Carla DiGirolamo is a double board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist and reproductive endocrinologist specializing in women's performance and menopause health. She is CrossFit Level 1 Trainer, Precision Nutrition Certified Nutrition Coach, lifelong recreational athlete, and avid Crossfitter. She is currently a partner physician at Boston IVF where she has spent the last 15 years practicing as a Reproductive Endocrinologist specializing in infertility and hormonal physiology in reproductive age and menopausal women. In 2024 she plans to retire from Boston IVF and launch her own practice in Women's Performance Endocrinology and work full time pursuing her lifelong passion in the world of fitness and sport.
You can connect with Carla via her website,, her blog,, and Instagram. @dr_carla_d
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Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. I recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns.