Originally released on November 15, 2020, Episode 10 tells the story of the first six years of BIGGBY COFFEE’s transition toward Stakeholder Capitalism. Starting with a chance encounter around a fire pit on an island in the middle of Lake Michigan, to a vision that aims to change workplace culture in America, the BIGGBY journey is an excellent example of the difficulty and the distinction that accompany the work of integrating the 10 things you should know about stakeholder capitalism.
Episode 10 is the final episode in the series, and the 10th thing you should know about stakeholder capitalism is that all it takes to start the process of transformation is a few good stories.
If you’d like to help your company to begin or advance the work to transition to stakeholder capitalism, please share this podcast with your colleagues and if you’d like to do more, join Nathan, Amanda, the people who were profiled in this podcast series and many more like them in the Intrapreneur Accelerator.
Here is a Ted Talk Bob and Mike did last year that will help you hear more about BIGGBY’s purpose:
If you liked the music we featured in this episode, you can get more at:
Young Oceans
Steven Gutheinz
Jo Blankenburg
Mr. Moo