“Do you recall that famous study which stated that once a person hits an annual income of $75,000, any earnings above that have no bearing on life satisfaction? Well it turns out that number is wrong — but likely not for the reason you think. A brand new study has found that, yes, making more money can lead to greater life satisfaction. But here’s the kicker: It only works if you already possess emotional well-being. Put another way, increased “financial wealth” doesn’t lead to increased happiness if you don’t already have a solid foundation of “emotional wealth.” So how do we solve this money-happiness paradox and learn to build that essential base layer of “emotional wealth”? Enter: Harvard MBA and financial wellbeing guru, Manisha Thakor. In her forthcoming book, MoneyZen: The Secret to Finding Your “Enough”, Manisha shares her candid journey out of the Cult of Never Enough—a painful mindset that tells you the money you earn, accomplishments you achieve, and praise you receive is never enough. Being trapped on the hamster wheel of Hustle Culture for virtually her entire adult life nearly destroyed Manisha’s relationships, health, and sense of self-worth. So she set out to understand why so many of us develop toxic relationships around work, money, and success at the expense of our emotional well-being and, crucially, how to flip this mental script. Manisha wrote MoneyZen to share the powerful blueprint she developed on that journey—one that can be used by anyone irrespective of age, income, or profession—to stop surviving as a human doing and start thriving as a human being. Woven throughout the book are inspiring stories of individuals from all walks of life, sharing their own unique experiences escaping the Cult of Never Enough. Interviews with a wide range of experts, from wealth psychologists and workaholism researchers, to career coaches, economists, and even evolutionary biologists, provide readers with insights on the role that personal, cultural, societal, and physiological factors play in a Never Enough mindset.” While on the show notes page, I’d love for you to join our newsletter. You’ll receive more inspiration and tips to love yourself and live your best midlife. You’ll also get a FREE copy of Michele’s Book, Design a Life You Love (available for a limited time). WHAT YOU’LL LEARN: Why your net worth doesn’t = your self worth. How Manisha got caught up in the culture of never enough and how she managed to finally get out. How her little “T” traumas from childhood set the stage for not feeling good enough and created a desire to be financially free. Why she ended in the hospital twice and how almost dying was still not the wake-up call she needed to change. The moment that she realized she had achieved what she wanted and decided she wanted to living on her terms with more joy and simplicity. The advice she has for us on how to get off of the hamster wheel and take back control. How she’s managed her depression and why it’s important not to judge someone’s insides by how put together their life may look on the outside. Her definition of a good life and much more. RESOURCES MENTIONED Join Michele’s Newsletter Michele on Instagram Michele’s Book Manisha’s Website: https://moneyzen.com/ http://moneyzenbook.com/ Manisha’s Book: MoneyZen https://www.instagram.com/manishathakor/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/manishathakor/ https://www.youtube.com/user/ManishaThakor ABOUT THE GUEST Manisha Thakor has worked in financial services for over thirty years, with an emphasis on women’s economic empowerment and financial wellbeing. A nationally recognized thought-leader in this space, Thakor has been featured in a wide range of publications including the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, NPR, PBS, CNN, CNBC, Real Simple, and Women’s Health. Prior to writing MoneyZen, Thakor co-authored two personal finance books for women in their twenties and thirties. Today her work focuses on helping individuals of all ages to balance financial health and emotional wealth. Thakor earned her MBA from Harvard Business School, her BA from Wellesley College and is both a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and a Certified Financial Planner (CFP). She splits her time between Portland, Oregon and rural Maine. Thank you for listening to the show! If you enjoyed this interview, please take a moment to rate and review it on Apple podcasts. Your reviews are so appreciated! Not sure how to do it? Instructions are below. XO, Michele