A client of mine runs a multi-million-dollar business. She’s respected by everyone in her field, yet she once said to me, “I could do this with my eyes closed. I want something more.”
And then she went on, “I’m not lonely, but I’m very alone. There’s no one else I dare share this with but you.”
One challenge of being a high performer is that you can be surrounded by people whose only mission is to say “yes” to you, who want to make you feel good, or say what they think you need to hear.
Oh this was fun! You see, in this top 10 episode, I start to chat to Ervine before we hit record and she makes a little joke about me mistaking her for a high-performer. I immediately ask if I can start recording because I want to illustrate something important.
Marianne Williamson captured it in her poem: "Our deepest fear is not that we are weak. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."
Too often, I see leaders fighting for their limitations. And that's always when I jump in.
Ervine is a fascinating woman with a background in high-level sales. She has had a successful career that was built one relationship at a time. When I ask her how many coaching clients she wants, she is a little surprised to realize that it is no more than 12 clients a year.
In this episode you'll hear me break down 5 of the top ways to build a word-of-mouth business. Masterclasses, other people's communities, former networks, referrals and creating your own community.
When you are remarkable, it literally means that people remark about you. They talk about you when you are not there. That is the platinum standard for any business. Listen in as I teach you how to make your business remarkable, too.
Love. Rich
PS. For most of human history, it wasn’t called coaching. It was called leadership. Download an FAQ for great leaders who want to be great coaches - with a handful of high-performing, high-fee clients. https://richlitvin.com/rules