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Between the Worlds Podcast

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Nov 15, 2018 • 21min

SM 6: Your Questions Answered!

We get asked a lot of questions and we love it! In this episode we discuss a couple of ones we have received often.Tune in to this episode to learn more about how we think about serving clients through spiritual advising, and different ways to connect with a spiritual practice outside of "God" or "Goddess" worship.....Links!**Amanda Yates Garcia (art witch, healer, writer):**www.oracleoflosangeles.comAmanda's InstagramAmanda's Facebook**Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs (musician, artist, producer):**Carolyn's Instagram Learn More About Your Host Amanda Yates GarciaTo join Amanda's MYSTERY CULT on Substack click here.To order Amanda's book, "Initiated: Memoir of a Witch" CLICK HERE.Amanda's InstagramTo book an appointment with Amanda go to*********************************Original MUSIC by Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs**********************************Are you an artist or writer looking for structure, support and community? Check out Carolyn's project - Homework Club -with with arts consultant and author, Beth Pickens:Homework Club offers creative people strategies for keeping their projects and practices a priority with monthly webinars, worksheets, live QnA’s, accountability pods, and actual homework (that you'll never be graded on. Ever!). Make 2024 a BIG PROJECT year - first month free with code: YourArtMind Your Practice is our podcast.You can visit for more details or listen wherever you stream Between the Worlds.**********************************Get in touch with sponsorship inquiries for Between the Worlds at Yates Garcia (host) & Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs (producer, composer). The BTW logo collage was created by Maria Minnis ( / ) with text designed by Leah Hayes.
Nov 8, 2018 • 41min

SM 5: The High Priestess — Let Your Intuition Guide You

The High Priestess teaches us how to utilize our intuition. Tune in to this episode to learn about the symbolism of this card; what the High Priestess teaches us about trauma, healing and being of service; and how she is inviting you to amplify your own witchy nature....Vocab:Major Arcana - The 22 archetypal cards (numbers 0 through XXI) that make a tarot deck a tarot deck rather than just a deck of playing cards.Magic - changing material reality or consciousness according to one's will; often combines symbols, emotional charge and action to initiate transformation . Suits: - The four sections of a tarot deck that correspond to the suits in a regular deck of playing cards. In the case of the tarot it's cups (hearts), pentacles (spades), diamonds (swords), wands (clubs). Shaman - Shamans are leaders of their communities who used altered states of consciousness to enter extraordinary realms of being and bring back knowledge to help heal their communities. A controversial term, the word shaman was originally coined by Western anthropologists working with the indigineous people of Siberia meaning "someone who works in a trance state." However the term has expanded to include anyone who uses trance-based healing techniques, but most often refers to indigineous practitioners.Heroine's Journey: The common trope of "the Hero's journey" tells the story of a wiley figure who chooses to go on an adventure, has a crisis, wins a victory, and then comes home changed or transformed bringing a gift to his people. In the heroine's journey, by contrast, the heroine under patriarchy is often abducted to the underworld against her will and has to navigate her way out again, finding her own power in the process, then helping others to do the same. Archetypes - an overarching pattern of behavior or a “way things happen”, specifically refers to religion, mythology, symbols, literature and art. See also Carl Jung. Keys - the keys of the tarot are the tarot cards themselves but most often refer to the Major Arcana. They’re called keys because they open up portholes to new ways of thinking. Correspondences - within the occult, objects, symbols, astrological signs, elements, metals, crystals and many other objects and signs relate to each other through a system known as correspondences. For instance, Major Arcana 3, the Empress, corresponds to the planet Venus.  +++Links!**Amanda Yates Garcia (art witch, healer, writer):**www.oracleoflosangeles.comAmanda's InstagramAmanda's Facebook**Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs (musician, artist, producer):**Carolyn's Instagram Learn More About Your Host Amanda Yates GarciaTo join Amanda's MYSTERY CULT on Substack click here.To order Amanda's book, "Initiated: Memoir of a Witch" CLICK HERE.Amanda's InstagramTo book an appointment with Amanda go to*********************************Original MUSIC by Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs**********************************Are you an artist or writer looking for structure, support and community? Check out Carolyn's project - Homework Club -with with arts consultant and author, Beth Pickens:Homework Club offers creative people strategies for keeping their projects and practices a priority with monthly webinars, worksheets, live QnA’s, accountability pods, and actual homework (that you'll never be graded on. Ever!). Make 2024 a BIG PROJECT year - first month free with code: YourArtMind Your Practice is our podcast.You can visit for more details or listen wherever you stream Between the Worlds.**********************************Get in touch with sponsorship inquiries for Between the Worlds at Yates Garcia (host) & Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs (producer, composer). The BTW logo collage was created by Maria Minnis ( / ) with text designed by Leah Hayes.
Oct 31, 2018 • 32min

SM 4: Samhain — Rituals for Halloween (+ to hex or not to hex)

Vocab:Samhain: - Pronounced "Sow-wen", Samhain is the witches holiday on October 31st honoring the ancestors and celebrating the 3rd harvest.Magic: - changing material reality or consciousness according to one's will; often combines symbols, emotional charge and action to initiate transformation . Hexing: A spell directed towards another person or group with the intention of causing them harm. Binding: A spell cast on another person or group with the intention of preventing them from doing harm. ....Books Mentioned in the PodcastLaurie Cabot with Tom Cowan. "Power of the Witch." Delta, 1990.Micheal M. Hughes, "Magic for the Resistance." Llewellyn Publications, 2018.....Links!**Amanda Yates Garcia (art witch, healer, writer):**www.oracleoflosangeles.comAmanda's InstagramAmanda's Facebook**Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs (musician, artist, producer):**Carolyn's Instagram Learn More About Your Host Amanda Yates GarciaTo join Amanda's MYSTERY CULT on Substack click here.To order Amanda's book, "Initiated: Memoir of a Witch" CLICK HERE.Amanda's InstagramTo book an appointment with Amanda go to*********************************Original MUSIC by Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs**********************************Are you an artist or writer looking for structure, support and community? Check out Carolyn's project - Homework Club -with with arts consultant and author, Beth Pickens:Homework Club offers creative people strategies for keeping their projects and practices a priority with monthly webinars, worksheets, live QnA’s, accountability pods, and actual homework (that you'll never be graded on. Ever!). Make 2024 a BIG PROJECT year - first month free with code: YourArtMind Your Practice is our podcast.You can visit for more details or listen wherever you stream Between the Worlds.**********************************Get in touch with sponsorship inquiries for Between the Worlds at Yates Garcia (host) & Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs (producer, composer). The BTW logo collage was created by Maria Minnis ( / ) with text designed by Leah Hayes.
Oct 25, 2018 • 26min

SM 3: The Magician — Making Choices and Using What You've Got

The Magician teaches us how to harness our will and achieve our desires. Tune in to this episode to learn about the symbology of this card, see some examples of the Magician in pop culture, and find out how to use it to create some magic of your own....Vocab:Major Arcana - The 22 archetypal cards (numbers 0 through XXI) that make a tarot deck a tarot deck rather than just a deck of playing cards.Magic - changing material reality or consciousness according to one's will; often combines symbols, emotional charge and action to initiate transformation . Suits: The four sections of a tarot deck that correspond to the suits in a regular deck of playing cards. In the case of the tarot it's cups (hearts), pentacles (spades), diamonds (swords), wands (clubs). Heroes Journey: The common trope of stories that involve a hero who goes on an adventure, has a crisis, wins a victory, and then comes home changed or transformed bringing a gift to her people. Athame: A witch's ceremonial knife.Archetypes - an overarching pattern of behavior or a “way things happen”, specifically refers to religion, mythology, symbols, literature and art. See also Carl Jung. Keys - the keys of the tarot are the tarot cards themselves but most often refer to the Major Arcana. They’re called keys because they open up portholes to new ways of thinking. Correspondences - within the occult, objects, symbols, astrological signs, elements, metals, crystals and many other objects and signs relate to each other through a system known as correspondences. For instance, Major Arcana 3, the Empress, corresponds to the planet Venus. ....Links!**Amanda Yates Garcia (art witch, healer, writer):**www.oracleoflosangeles.comAmanda's InstagramAmanda's Facebook**Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs (musician, artist, producer):**Carolyn's Instagram Learn More About Your Host Amanda Yates GarciaTo join Amanda's MYSTERY CULT on Substack click here.To order Amanda's book, "Initiated: Memoir of a Witch" CLICK HERE.Amanda's InstagramTo book an appointment with Amanda go to*********************************Original MUSIC by Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs**********************************Are you an artist or writer looking for structure, support and community? Check out Carolyn's project - Homework Club -with with arts consultant and author, Beth Pickens:Homework Club offers creative people strategies for keeping their projects and practices a priority with monthly webinars, worksheets, live QnA’s, accountability pods, and actual homework (that you'll never be graded on. Ever!). Make 2024 a BIG PROJECT year - first month free with code: YourArtMind Your Practice is our podcast.You can visit for more details or listen wherever you stream Between the Worlds.**********************************Get in touch with sponsorship inquiries for Between the Worlds at Yates Garcia (host) & Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs (producer, composer). The BTW logo collage was created by Maria Minnis ( / ) with text designed by Leah Hayes.
Oct 18, 2018 • 22min

SM 2 : The Fool — Start at the Beginning

The Fool often appears at the beginning of a journey. At those times we launch ourselves into a new course of action, often because we don't know how difficult it will be once we get into the thick of it. But The Fool is surrounded by guides, guardians and protectors. In this episode, learn how you can access some of yours.....Links!**Amanda Yates Garcia (art witch, healer, writer):**www.oracleoflosangeles.comAmanda's InstagramAmanda's Facebook**Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs (musician, artist, producer):**Carolyn's Instagram Learn More About Your Host Amanda Yates GarciaTo join Amanda's MYSTERY CULT on Substack click here.To order Amanda's book, "Initiated: Memoir of a Witch" CLICK HERE.Amanda's InstagramTo book an appointment with Amanda go to*********************************Original MUSIC by Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs**********************************Are you an artist or writer looking for structure, support and community? Check out Carolyn's project - Homework Club -with with arts consultant and author, Beth Pickens:Homework Club offers creative people strategies for keeping their projects and practices a priority with monthly webinars, worksheets, live QnA’s, accountability pods, and actual homework (that you'll never be graded on. Ever!). Make 2024 a BIG PROJECT year - first month free with code: YourArtMind Your Practice is our podcast.You can visit for more details or listen wherever you stream Between the Worlds.**********************************Get in touch with sponsorship inquiries for Between the Worlds at Yates Garcia (host) & Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs (producer, composer). The BTW logo collage was created by Maria Minnis ( / ) with text designed by Leah Hayes.
Oct 11, 2018 • 25min

SM 1: The Card of the Year / Your Card of the Year

Before we begin, please note that this episode was recorded before the SCOTUS confirmation hearings. The card of this year is Justice (Major Arcana 11). Yeah. Topical, right?In any case, join us as we discuss how to calculate your Soul Card, your Year Card and THE Card of the Year - what "card of the year" means, controversies, karma, what justice is? Do we get justice through punishment and revenge, or through restoration of balance. Technical Stuff:To calculate THE card of the year, add up the numbers of the year: 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 11 = Justice, and some people then reduce 11 down to 1 + 1 = 2 = the High Priestess.To calculate YOUR card of the year, one way of doing it is to add your birth month (for example, April = 4) plus your birth day (let’s say, April 11th = 11) and then add it to the number of THIS year. So: 4 + 11 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 26 . Then you reduce the number to correspond to the Major Arcana, so 2 + 6 = 8A great resource to find out more about calculating the card of the year and tarot numerology is Mary K. Greer’s Tarot Constellations: Patterns of Personal Destiny published in 1987 by Newcastle Publishing Co.Vocab:Major Arcana - The 22 archetypal cards (numbers 0 through XXI) that make a tarot deck a tarot deck rather than just a deck of playing cards.Numerology - a system of divination where numbers correspond to mystical meanings. Archetypes - an overarching pattern of behavior or a “way things happen”, specifically refers to religion, mythology, symbols, literature and art. See also Carl Jung. Keys - the keys of the tarot are the tarot cards themselves but most often refer to the Major Arcana. They’re called keys because they open up portholes to new ways of thinking. Correspondences - within the occult, objects, symbols, astrological signs, elements, metals, crystals and many other objects and signs relate to each other through a system known as correspondences. For instance, Major Arcana 3, the Empress, corresponds to the planet Venus. BOGO - Buy One Get One.  Get InvolvedIf you’re interested in getting more involved politically, here are some ideas for places you can start. Remember, witches aren’t just about love, light and meditation; we get active in the world and work on behalf of justice for all beings.RAICES: support every aspect of legal aid for immigrant families: - Nationals Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline: Midterm election actions:Canvassing is an especially effective approach, and although initially terrifying, it can be, dare we say… fun?!: Swing Left + Sister District provide infrastructure, scripts, etcTextbanking: https://postcardstovoters.orgBake sales (for real!):  Learn More About Your Host Amanda Yates GarciaTo join Amanda's MYSTERY CULT on Substack click here.To order Amanda's book, "Initiated: Memoir of a Witch" CLICK HERE.Amanda's InstagramTo book an appointment with Amanda go to*********************************Original MUSIC by Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs**********************************Are you an artist or writer looking for structure, support and community? Check out Carolyn's project - Homework Club -with with arts consultant and author, Beth Pickens:Homework Club offers creative people strategies for keeping their projects and practices a priority with monthly webinars, worksheets, live QnA’s, accountability pods, and actual homework (that you'll never be graded on. Ever!). Make 2024 a BIG PROJECT year - first month free with code: YourArtMind Your Practice is our podcast.You can visit for more details or listen wherever you stream Between the Worlds.**********************************Get in touch with sponsorship inquiries for Between the Worlds at Yates Garcia (host) & Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs (producer, composer). The BTW logo collage was created by Maria Minnis ( / ) with text designed by Leah Hayes.
Sep 21, 2018 • 21min

SM 0: Meeting Us Witches

Join us for our very first episode of Strange Magic where we introduce ourselves and our podcast and describe what you can expect throughout our podcast season.  We share our perspectives on where magic is right now, how we see witchcraft, what to expect from a tarot reading, and a few tips on how to use tarot in your magical practice. Tune in and say hi.  Learn More About Your Host Amanda Yates GarciaTo join Amanda's MYSTERY CULT on Substack click here.To order Amanda's book, "Initiated: Memoir of a Witch" CLICK HERE.Amanda's InstagramTo book an appointment with Amanda go to*********************************Original MUSIC by Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs**********************************Are you an artist or writer looking for structure, support and community? Check out Carolyn's project - Homework Club -with with arts consultant and author, Beth Pickens:Homework Club offers creative people strategies for keeping their projects and practices a priority with monthly webinars, worksheets, live QnA’s, accountability pods, and actual homework (that you'll never be graded on. Ever!). Make 2024 a BIG PROJECT year - first month free with code: YourArtMind Your Practice is our podcast.You can visit for more details or listen wherever you stream Between the Worlds.**********************************Get in touch with sponsorship inquiries for Between the Worlds at Yates Garcia (host) & Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs (producer, composer). The BTW logo collage was created by Maria Minnis ( / ) with text designed by Leah Hayes.

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