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The Hoffman Podcast

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Mar 10, 2022 • 0sec

S4E04: Ken Druck – Leaving a Legacy of Love

There are so many possible titles for this amazing conversation with best-selling author and internationally-known thought leader, Ken Druck. Grief Literacy; The Harm in Superficial Positive Thinking; Hope Loves Company. Ken ties all of this brilliant wisdom he shares with us into, “Leaving a Legacy of Love.” The Hoffman Process heals us so that love can flow and flourish within us and through us. Healing such as this is possible in the Process when we surrender to the Process. Listen in as Ken shares a pivotal moment from his Process when he deeply surrendered. That moment was a point of transformation for Ken and is a profoundly moving experience to witness. A Hoffman grad of many years and a member of Hoffman’s Advisory Council, Ken’s life and his work of service in the world are a testament to how one’s challenges can alchemize into a blossoming legacy of love. More about Ken Druck: Dr. Ken Druck is a best-selling author, Executive Coach/Consultant, and internationally known thought leader. He has helped countless individuals, families, organizations, and communities turn their greatest losses and challenges into opportunities for becoming the best version of themselves. Ken has inspired and guided his clients, readers, audiences, and the general public for over 45 years. This inspiring work with people all over has earned him the prestigious Distinguished Contribution to Psychology and Visionary Leadership award. His work in healing after loss, parenting, civility, relationships, and aging has helped shape our worldviews. Ken’s groundbreaking books and CDs are The Real Rules of Life, Secrets Men Keep, Healing Your Life After the Loss of a Loved One, Courageous Aging, Raising an Aging Parent, and The Self-Care Handbook. Ken founded the Jenna Druck Center in 1996 to honor his daughter, Jenna. The Center’s award-winning Families Helping Families program provided free grief support services to those who lost loved ones at 9-11, Sandy Hook, and Columbine, to name a few. Ken speaks and conducts training and classes for distinguished audiences worldwide. These include The United Nations, Harvard School of Public Health, Young Presidents Organization, and the University of California, San Diego, Medical School. His work is featured regularly on CNN, PBS specials, top newspapers, and social media sites. Ken lives, is a community leader, and maintains a coaching/consulting practice in San Diego, California. You can find out more about Ken and his many programs here. Also, listen in on a conversation with Ken on YouTube where he speaks of leaving a legacy of love rather than a legacy of chaos. As mentioned in this episode: How we go on after a loss: The Six Honorings    
Mar 3, 2022 • 0sec

S4E03: Barbara Arrowsmith-Young – The Process of Changing Your Brain

Today’s episode with Barbara Arrowsmith-Young and Drew will open your mind to new possibilities in how to change your brain. Barbara is an innovator and author in the field of neuroeducation. Used worldwide, her work utilizing the principles of neuroplasticity to enhance cognitive functioning was begun in 1978. Barbara’s vision is to put the brain into the education equation. She is passionate about enhancing “the learner’s ability to engage with what is out there in the external world.” To support herself in bringing this gift she’d created into the world, Barbara came to the Hoffman Process in 1996. In other words, she had a vision but needed to clear the negative behaviors, moods, and ways of thinking standing in her way. As a result, Barbara has made and continues to make her vision a reality. Looking forward, she sees promise in her work to help addicts rewire their brains, as well as helping those with the cognitive impact of long-haul COVID-19. Through fierce dedication, Barbara has transformed the considerable challenges she was born with into the gift she now shares with the world. She says she won’t ever retire; and that she’ll continue to work in this area until she is “no longer here.“ More about Barbara Arrowsmith-Young: As the Director of the Arrowsmith Program, others have recognized Barbara’s work as one of the first examples of the practical application of neuroplasticity to address learning difficulties. Barbara continues to engage in research to understand how we can drive neuroplastic change in the brain to benefit learners worldwide. Born with severe learning disabilities, Barbara received the diagnosis of having a mental block in grade one. Another way of saying this in today’s world would be multiple learning disabilities. Barbara read and wrote everything backward. In addition, processing concepts in language was difficult for her, she continuously got lost and was physically uncoordinated. Through heroic effort, Barbara eventually learned to read and write from left to right and mask a number of the symptoms of her learning disabilities. Relying on her formidable memory and iron will, she attended graduate school. There she chanced upon research that inspired her to invent cognitive exercises to “fix” her own brain. Barbara’s book, The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, interweaves her own tale with riveting case histories from her more than thirty years of working with both children and adults. You can learn more about Barbara here and at the links below. Links to learn more about Barbara Arrowsmith-Young:   TEDx talk: The Woman Who Changed Her Brain: Barbara Arrowsmith-Young at TEDxToronto   Presentation: Changing Brains, Exploring a New Reality: Neuroplasticity and Learning. Research Overview (downloadable PDF) Free Webinar Series:  Shaping Our Brain: How Neuroplasticity Can Enrich Our Lives Free Book Downloads: The Brain Pioneer, by Howard Eaton (a children’s book) Brain School, by Howard Eaton As mentioned in this episode: Barbara Burke, beloved Hoffman Process teacher, and coach. Alexander Romanovich Luria: Neuropsychologist, often said to be the father of modern neuropsychology. It was Luria’s book, The Man with the Shattered World, that changed Barbara’s world. Mark Richard Rosenzweig: Research psychologist at Berkeley.    
Feb 24, 2022 • 0sec

S4E02: Katie– My Sobriety & the Hoffman Process

Katie and Liz engage in this insightful conversation about the intersection of sobriety and the Hoffman Process. How can the Process support the journey of sobriety? And, how can the journey of sobriety deepen one’s engagement in the Process itself and one’s post-Process experience? After getting sober in 2014, Katie did the Process in the Spring of 2016. After completing the Process, Katie found a way to integrate her Hoffman work into her program of sobriety. Katie came to the Process to help heal her relationship with her mother whom Katie was caring for. Her mother was facing end-stage liver failure due to alcoholism. As an alcoholic herself, Katie was deeply compassionate toward others who were working a program of sobriety. But, it was different with her mother. She resented her drinking and other behaviors. Through the Process, Katie was able to heal her relationship with her mother as well as her resentment toward her mother’s drinking by exploring what her mother’s life was like before Katie being born. This helped Katie see her mother as a person whole unto herself and see her mother’s pain separate from her own.  One of the big things Katie gained from the Process is a sense of neutrality – that people aren’t doing things to her and she doesn’t have to assume bad intent. Katie calls herself a liberal atheist, and as such, she found the ‘God concept’ hard. During the Process, it wasn’t hard for her to tap into her Spiritual Self. She realizes now that her Spiritual Self brought her to that first Twelve Step meeting, guided her to ask for a sponsor, and ultimately brought her to the Process. On a happy note, Katie’s mother’s health is much better. More about Katie: Katie is a Jane of all trades who embodies self-awareness and conscientiousness in everything she does. Her background in art led her to a career in the design tech space where she gets to combine her hunger for business and creativity in San Francisco. As an ex-gymnast, the Hoffman Process helped her separate her perfectionism from her innate love for movement. As a result, she now does acrobatics at a local circus gym. When she’s not working or doing backflips, Katie is working on her latest woodworking project, training her deaf dog Ruby, cooking up her favorite vegetarian dishes, and enjoying the city’s best coffee. As mentioned in this episode: The Twelve Steps and A.A. The Dark Side: Katie and Liz talk about the Dark Side (the aggregate of one’s negative patterns). Katie had related her alcoholism to something like the Dark Side, but when she learned about the Dark Side at the Process and was no longer drinking, she came to see that the Dark Side wasn’t just her alcoholism. It was also her anxiety and all the ways she tries to soothe herself in moments when life gets difficult. H.A.L.T.: is an acronym used within the recovery community. Am I hungry, angry, lonely, or tired? As Katie says, it’s like a mini-quad check.    
Feb 17, 2022 • 0sec

S4e1: Liz Severin – I Know We Will Get Through This

We begin Season four with a powerful conversation with Liz Severin, Hoffman teacher and coach, and our newest podcast co-host. Welcome to the Show, Liz! Liz completed the Hoffman Process about five years ago. Living in a small town in Texas, she’d never heard of the Process but found it through a Google search. Feeling a deep sense of loss of Self and hearing a question inside, “Who am I?” that she didn’t know how to answer, she enrolled. Liz says she truly had no idea what she was getting into. Liz shares how working with our Negative Love patterns helps us know ourselves better. She specifically mentions a pattern of being fiercely independent and feeling like she had to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders. After doing the Process, she now sees that fierce independence is a quality of her Spiritual Self. Liz honors her resilience and openness, chooses independence, and knows when to ask for help. She explains this as the difference between being pattern-led and Spirit-led. The Process can heal so much within us if we are committed to doing the work. Liz shares a very tender experience highlighting how deep the healing can go. As a Hoffman teacher, Liz has dedicated her life to helping others navigate the darkness within in service of finding themselves and their inner light. Liz often says, “I don’t know how we’re going to get through this, but I know we’re going to get through this.” More about Liz Severin: With a master’s degree in Communication Disorders, Liz works as a hospital-based speech-language pathologist supporting neurological patients to recover their cognitive and language skills and swallowing abilities after various traumas. As a Hoffman teacher, her loving presence guides students to rediscover their own inner-knowing, cultivate self-love, and rediscover their purpose. Born in Norway, Liz lived all over the world before moving to the US for high school. Growing up overseas opened Liz’s eyes to a diversity of languages and cultures. It also gave her a deep sense of curiosity about life and people. When she is not teaching the Process, seeing patients, or hosting guests on the podcast, Liz leads a busy life. She runs a small embroidery business, moonlights at a venture capital firm, coaches clients, explores outside, and loves chatting up strangers. Liz enjoys the cold beaches and quiet foggy mornings of her home away from home, the San Francisco Bay Area. As mentioned in this episode: Spirit-led: Liz describes her sense of being spirit-led as surrender to life – “tapping into the deepest layers of my inner being, and trusting and allowing that to take form.” Patterns: Negative Love patterns form the Dark Side and keep us from living our lives in a place of love. Dark Side: The collection of all of our Negative Love Patterns.  
Dec 24, 2021 • 33min

S3e32: A Taste of 2021 – with Sharon Mor & Drew Horning

We wrap up our abundant season three with A Taste of 2021! Our co-hosts, Sharon Mor and Drew Horning, came together to reflect on season three of The Hoffman Process. They listened to many rich moments sprinkled throughout this season and shared with each other the moments that particularly touched them in some way. Drew Horning and Sharon Mor In A Taste of 2021, Sharon and Drew weave these memories together with the experiences they’ve had and the wisdom they’ve gleaned from both hosting this podcast, as well as teaching the Hoffman Process. Each episode of The Hoffman Podcast is filled with heartwarming stories of how Hoffman Process graduates’ lives and the lives of those around them are changed as a result of their work in the Process. These stories offer a glimpse of how change ripples out into the world through the everyday radius of our lives. People come to The Hoffman Process when they are serious about change. The Process has supported changes in the lives of over 100,000 graduates, as well as the lives that each graduate touches. The Hoffman Podcast will be on hiatus until mid-February, 2022. We look forward to creating a new season full of stories with you that tell tales of love’s everyday radius. INTRIGUED by the ‘A TASTE OF 2021’ SHORT CLIPS? If you are intrigued by what you’ve heard, take a listen to the full episode of each Hoffman graduate highlighted. Meander through this list to discover more about the Process and how taking it can bring change to you, your life, and the lives of those you love. These are a sampling of season three’s 32 episodes. You’ll find all of the episodes from all three seasons of our podcast offer a beautiful window into the experience of being human. As mentioned in this episode: Hope Edelman: More Vulnerable, More Fierce Julio Alvarez: The Gifts of Forgiveness Wilma Mae Basta: From Patterns to SuperPowers Marlene McNab: Healing Intergenerational Trauma Indigenous Wisdom: Anita Sanchez, Elizabeth Lindsey, Tim Harjo Hilary Illick: Accepting Our Imperfection  Cynthia Merchant: Trauma and the Process of Healing Dan Sterling: I Live in Massive Forgiveness Eboni Williams: Spirit of Disruption Jason-Aeric Huenecke: A Joy For Living Paula and Tim Floyd: Living the Process, Together Busy Philipps: A Beautiful Space for Peace and Freedom to Exist   SEE YOU IN 2022!    
Dec 17, 2021 • 30min

S3e31: Jamie MacRae – Creativity as a Way of Life

Canadian Hoffman teacher and visual artist, Jamie MacRae, is our guest this week. Jamie has been teaching the Hoffman Process for 30 years. He taught middle and high school for 42 years, while also heading an art department. He knows about creativity as a way of life. Jamie did the Process in 1990 in Ontario. It was only the second Process to be held in Canada, Just two years later, he trained to become a Hoffman teacher, becoming the first Canadian Hoffman-certified teacher. The gifts of the Process were many for Jamie. In doing the deep work that week, he found his truths. He also found the tools and practices he has used to live a life of authenticity, a life lived on his own terms. In this conversation with Drew, Jamie shares many wise words of experience about creativity he’s learned from both teaching and making art. Listen in as Jamie shares what every child (and adult) needs. Knowing this one thing can fundamentally shift our human relationships. MORE ABOUT JAMIE MACRAE: My City 84 24x 48 Mixed Media on Wooden Panel with Resin For 41 years, Jamie was an Art Educator and Head of Visual and Media Art. Immersed in an environment implementing technology in the various teaching formats available to students, he became interested in digital photography and the ability to transform his images in a digital darkroom instead of a traditional darkroom. My City: Impressions 103 Jamie originally trained in printmaking. Therefore, keeping his design background within the framework of his pieces is important. Now retired from teaching, he is following his artistic path. Jamie’s artwork attempts to make a connection between the vibrant urban energy of Toronto and its iconic symbols and locations. The images play with the juxtaposition of abstraction and urbanity, with a realistic undertone. Starting with the Process 30 years ago, Jamie’s journey has led him to where he finds himself today. In the trio of awareness, will, and action, Jamie finds action to be the most important step to take. Taking action truly has fostered his growth in the area of his creativity and personal life. Discover Jamie MacRae’s art and his cityscapes of Toronto. Learn more about his artist’s journey. Finally, discover more about Jamie MacRae’s journey through the Process and beyond as a Process teacher. AS MENTIONED IN THE EPISODE: Jane Jacobs Jane Jacobs moved from the US to Toronto in 1968, bringing her vision and many skills as an urban planner to Toronto. Her work helped shape the city in numerous ways Hoffman Tools and Practices Use Hoffman Process tools, practices, and audio tools to deepen your connection to your Quadrinity. Jamie offers a distinction between Hoffman Process tools and practices. He finds tools useful in fixing something that isn’t working. Alternately, he shares that, “Practices are things I do on a daily basis that keep me connected to my authentic Spiritual Self.”  
Dec 7, 2021 • 38min

S3e30: Lisa Wenger – The Sparkle in the Eyes

Beloved Hoffman teacher and coach, Lisa Wenger, is our guest this week. Lisa has been a part of the Hoffman world since 1989 when she did the Process in Austria. What brought Lisa to the Process? Her brother had taken the Process and afterward, Lisa saw the sparkle in his eyes. Lisa realized that she wanted that same sparkle back. After her Process, she knew her sparkle had returned because she could feel it in her Being. While in the middle of her Process, Lisa realized she wanted to start a Hoffman center in Italy. Once she completed that, Lisa realized she wanted to teach the Process. She feels very fortunate to have trained directly with Bob Hoffman. Listen in as she shares stories of the early days of the Hoffman Process in Europe. MORE ABOUT LISA WENGER Born as the middle child between two brothers, Lisa grew up in an intellectually active family where the psychoanalyst C.G.Jung was like an “invisible” presence. Psychology was often a topic of conversation. She rebelled (silently…) and went off to live in Italy to work in fashion. Lisa took the Hoffman Process in 1989. Immediately during her Process, she felt driven to make it available in Italy. With the support of Bob Hoffman, she created the Italian Hoffman Institute and staged the first process in August 1990 where Bob was teaching. She then trained to become a Hoffman Teacher. She trained partly with Bob Hoffman, and also attended processes in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and France. Lisa spent ten years serving as the Director. She left the Italian Institute in the good hands of her brother and sister-in-law to dedicate herself to teaching and supervising more internationally – in the aforementioned countries as well as the UK, Ireland, Canada, and the US. Since 2003, Lisa has been a part of the US Institute’s faculty. Recently, she stopped teaching the 7-day in-person Process. She wants to be more available to her family and her work handling the Estate of her artist aunt Méret Oppenheim (see below). You can still find Lisa teaching virtually and coaching. Lisa lives with her husband Douglas in a small village above Lake Lugano in the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland. HOFFMAN HISTORY IN PICTURES August ’90: 1st Process in Italy. L to R: Michael Wenger, Bob Hoffman, Lisa, Béatrice Wenger Haab Vienna, Aug ’90, 1st Intl. Hoffman Congress. Lisa (far L), Bob (front 4th from L), Raz (top far R), Kani Comstock, Barbara Comstock, Michael Wenger, Béatrice Haab. AS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE Lisa now handles the Estate of her artist aunt, Méret Oppenheim. Méret was a Swiss Surrealist artist and photographer. She has been recognized as a figure of the women’s movement. In 1982, Méret Oppenheim won the Berlin Art Prize. In 2019, the city of Basel inaugurated a plaza, road, fountain, and a high-rise apartment building in the city center, all named after her. The large fountain features her sculpture Spirale (der Gang der Natur). Recently in 2018, Oppenheim was the subject of a short documentary, Gloria’s Call. Photo at right: Méret wearing a paper coat she made. Photo: Claude LeAnh Méret’s works have been exhibited in Switzerland at Kunst Museum Bern and at the MOMA in New York City.
Dec 2, 2021 • 49min

S3e29: Busy Philipps – A Beautiful Space For Peace & Freedom to Exist

Busy Philipps, New York Times Best-Selling author, actor, activist, and mother, is our guest today on the Hoffman Podcast. Listen in as Busy speaks with Drew about her time at the Process. Busy tells us that through the Process she found her way out of awareness hell, something we learn about during the Process. (Listen in to learn about awareness hell.) She also gained Process tools and practices she now uses each day. Busy now experiences a beautiful space where peace and freedom exist. Passionate and articulate, Busy also shares her activism around reproductive justice. We are grateful for this conversation. MORE ABOUT BUSY PHILIPPS Busy currently stars in the comedy series GIRLS5EVA, produced by Tina Fey, now streaming on Peacock. The series centers on a one-hit-wonder girl group from the ’90s who try for another chance at pop stardom. In 2020, Philipps launched her podcast Busy Philipps Is Doing Her Best. The show features conversations between Philipps and her creative partner, Caissie St. Onge, and their guests, who reflect on times in their lives when a setback led to better opportunities. From 2018 to 2019, Philipps was the host of the late-night talk show BUSY TONIGHT. Philipps served as executive producer on the show, alongside Tina Fey. In 2018, Philipps released a collection of humorous autobiographical essays in her book THIS WILL ONLY HURT A LITTLE that was immediately a New York Times Best Seller the first week. The book offers unfiltered and candid stories and was published by Simon and Schuster’s Touchstone division. Philipps has also used her voice as an advocate and activist. In 2019, she joined the Advisory Board of SeeHer, testified before Congress on reproductive rights after publicly discussing her own abortion, and launched the #youknowme campaign on social media. On the big screen, Philipps was in the STX romantic comedy, I FEEL PRETTY, opposite Amy Schumer and Michelle Williams. She also appeared in Joel Edgerton’s thriller THE GIFT, alongside Jason Bateman and Rebecca Hall. On television, Philipps was seen in HBO’s VICE PRINCIPALS, an 18-episode comedy from the creators Danny McBride and Jody Hill. She also starred opposite Courteney Cox on the popular TBS comedy COUGAR TOWN where she played ‘Laurie Keller.’ AS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE Bashing: Bashing is a form of cathartic release. It’s a powerful and pivotal experience in the Process week. This kind of release supports us in acknowledging, expressing, and transforming strong emotions which may have previously been denied. Expressing emotions like anger or disappointment in this way, we release them from the body. We use the body and our voice to express what we no longer want to hold within us. The more deeply we move into expression, the more space we clear. This creates room to experience forgiveness and compassion. Release work also allows us to feel calm and be able to deal with situations in a  manner. It can stop us from taking our ‘stuff’ out on others, too! In so doing, we claim our power and freedom. (See more at HoffmanUK) Podcast: Download (Duration: 48:42 — 44.6MB)  
Nov 25, 2021 • 36min

S3e28: Kevin Eyres – Beyond the Intellect

Deep in a career in technology, Kevin Eyres, now beloved Hoffman teacher and coach, realized he wanted to grow “beyond the intellect.” As a result, he took the Hoffman Process. Taking the Process supported him in journeying beyond his intellect to a deeper embodiment of his whole Quadrinity – body, emotional self, intellect, and Spiritual Self. Kevin loves to grow through new experiences. Even with this innate love, Kevin’s path to becoming a Hoffman teacher was, in his words, “a rocky road.” With a beautiful heart, Kevin shares how he came up against plenty of negative patterns within himself around status, title, and identity as he followed his desire to become a teacher. One thing Kevin knows from a career in tech and entrepreneurship is that failure is more a state of mind than a static single event. Listen in as Kevin shares a powerful way to reframe failure. If you haven’t yet heard, the Hoffman Institute has an app. Kevin was the project lead and shares with Drew the process of designing and creating the app. The entire project was and continues to be community-minded. MORE ABOUT KEVIN EYRES: With an agile heart, Kevin Eyres helps executive leaders be fearlessly human. He helps them discover that the real challenge often lies in limiting beliefs, and the lack of emotional connection within. He combines his deep business leadership experience with spirituality, mindfulness, and psychology. This supports him to amplify love and self-kindness which ultimately results in leading with courage, agency, and purpose. Previously, Kevin has led the international hyper-growth strategy and operations as the Managing Director of LinkedIn Europe as well as MD for AltaVista International and SideStep/Kayak. He has been a long-time member of YPO and is a top-rated Forum facilitator and trainer. Kevin’s work has a deep common thread of helping others realize the best in themselves. He expresses his talent at guiding others through his work as a teacher at the Hoffman Institute, an executive coach, as well as through his service on corporate and non-profit boards. Kevin loves being a husband and dad most of all. Extra fun activities are ice hockey, singing, cycling, meditation, and geeking out on all things tech and design. AS MENTIONED IN THE EPISODE: The Hoffman App Your journey to discover your authentic self does not end after the completion of a Hoffman course. Rather, it is just the beginning. The Hoffman App is here to support you as you continue this journey, today and far into the future. The app is full of guidance, practices, and visualizations to inspire and help you achieve your personal goals. We like to think of this app as, “Hoffman in your pocket.” It’s available at the App Store.  
Nov 18, 2021 • 56min

S3e27: Ward Ashman & Raz Ingrasci – Hoffman & the Enneagram

Ward Ashman and Raz Ingrasci are our guests today. In this conversation with Drew, they share a little history and some deep understanding of these two living traditions – the Hoffman Process and the Enneagram. The Hoffman Process and the Enneagram share a common root. Together, Ward and Raz explore the nature of transformational work through both the Hoffman Process and the Enneagram. Ward shares with us the work he does with the Nine Doors of the Enneagram in corporate settings. He sees the nine Enneagram points as doors rather than types. Through this new understanding, Ward has guided many in the corporate world to a greater understanding of themselves, those they love, and those they work with. Raz tells the story of how the Hoffman Process came to be with the support of Claudio Naranjo. Naranjo was one of the early pioneers of the Enneagram in the United States. Claudio also worked with Bob Hoffman to refashion the early Process done with individuals into the group setting that it is today. MORE ABOUT WARD ASHMAN: As the founder of Trimergence LLC, a San Francisco Bay Area consulting firm, Ward leverages a lifetime of broad, deep, and unusual life experiences. Ward invented and patented the Trimergence® Turbo Evolution Platform which combines a tightly coordinated matrix of self-awareness and interpersonal tools to address all aspects of human relationships. Trimergence enables leaders, teams, and entire organizations to build collaborative, innovative, creative partnerships based on the required bedrock of mutually evolving trust. The hallmark of the Trimergence system is to enable people to develop sophisticated, precise, and in-depth awareness of themselves and others as a required navigational map to fulfill maximum interpersonal effectiveness and collaboration. Ward finished college, majoring in psychology at the University of Colorado – Boulder, in the late ’60s. Inspired by the intrinsic spirit of cross-cultural adventure and seeking his life purpose, he traveled much of the world for six years. As a result, he had a wide variety of life experiences ranging from performing as a rock star in Prophecy, a band well-known throughout Indonesia and Southeast Asia, to being a yogic monk in India. Once home, Ward pursued his love of psychology, completing a master’s in Marriage and Family Counseling at the University of Santa Clara in 1978. He immediately launched his Ph.D. studies in Clinical Psychology at Temple University, graduating in 1983. His internship at the Philadelphia Child Guidance Center at the University of Pennsylvania gave him an extraordinary background in family systems theory and therapy. These serve as the fundamentals of his work in business and organizations. Ward is a member of the Hoffman Institute’s Advisory Council. He has three children and is married to his wife Diane. Ward loves living in Mountain View, CA, the epicenter of Silicon Valley. MORE ABOUT RAZ INGRASCI: Raz is a UC Berkeley graduate. He’s been an executive, consultant, and facilitator within the “Human Potential Movement” since 1972. He founded the Hoffman Institute Foundation in 1998. Raz is a Hoffman teacher, a member of Hoffman’s Board of Directors, and Chairman of Hoffman International. Raz’s passion for teaching the Hoffman Process is both professional and personal. The Process brings him into the depths of human experience where he learns at least as much as he teaches. Raz took the Process in July of 1989. From that experience, he had three major takeaways: “I knew my marriage would last; I could be a great dad to my young children; and that I’d found work worthy of devoting my life.” Raz lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife, Liza. Listen to a solo conversation with Raz on the podcast. AS MENTIONED IN THE EPISODE: The Enneagram: Merriam-Webster defines the Enneagram as a system of classifying personality types. This system is based on a nine-pointed starlike figure inscribed within a circle. Each of the nine points represents a personality type and its psychological motivations influencing a person’s emotions, attitudes, and behavior. Ward’s Nine Doors Enneagram work sees the nine points as powerful doors into understanding and transformation rather than static types. Claudio Naranjo Fritz Perls Esalen    

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