Chris and Judy confess to their own habitual perfectionism. We've learned from years of delving deeply into the Principles that it's just a thought not worth taking seriously, and harmless when we can laugh it off or let go of it. Thoughts that seem vitally important to our happiness or impossible standards we set for ourselves, our lives, or other people, are just ideas that we adopted at one point to feel more secure. When we understand how thought works, and the true source of and release from insecurity, then we have the option of remaining attached to habits that are harmless and enjoyable. For example, we enjoy getting dressed up. But if it's inconvenient, we just go where we need to go as we are. We don't want to make mistakes, but we're over being embarrassed or crushed to discover we've made them. Security is acceptance of our humanity. That's the perfection that is our birthright, that comes from the peace of mind inside of us.
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