If I were to ask you what skill matters more to our physical and mental health than just about any skill out there, what would you say? Well, since you’ve seen the title to this episode, I imagine you know the answer!
Of course, I’m referring to sleep. Sleep is a big deal. I refer to it as the hub airport through which all airplanes must pass, so to speak, because every hormonal, immunological, physical, emotional, and psychological aspect of our health travels through sleep and is impacted by sleep.
To use yet another analogy, it is beneath the ground floor; it is the basement to all of our daily functions. Sleep is such a big deal that you are going to want to geek out to it and become a master of your domain (a wink to Seinfeld fans!) regarding sleep. And you will hear from our expert exactly why that is just so important to all of us and some great tips on how to improve your skills with it.
That’s why I'm so happy to have sleep coach Mollie Eastman (https://www.sleepisaskill.com/) join us as she shares her vast knowledge of this most crucial skill. I love that Molly refers to sleep as a skill. This is not something that all of us are especially good at doing and may benefit from a refresher from an expert.
So, listen in as Mollie shares her vast knowledge of sleep as it relates scientifically and practically to our everyday lives.