The CPG Guys are joined in this episode by Matt Van Gilder, director of ecommerce and digital experiences at SpartanNash.
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This episode was recorded live at Las Vegas during groceyshop while Matt was visiting the conference.
Matt answers these topics :
- SpartanNash of course is a network of stores and omnichannel offerings to consumers and shoppers. Take us through what this means to you. What is omnichannel for the banners you’ll have?
- How does day to day execution happen at the shelf? Is everything an omnichannel plan or does the digital shelf follow the physical shelf? How do plans get anchored?
- Your plethora of partners that are vendors, if you could give them advice on how to navigate the omnichannel world, what would you ask them to focus on that drives success for your customers?
- Your private brands - how to you go about managing omnichannel or ecommerce for them? Does search matter, quality of content and what role do they play in the assortment?
- Retail media is a fast changing landscape and finally we have IAB talk to standards? Would love to get your opinion on the reality of standards - is this good and realistic?
- Data has become a monetized platform for retailers. Some scaled data represents consumer habits, some is very retail centric movement, kinda making the syndicated data world less relevant. What’s your thought on retail centric data that now is all over the industry?
- How do you ensure a seamless experience between the store and the various digital platforms you leverage for the Spartan Nash banners? What does UX mean to you?
- Talent - simply put what makes a good digital or omnichannel leader. Both Sri and you come from the brick & mortar world and adapted to digital and go back and forth all the time. What’s the mojo?
and, so much more.....!!!!!
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