Boards exist to make decisions. But how often does your board make the best ones? Shefaly Yogendra is a Chair, NED and Advisor with a PhD in decision-making . Tune in to her conversation with Nurole CEO Oliver Cummings to discover her answers to the following questions: What framework do you use to promote good decision making on your boards? (1:25) What tactics do you use to make boards feel comfortable with discomfort? (7:39) Where has emotion enhanced decision-making on your boards? (14:25) How can board members uncover biases that impact decision-making? (17:54) How good are boards at retrospecting past decisions to inform future ones? (23:32) How do you manage conflicts of interest when it comes to decision-making? (28:50) What impact do term-limits, director investments and compensation have on decision-making? (35:34), and⚡ The Lightning Round ⚡ (42:39)
Host: Oliver Cummings
Producer: Will Felton
Music: Kate Mac
Audio: Nick Kold