The latest Inspiring Futures podcast features an interview with Amy Daroukakis, a cultural strategist. Our conversation stretched far and wide from the creative emergence of crisis to the importance of curiosity as a lifestyle to get you out of your comfort zone. The idea is that Cultural Strategy is a more significant thing than understanding Youth Culture. The fact is the future is now and isn't passive, but it's about trying to answer the big question, "Where are we and where is the headed?" which is a question most people would love to know the answer to, even if they have no idea what cultural strategy is. The importance of being human in a world of increasing AI, when all people want to do is to replace their juniors by loading 200 trend reports into an AI and pressing a button. But with no one with any judgment or experience holding the wheel- how do you know the value of the output? In short- how to live and be a cultural strategist.