▸▸ How To Build A Business That You Don't Grow To Hate: https://bit.ly/3pCTG78 About 7 years ago I almost quit coaching... I was working crazy hours, growth had flatlined, and I couldn’t figure out how to scale. It’s only because of today’s guest, Taki Moore, that I decided to stay the course. He showed me a completely DIFFERENT way to build companies. Since then I’ve coached 2000+ founders and grown my YouTube followers to over 100K. None of that would've been possible without Taki. He’s been THAT important to my career. So in today’s episode, I unpack the lessons Taki taught me that transformed my coaching business. We also delve into his personal journey to becoming the ‘Million Dollar Coach’ and the challenges he overcame along the way. So whether you’re a coach, SaaS founder, or business owner, you won’t want to miss this special episode. Get ready to be inspired. ▸▸ How To Build A Business That You Don't Grow To Hate: https://bit.ly/3pCTG78