David Graber and wangros see lusus thinking as stuck in european notions of liberty, which are rooted in individual ownership of private property. They say the americans saw that liberty actually comes from being part of a society, from mutual interdependence. And we're going to talk about this later when we look at agalatarian hunter gather societies, which graber doesn't seem to think exist.
The European Enlightenment was heavily influenced by Native American critiques of European culture.
That European intellectuals reacted against this by developing the theory of “stages of human progress” where we went from from egalitarian hunter-gatherers to pastoralists to farmers to market civilization.
That Jean-Jacques Rousseau synthesized the Native American critique and the stages of progress theory into a seemingly egalitarian critique of European social hierarchies which resigns us to accept hierarchy as the price of civilization.
That this synthesis was the birth of the “intellectual left”.
That the concept of human equality has no meaning and should be discarded [these guys *really* needed to listen to this podcast before writing this…]
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