Dragan Stepanović joins us to discuss emotions as system signals, why intervening at the emotional level has less value, and why you should get back on the horse.
Transcript: https://agileconversations.com/blog/monitoring-intervening-pairing-mobbing-pt1/
- Dragan:
- draganstepanovic.com
- https://twitter.com/d_stepanovic
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/dstepanovic/
- Mobbing for Safety episode: https://soundcloud.com/troubleshootingagile/mobbing-for-safety
- Dragan’s tweet: https://twitter.com/d_stepanovic/status/1470009166353907716
- Systems Thinking: https://www.extremeuncertainty.com/an-introduction-to-systems-thinking/
- Causal loop diagrams: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causal_loop_diagram
- Woody Zuill / Mob Programming: https://woodyzuill.com
- Timothy Clark: https://www.leaderfactor.com/psychological-safety-keynote\
- Amy Edmondson: https://www.chrisclearfield.com/podcast/18
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