Start discovery calls by sharing your point of view immediately to engage the prospect effectively. 2. When you have a champion on your side, inquire about how they plan to advocate your solution within the organization. This way, they focus on the business problem and reveal their strategy to pitch it to higher authorities. 3. Mirror the involvement of key stakeholders from both sides during discussions, such as bringing in a CXO from the customer side along with a VPS sales or CRO from your side. 4. Utilize senior leaders to share stories and run a dedicated discovery track with top executives while maintaining the demo or champion-level discovery in team selling scenarios.
Episode notes
Use typically language and stories to gain credibility with your prospect, leading to deeper discovery.
Ask your champion how they plan on justifying a purchase to the larger org. This aligns you to business level problems and also serves as champion validation.
Mirror multithreading in the sales cycle. Bring a VP for a CXO. Bring an SE for a technical buyer. Bring in product for someone cross-functional.
Leverage your own senior leaders to story-tell and pull in the people at power during the demo.
Enterprise Account Executive @ Pave
Healthcare & Life Science Account Executive @ Carta