In this segment, Dr. Snyder and Chase Hughes talk about Confidence, Identity, Self-worth, and Personas. We will continue the discussion about the Psychological Tricks for Analyzing, Understanding, and Influencing Behavior. Be sure to stay until the end! You will surely learn a lot that you don’t want to miss out on!
Standout Quotes:
- Confidence has nothing to do with status, hierarchy, dominance, or energy. You can be 100% confident in the middle of having the flu. Confidence has nothing to do with hierarchy. It's a feeling of safety, and that you are allowed to do exactly what you want to do.
- The people who to take their lives the next level ask themselves a very different question than people who don't. People who tend to take their net worth in a negative direction invest in things they intend to invest. They're trying to prove to other people that they're worthy and that they have made it.
- When you decide where to place or invest your time and energy and effort, you're going to find that return on the investment. You're going to automatically be more comfortable, because you'll understand the environment that you're in. That takes your whole your comfort level to a whole new plane.
- If you're a good person and you have good intentions, then you can bring every good thing you want, not just into your life, but into the lives of everyone you care about. Whether that’s on a professional level or personal level. The more powerful you become with your skills, the more rapidly every level of your life gets easier.
Key Takeaways:
- Confidence is the feeling of safety in doing what you want to do. It has nothing to do with your environment.
- People who take their net worth in a negative direction invest in not very important things like high-priced clothes, cars, etc. This is because they are trying to prove their worth in society. Whereas people with a higher level of self-esteem tend to invest in personal development and are not trying to prove anything to society.
- The more you invest in social skills, identities, tools, and techniques, the more rapidly, you're going to find a return on the investment in yourself. Investing in yourself makes you more aligned to success. It will then take your comfort level to the next level.
- You can easily take your life to the next level if you become powerful with your skills, especially if you use them for good. Using your skills for good can bring your life rapid growth. So having good intentions while having a set of skills can surely bring your life success.
Episode Timeline:
[00:00] Confidence and the Obsession with Hierarchy
[03:24] Redefining Confidence
[08:20] Identity/Persona
[11:00] Self-worth
[16:49] Difference between high net worth people and low net worth people
[20:20] Parallels and Differences in the World
[24:17] Biggest Takeaway for the coming Seminar in Orlando
[29:52] Paying Attention to Orientation
[31:46] What do they want you to think about them?
[37:04] Stepping into a Certain Identity State
[39:14] How to Prime a Person to make your desired outcome automatic
[42:15] Micro-Lesson on Neuroscience
[45:51] Brainwashing
[49:49] The Power of Our Ancestors
[52:10] The Power of Group