Dr. Gopi Vijaya began his scientific career in solar physics but quickly branched out into fields as diverse as projective geometry, Goethean Science, foundations of astronomy, calculus, and the Reciprocal System of physics. Our conversation begins with the relationship between science and technology and moves into the philosophical realm asking seemingly bizarre questions like - can we do science without models? Also - how do we collaborate as thinkers without competing? Along the way we explore outstanding anomalies in light, electromagnetism, gravity and color theory. It's a wild ride through many of our favorite topics here. Let us know your thoughts in the comments!
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00:00 Go!
00:05:09 What is the Difference Between Science and Technology?
00:12:23 The Difference Between Humans and Nature
00:18:59 Is tech without collateral damage possible?
00:22:14 The absurdity of an end to science
00:26:02 Can we understand without models?
00:31:20 How to understand Gravity without a model
00:39:30 Throwing mass into the mix
00:48:45 A sea of measurements, but what is measured?
01:00:51 The coherence of an entire field at once
01:10:35 Obscurantism of analogy
01:22:01 The zero sum game of knowledge
01:28:22 The thing about color
01:33:08 Missing Magenta
01:41:39 Why is light so unaffected by electricity and magnetism?
01:48:14 Functionality is just a starting point
01:54:16 Missing cause and effect in plain sight
02:03:41 Closing thoughts
02:07:33 Renewal of Science Conference
#sciencepodcast #longformpodcast #DrGopiVijaya, #SolarPhysics, #ProjectiveGeometry, #GoetheanScience, #FoundationsOfAstronomy, #ReciprocalSystem, #PhilosophyOfScience, #ScienceWithoutModels, #CollaborativeThinking, #LightAnomalies, #Electromagnetism, #GravityTheories, #ColorTheory, #InnovativeScience, #ScientificAnomalies, #NonCompetitiveCollaboration, #ExploringScience, #ModernPhysics, #PhilosophicalScience
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PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying bioelectricity at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting, reading, and guiding backcountry excursions. Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he's not in the film studio, he's exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities.
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-Shilo Delay: https://g.co/kgs/oty671