on to help coach and consult with church leaders across the country and eventually founded The Ascent Leader, a first of its kind organization focusing on relational leadership development for local church pastors.
He also hosts the Leaders In Living Rooms podcast.
Sean recently retired from a 26-year career as a KC-10 pilot in the US Air Force Reserve.
His favorite titles are “Stacy’s husband” and “Kaylee and Ayden’s dad.”
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