This podcast episode looks at the idea of togetherness, a way Bowen family systems theory describes how people operate in relation to the group. Each guest will give a brief elevator pitch of this idea, along with examples, what they find important about the idea, and takeaway resources and ideas for further thinking.
Dr. Kathleen Smith is a licensed therapist and writer who lives in Washington, DC. Her books include Everything Isn’t Terrible and True to You: A Therapist’s Guide to Stop Pleasing Others and Start Being Yourself. She is an associate faculty member at the Bowen Center for the Study of the Family and author of the popular newsletter, The Anxious Overachiever.
Ashley Ward, The Social Life of Animals:
Cacioppo & Patrick – Loneliness: Human Nature and the Need for Social Connection.
Podcast – How Family Dynamics Play Out At Work: Morra Aarons-Mele. The Anxious Achiever. Nov 8, 2021.
Kathleen Smith’s newsletter:
Kathleen Smith, Everything Isn’t Terrible:
Kathleen Smith, True To You:
Dr. Murray Bowen, Family Therapy in Clinical Practice: