At just 14 years old, Preston Walker began his journey in the therapeutic field by volunteering at a crisis hotline, providing support to peers in need of suicide prevention. These experiences inspired him to pursue an education in psychology and career in Marriage and Family Therapy. When accruing hours for licensure, Preston Walker had the fortunate experience of having Jay Noricks, the founder of Parts and Memory Therapy, as his Primary Supervisor . He learned from the founder about Parts and Memory Therapy twice a week, became proficient in utilizing it, and was one of the first clinicians who became a certified in the approach, as well as a Certified Trainer of Parts and Memory Therapy. He is not only authorized to run workshops on Parts and Memory Therapy and to certify therapists in the modality. He is passionate about approaches that utilize memory reconsolidation, but also an advocate for therapists to have training in multiple modalities. He is known in his community for utilizing multiple approaches including neurofeedback, Parts and Memory Therapy, and Emotionally Focused Therapy."This link is for therapist who would like to learn Parts and Memory Therapy
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