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Read a transcript of the full episode from Read AI: https://app.read.ai/analytics/meetings/01J486QZFQ1JVSEY6BR92K77RP
David Shim is the founder and CEO of Read AI, the leader in gen AI meeting summaries. David and his co-founders started Read AI with a mission of building the future of work, where every interaction is improved with AI. Read AI has raised over $32M and is applying AI and analytics to video conferencing that analyzes, prescribes, and prevents bad meetings.
Prior to founding Read AI, David was the CEO of Foursquare and before that was the founder and CEO of Placed, which was acquired by Snap for $175M in 2017. Hear David talk about his “aha” moment going all in on location measurement, the Placed acquisition story and what he wished he knew then, why meeting summaries will be most people’s first experience with AI, and what the future of AI has in store.
Connect with James and Daniel!
James: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamesborow/
Daniel: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danieldruger/
James: https://twitter.com/jamesborow
Daniel: https://twitter.com/ddruger
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