Guest on someone else's podcast of start your own? What's the best way to measure a successful podcast strategy? And how can I build a podcast audience?
Nikita Kumar is the Podcast Success Manager at Pikkal & Co. where she transforms podcasting into an art form, captivating audiences and crafting narratives that turn challenges into success stories, offering invaluable insights for hosts and listeners alike. She relies on audience engagement, backed by analytics and success metrics to unlock the power of authentic, engaging content that fosters community building and elevates a brand's success.
The PR Podcast is a show about how the news gets made. We talk with great PR people, reporters, and communicators about how the news gets made and strategies for publicity that drive business goals. Host Jody Fisher is the founder of JodyFisherPR and works with clients across the healthcare, higher education, financial services, real estate, entertainment, and non-profit verticals. Join the conversation on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok at @ThePRPodcast.