The more specific your marketing is to your leads, the better it’ll work.
Hence, quizzes.
Gen Furukawa is the cofounder of Prehook, a company that helps ecommerce businesses create interactive quiz funnels to drive leads and sales. By engaging with website visitors in a 2-way conversation, you can gather the data that makes marketing more personal.
And of course, more personal means more effective.
In this guest lesson, Gen will explain exactly how quizzes super-charge sales. But just as importantly, he’ll share how quizzes gather “zero-party data” — the perfect alternative to data from outside platforms like Facebook or Google.
Form your own relationship with website visitors, whether it’s for ecommerce or another kind of product. Best of all, do it without relying on the increasingly controversial (and increasingly less effective) method of paying outside data-farmers. Click Play at the top of the page!
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