The Remnant Radio welcomes Julie Roys of The Roys Report. In this episode, we’ll explore the systemic nature of abuse in churches and the proper ways for churches to handle scandals when they arise.
We’ll discuss the importance of adhering to Ephesians 5:11: "Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them," and how this scripture should guide our response to misconduct within the church. Julie will share insights on the dangers of honor culture in churches and why it’s crucial to have whistleblower policies and procedures in place to break this cycle.
We’ll also examine why third-party investigations are essential in cases of abuse and scandal. Julie will explain why church elders, staff, or relatives cannot be considered independent investigators due to potential conflicts of interest and biases. She’ll provide practical steps for ensuring transparency and accountability, emphasizing that true reform and restoration can only happen when churches are willing to expose and address wrongdoing without favoritism or cover-ups.
Finally, we'll address what practices and procedures can be established in churches to protect members from abuse. How can a church set itself up so that holiness and integrity are at the root of all activities? Don’t miss this crucial conversation on how we can protect the integrity of the church and ensure a safe environment for all its members.
Julie Roys is founder and investigative reporter for The Roys Report - a Christian media outlet dedicated to reporting the unvarnished truth within the Christian community to facilitate reform and restoration. You can read The Roys Report here:
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