Ross Pelton has a background as a pharmacist and is an author of 12 books in the health field. In this podcast we are going to talk about his recent published book "Rapamycin, mTOR, Autophagy & Treating mTOR Syndrome". The purpose of this podcast is to increase our knowledge about Rapamycin and it's longevity effects.
His book can be found on
Or call (866) 598-6747 24 hours a day to order the book and get a free 6-month subscription to Life Extension magazine
Ross Pelton's homepage
Links from the podcast
- The Dog Aging Project
- Ross Pelton's paper "The Microbiome Theory of Aging"
- Free book about Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics & Postbiotic Metabolites
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Disclaimer: The podcast is for general information and educational purposes only and is not medical advice for you or others. The use of information and materials linked to the podcast is at the users own risk. Always consult your physician with anything you do regarding your health or medical condition.