Heather Sandison ND is a renowned naturopathic doctor specializing in neurocognitive medicine and the Founder of Solcere Health Clinic, San Diego’s premier brain optimization clinic. She has dedicated her career to researching and supporting those suffering with dementia. She hosts the annual online Reverse Alzheimer’s Summit where she shares cutting-edge insights into keeping your brain sharp at any age. Dr. Sandison's new book is entitled, Reversing Alzheimer's: The New Toolkit to Improve Cognition and Protect Brain Health.
Here she and Dawson discuss:
Optimizing our health as we age
The six risk factors of Alzheimer's: Toxicity. Nutrients. Stressors. Structure. Signaling. Infection.
Three types of toxins: Mold, household, and personal chemicals
Heavy metals like lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium: what they do to our body
Balancing stress
High quality sleep
Your body's signals
Infection as a risk factor, especially gum health
Case histories: the first major study was published in 2022
To reach Dr. Heather Sandison:
And Dawson can be found at:
#blissbrain #mindtomatter #eft #meditation #highenergyhealth #brainhealth #alzheimers