Ellen Bashor, 29, is the Education Director for an intergovernmental agreement between Prescott Unified School District and the City of Prescott's Community Nature Center, and has been an Environmental Education instructor at Prescott College for 5 years now. She holds both a Bachelors and Masters in Education, with emphases in Early Childhood Education and Environmental Education. In addition, Ellen serves as board president for the Arizona Association for Environmental Education, and as a board member for the Greater Prescott Outdoors Fund and the Prescott Audubon Society. In 2019 they were selected as an ee360 Fellow by the North American Association for Environmental Education, in 2020 they were awarded Arizona Environmental Educator of the Year, and in 2021 they were honored with the international Environmental Education 30 Under 30 award. Ellen's career and service work is deeply embedded in her commitment to equitable access to the outdoors, environmental learning, and opportunities that cultivate a more healthy, just, and sustainable world for all. @pinyonpineranger @communitynaturecenter @natureniñosprescott www.prescottcommunitynaturecenter.org www.prescott-az.gov/recreation-events/programs-special-events/programs/nature-ninos/ Diona Reese Williams Edited Production: Angel Productions DRW Guest: Ellen Bashor Facebook Page: @dionareesewilliams Instagram DRW Personal Brand: @drw_dionareesewilliams Instagram Out Back Learning LLC: @outbacklearning2019 Facebook Page: @outbacklearning2019 Podcast: https://anchor.fm/diona-williams Children's Book: Sweet Potato & Mud Pies https://a.co/d/hRu3fvP