Every new thing you learn to do is scary at first. That includes starting a podcast, filming a video, writing a blog, or performing for a crowd. Dan Sullivan and Gord Vickman discuss The 4 C’s Formula® and how it captures every performer’s experience in starting a podcast and growing it.
In This Episode:
- First-time performers tend to focus on their fears, but the audience never even notices.
- It’s hard to sound natural and have fun when you’re too focused on yourself.
- Wrap your message in a narrative or story for better engagement.
- The best entrepreneurial companies effectively combine Simplifier and Multiplier teamwork.
- The 4 C’s Formula involves:
- First, commitment to a new effort.
- Then, courage to follow through despite the fear.
- Gradually, you develop new capabilities as you learn and grow from the experience.
- Eventually, you feel confidence in those capabilities.
- “The difference between courage and confidence is that confidence feels good.” —Dan
- Early in his radio career, Gord said a four-letter word live on air, and it changed everything.
- Dan believes consistency of delivery and of message are two things that hold your audience.
- You’re not competing with other similar podcasts; you’re competing with all the other things your audience could be doing with that time.
- “Hang out with people who love the thing that you’re doing.” —Dan
- “If you want one guarantee that your event’s going to be enjoyable for all the guests, the first thing you have to do is guarantee that the host has a good time.” —Dan, learned from Emily Post
- Be proud of the first podcast you made because you did it solely on commitment and courage, without yet having the capability and confidence.
The 4 C’s Formula by Dan Sullivan
Simplifier-Multiplier Collaboration by Dan Sullivan
The Strategic Podcast Network
Learn more about author Emily Post