We got some very surprising news before recording this celebration episode! This one has it all: complicated training questions, predictions for the future, and a stunning twist to start the episode (and we were in for a lot more stunning twists after we recorded).
The questions from podcast listeners were on tons of amazing topics: heart rate drift tests to estimate zone 2, how to pace ultras, why we think 2025 will be the year of a hydration emphasis in endurance performance, the sponsorship landscape, returning to training after layoffs, supershoes, protein intake, strides v. workouts, our thoughts about daily nutrition outside of athletics, running form analysis, progressive overload across training cycles, and our big goals for next year.
Our new baby’s name is Ollie Hope Roche, after Megan’s favorite poet, Mary Oliver (and the high point of the Leadville 100, Hope Pass). Remember, Ollie, what your namesake wrote: “Only if there are angels in your head will you ever, possibly, see one.”
We love you all! HUZZAH!
-Megan, David, Leo, and Ollie
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