In a powerful, thought-provoking message from Mosaic Conference in 2018, Pastor Erwin McManus casts vision for the future of humanity. Based on Ezekiel 36, he highlights the promise God has for us as we take on the future: that our hearts of stone will be replaced with hearts of flesh.
Pastor Erwin highlights that though at times he would rather have the heart of Iron Man instead of a heart of flesh, God doesn’t want to restore us to be hurt, but to bring us back to our original intent as humans, created with the imagination of God.
Because God imagined us into the future, we were made to create the future we dream of as well. In his message, Pastor Erwin states that we create from our essence. This is why it is essential to create from a heart of flesh. When God gives us a new heart, we can create from our original intent-from a heart filled with compassion, empathy and intelligence.
If you’ve been longing to create a future that right now you can only dream of, check out this amazing new message!