"The coach model is less about trying to get to the truth, it’s more about trying to inspire." - Michael John Cusick
On this edition of Restoring the Soul, Michael continues a 3-part series on Accountability:
- Cop Accountability
- Coach Accountability
- Cardiologist Accountability
Today's episode emphasizes the second part, coach accountability. With the coach accountability strategy, Michael says, “Our accountability partner plays the role of an instructor, trainer, and coach, who helps us manage our lives so we can keep moving forward. We are second-string players on God’s team with a pretty good shot of making it to the spiritual big leagues. When we fail to perform well, we check in with the coach, who encourages us from the rulebook, sends us back in the game, and tells us to keep our eye on the ball. This approach implies that if we give it enough effort, time, and attention, we can earn a victory over sin and make our lives work. This ‘try harder’ emphasis concerns itself less with sin management and more with the relentless effort to be good. It is a gospel of inspiration.”
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