Saying the right thing has a massive influence on whether or not it’s going to be effective. You’ve probably heard me talk about language patterns and helpful tools like Thought Reversals, frameworks, script templates, and so on but there are also a couple of *invisible* elements that I also talk about inside my program, New Generation Mastery. Each of the invisible elements will either make or break your messaging. The most influential of all? Your personal power.
Because if you don’t show up confident, if you’re letting the external world influence you, if you’re adjusting your message because of haters, or because of your parents, or your upbringing… All of these things will influence and impact how effective your messaging actually is.
Want to know how to maintain the most amount of personal power and what this looks like as an entrepreneur? Listen in to today’s episode and learn the blessing and curse of starting an online business, our success rates with Facebook ads and what’s a “good” percentage, how to grow a business you love on your own terms, and what a loss of personal power actually looks like. Discover how to maintain your personal power and create content with confidence that shifts perspective, brings in sales, and grows a business you’re deeply aligned with.
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