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Evidence from the guy who pioneered the science.
James Pennebaker is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of Texas at Austin. He is known for his early research on expressive writing and health. More recently, he has pioneered ways to study people’s personalities and behaviors through the analysis of their language use. His text analysis program LIWC is used across disciplines. Author of over 300 scientific articles and 8 books, his research has affected our understanding and treatment of mental and physical health of people dealing with upheavals in their lives.
In this episode we talk about:
- The specific form of journaling, called expressive writing or therapeutic journaling, that he invented and studied.
- Other kinds of journaling such as to-do lists and gratitude lists.
- Why writing things down helps shift our perspective on our stress or trauma.
- How that can lead to a cascade of benefits, from improved sleep to improved working memory
- And why Pennebaker, who’s a very laid-back dude, is so laid-back about how often we need to journal in order to derive its benefits
Dump It Here journal is available now.
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