Anxious Attachment and the Anxious x Avoidant Pair
Today, we talk to Jessica Baum, the author of the book Anxiously Attached. We will discuss:
- What is anxious attachment?
- Why are people with an anxious attachment pattern attracted to people with an avoidant attachment style?
- Are there cultures that are more anxious or more avoidant?
- What is relationship co-regulation and how can it help?
Jessica's website:
Eggshell Therapy and Coaching:
About Imi Lo:
Trigger Warning: This episode may cover sensitive topics including but not limited to suicide, abuse, violence, severe mental illnesses, relationship challenges, sex, drugs, alcohol addiction, psychedelics, and the use of plant medicines. You are advised to refrain from watching or listening to the YouTube Channel or Podcast if you are likely to be offended or adversely impacted by any of these topics.
Disclaimer: The content provided is for informational purposes only. Please do not consider any of the content clinical or professional advice. None of the content can substitute mental health intervention. Opinions and views expressed by the host and the guests are personal views and they reserve the right to change their opinions. We also cannot guarantee that everything mentioned is factual and completely accurate. Any action you take based on the information in this episode is taken at your own risk.