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The Good Life with Michele Lamoureux

Latest episodes

Sep 4, 2024 • 4min

Welcome Back - Brief Season Update!

Hey friends, welcome to the latest season of The Good Life with Michele Lamoureux podcast! Lots of great new content to help you navigate midlife and design a life you love. The podcast hit #7 in the United States under the self-improvement category and I want to thank you for sharing the show and being a part of the community! If you haven’t joined the newsletter you can do so below. Feel free to reach out with topics or questions you want addressed on the show! RESOURCES MENTIONED JOIN MICHELE’S NEWSLETTER + Receive A Free Curated List of 52 Self-care Tips Work with Michele Say hi to Michele on INSTAGRAM Bonus Content: Midlife Reinvention – Remember Your Purpose
Aug 28, 2024 • 54min

How to Get Fit + Feel Vibrant in Midlife with Dr. Stephen Cabral

Do you want to get fit and strong in midlife? Are you having trouble losing weight and you don’t know why? Do you want to understand how to improve your sleep so you feel rested and ready for the day? How does understanding your Ayurvedic type impact what you should eat and what kind of workouts you do? What’s the deal with weight loss drugs? What is Zone 2 training? Are cold plunges for everyone? What about sauna? Which fitness trends make sense? How much protein do you need to eat? These are just some of the topics we cover on the podcast with special guest, Dr. Stephen Cabral.   RESOURCES MENTIONED JOIN THE NEWSLETTER + Receive A List of 52-Selfcare Tips CONNECT WITH MICHELE ON IG Buy Michele’s Book 1st interview I did with DR. STEPHEN CABRAL LEARN ANCIENT SECRETS FOR OPTIMAL HEALTH 2nd interview I did with DR. STEPHEN CABRAL: HOW TO BOOST IMMUNITY + TIPS ON LONGEVITY, GETTING IN SHAPE, AND FEELING STRONG! GUEST INFORMATIONWEBSITE:  Equi.Life – podcast he did on weight loss drugs BUY THE BOOK: The Rain Barrel Effect: How a 6,000 Year Old Answer Holds the Secret to Finally Getting Well, Losing Weight & Feeling Alive Again! The Wake Light He Mentioned SOCIAL MEDIA: Guest Bio: Dr. Stephen Cabral, is a Board Certified Doctor of Naturopathy and founder of EquiLife and Integrative Health Practitioner Institute. In his practice he and his team have helped over 250,000 patients. His mission is to help people understand that there is always a reason why you have not achieved your ideal wellness or weight loss goals and that you can and will get well again! If you enjoyed this interview, please take a moment to rate and review it on Apple podcasts. Your reviews are so appreciated and help other women find the show! Instructions are below. XO, Michele
Aug 21, 2024 • 35min

Why Heart Disease is The Leading Cause of Death in Women with Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum - Part 1

“Heart Care is the New Self-Care” – Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum This interview could save your life or the life of a woman you know. Please share it with every woman in your life. Heart disease is the number one killer of women but so many women are unaware of this information. Today’s show is going to spotlight the importance of taking care of your heart health, what the key risk factors are, and how to focus on prevention. While on the show notes page, I’d love for you to join our community. You’ll receive more inspiration and tips to love yourself and your life. You’ll get a FREE copy of Michele’s Book, Design a Life You Love. *This interview is for entertainment purposes only. For medical advice, seek out your trusted healthcare provider.   WHAT WE DISCUSS: The statistics about heart disease and how it is the #1 killer of women. 70% of women don’t realize they are at risk. The role research, the doctors, and even women have played and not changing this statistic in the last twenty years. How we can take ownership of our health since 80% of heart disease is preventable. The importance of preventative care. The blood tests we need as well as the other factors that play into our heart health. The symptoms that women may have and how they differ from men. Knowledge is power here to advocate for yourself. Women still die in the hospital of heart attacks. The importance of exercise, sleep, and meditation. Why Dr. Steinbaum is launching Adesso (means now in Italian) and how it is going to change the landscape of heart health, and more.   RESOURCES MENTIONED Websites: Book: Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum’s Heart Book: Every Woman’s Guide to a Heart-Healthy Life IG: Dr. Steinbaum on IG Adesso on IG Connect with Michele on Instagram   “Since the dawn of recorded time in almost every culture, our heart has been the symbol of our ultimate essence as human beings. Cupid, St. Valentine, the source of songs, poetry and art, our heart elevates that which makes us fully alive: our capacity for love, passion, romance, purpose. Life at its fullest. And yet heart disease is the #1 killer of women. 1 in 3 women will die of heart disease and for the past 20 years, over the course of my entire career as a preventive cardiologist, that figure hasn’t changed. This disconnect, this Grand Canyon from the abstract idea of our hearts and the real working function of the organ at the center of our being, is what needs to change. We know now that preventing heart disease is not defined just by medical data like blood pressure, cholesterol, BMI, sugars and medication. True heart health stems from every aspect of our lives, like stress, relationships, sleep, how we nourish ourselves, how we move and yes, even how we love. As we fully put ourselves and our heart at the center of our lives, we will fully change the course of this disease that 80 percent of the time is preventable. We can and will change this. When we live from the heart, we live! Life at its fullest.”   MORE ABOUT OUR GUEST Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum is a leader in preventive cardiology, now in private practice in New York. She launched heart prevention programs at Mt. Sinai Heart, Northwell Lenox Hill and Beth Israel. She is the CEO/Founder of Adesso, a technology-based prevention model. She is also the author of “Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum’s Heart Book: Every Woman’s Guide to a Heart Healthy Life”, and has been a national spokesperson for Go Red through the American Heart Association for 18 years. Thank you for listening to the show. Be sure to share it with a friend!  We love when women empower other women. If you enjoyed this interview, please take a moment to rate and review it on Apple podcasts. Your reviews are so appreciated! Not sure how to do it? Instructions are below. XO, Michele
Aug 14, 2024 • 49min

How to Breathe for Optimal Health with James Nestor, NYTimes Best-selling Author of Breath – The New Science Of A Lost Art

IN THIS EPISODE: Has an underrated way to improve health been right under our noses all along? James Nestor, journalist and New York Times bestselling author of Breath – The New Science of a Lost Art, was shocked when he discovered that the majority of the population breathes inadequately, reportedly exposing them to a higher risk of allergies, sleep problems, and more. His new book considers both ancient practices and ongoing research, while providing tangible solutions that could help improve your life today.  Our talk is a blend of eye-opening science, fascinating stories, and specific steps you can take to breathe easier while living a good life. All of the show notes can be found at  *This show is for entertainment purposes only and not intended to be medical advice. Always contact your doctor or trusted healthcare provider regarding your health.   RESOURCES + BOOKS MENTIONED:  “Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art” by James Nestor @mrjamesnestor on Instagram @MrJamesNestor on Twitter “The Healing Power of the Breath” by Dr. Richard Brown and Dr. Patricia Gerbarg  Dr. Herbert Benson  Nature – scientific journal      If you enjoyed today’s show, please share it with a friend. Also, subscribe on Apple Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast player! If you enjoyed this episode, would you please take a minute to review it on iTunes?Instructions on how to Rate + Review the Podcast.
Aug 7, 2024 • 48min

How To Have A Great Sex Life in Midlife with Dr. Kelly Casperson

Dr. Kelly Casperson is the best-selling author of You Are Not Broken: Stop “Should-ing” All Over Your Sex Life.  She is on to talk to us about how to have a great love life in midlife.  She explains why women need to stop blaming and shaming themselves when it comes to sex. All of the show notes can be found at RESOURCES MENTIONED JOIN MICHELE’S NEWSLETTER + Receive A Free Curated List of 52 Self-care Tips   WHAT WE DISCUSS: How the medical system is biased towards supporting men and dismissing women. Women are told things like have a glass of wine and relax. Modern medicine is here to help us.  Why we need to stop “shoulding” ourselves with the idea that menopause is natural therefore you shouldn’t need Hormone Therapy. The importance of talking to your partner when things are going well. And why Hollywood and the porn industry convey a false message about what sex should really be like.  As Dr. Kelly says, “It’s fake people.”  Don’t compare your love life to fictionalized characters not representing reality. How women in their twenties don’t have it better. Men don’t know more about our bodies and our pleasure than we do. She shares many myths including the myth that desire should be spontaneous that make women believe they are broken. How the brain is a powerful tool in desire. Combatting vaginal dryness and why Dr. Kelly recommends lube for everyone. The symptoms that arise during menopause and what women can do about it, and more.   RESOURCES MENTIONED Website:  Book: You Are Not Broken:Stop “Should-ing” All Over Your Sex Life    Thank you for listening to the show. Be sure to share it with a friend!  We love when women empower other women. If you enjoyed this interview, please take a moment to rate and review it on Apple podcasts. Your reviews are so appreciated!
Jul 31, 2024 • 41min

Dr. Suzanne Gilberg-Lenz: Author of Menopause Bootcamp on All Things Menopause

Dr. Suzanne Gilberg–Lenz is the author of Menopause Bootcamp: Optimize Your Health, Empower Your Self, and Flourish as You Age. As Dr. Suzanne explains, “menopause is not a disease” but it is something every woman will go through. She shares key information women need to know to navigate their symptoms. She also explains why there are so many changes that can happen with the decline of sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone). If you are confused about menopause this interview is for you! *This is a podcast interview and not intended to be medical advice. Please consult with your trusted healthcare professional for your health-related questions. WHAT YOU’LL LEARN: Dr. Suzanne explains what happens to your body in the 7-12 years leading up to menopause. How hormone levels go from a very regular state to less predictable as the ovaries age and the levels of progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone decline. This is what triggers the various symptoms like hot flashes, brain fog, dryness, etc. Dr. Suzanne explains that there is a benefit to knowing your mother and even grandmothers experience with menopause as your symptoms and when you go through it may be the same. Why we need to focus on our brains, heart and bones with life-style well in advance. The benefits of starting HRT and suggestion to read the NYTimes article on menopause. The benefits of vaginal estrogen. What women who’ve had breast cancer need to know. The benefits of lifestyle modifications: exercise, mindset, and who we surround ourselves with and more. RESOURCES MENTIONED Website: and Book: Menopause Bootcamp IG: Michele on Instagram GUEST BIO: A Diplomat of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Suzanne Gilberg-Lenz, MD, received her medical degree in 1996 from the USC School of Medicine and completed her residency in obstetrics and gynecology at UCLA/Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Dr. Gilberg-Lenz is involved in women’s empowerment and public education and appears frequently as an expert in women’s health and integrative medicine on TV, in print, and online. She is the author of MENOPAUSE BOOTCAMP: Optimize Your Health, Empower Your Self, and Flourish as You Age (Harper Wave; October 11th) Please be sure to share it with your friends who would benefit from this information.  Also be sure to subscribe on Apple Podcasts so you don’t miss an episode.
Jul 24, 2024 • 1h 1min

Why You Need to Understand the Importance of Gut Health with Dr. Robynne Chutkan

VOTE FOR MICHELE HERE: Please vote for Michele for “Best Female Hosted Podcast” and “Education” categories and send us an email at to let us know you voted. Thanks!     Dr. Robynne Chutkan, best-selling author of numerous books which help people up-level their health is here to help us understand the importance of taking care of our gut health. We discuss her most recent book, The Anti-Viral Gut, which takes a complex topic and makes it easy to understand while providing great tips you can implement today. You’ll understand how to make simple, foundational changes in how you eat and live that will have a huge impact on your health and quality of life. If you want to learn how your gut health impacts your overall health and your ability to handle viruses, including Covid — you are going to love this conversation!   While on the show notes page, I’d love for you to join our community. You’ll receive more inspiration and tips to love yourself and your life. You’ll get a FREE copy of Michele’s Book, Design a Life You Love. *This interview is for entertainment purposes only. For medical advice, seek out your trusted healthcare provider. WHAT WE DISCUSS: How Dr. Chutkan evolved her practice to empower others around their health and understanding the role of the microbiome. How her daughter received more than 20 courses of antibiotics by the time she was 2 and how Dr. Chutkan slowly learned the importance of our microbiome and began educating others. She explains what our microbiome is. She also explains dysbiosis. How to make simple, foundational changes in how you eat and live that have a huge impact on your health and quality of life. Specific things we can begin doing today to improve our health, and much more. RESOURCES MENTIONED Website: – register for her free Masterclass Book: The Anti-Viral Gut Dr. Chutkan on Instagram Michele on Instagram MORE ABOUT DR ROBYNNE CHUTKAN Dr. Chutkan is a board-certified gastroenterologist and the bestselling author of Gutbliss, The Microbiome Solution, The Bloat Cure, and The Anti-Viral Gut. Educated at Yale and Columbia, she’s a faculty member at Georgetown Hospital and the founder of the Digestive Center for Wellness in Washington DC. A former Governing Board member and Training Committee chair of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE), she’s authored dozens of scientific articles and lectured globally on autoimmune diseases and the role of the microbiome in health and disease. Dr Chutkan has her own PBS Special entitled “Gutbliss” and has been a frequent medical expert on the Dr. Oz Show, The Today Show, CBS This Morning, and other media outlets. She’s an avid (and slow) runner, squash player and yogi and is passionate about introducing more dirt, sweat and vegetables into her patients’ lives. Thank you for listening to the show! If you enjoyed this interview, please take a moment to rate and review it on Apple podcasts. Your reviews are so appreciated! Not sure how to do it? Instructions are below. XO, Michele
Jul 17, 2024 • 50min

Dr. Valerie Cacho: Sleep Expert on What Women Need to Understand About Sleep + Health in Midlife

Dr. Valerie Cacho is an integrative sleep medicine specialist (MD), wellness consultant, and writer. Her interests and expertise include: diagnosing and treating medical sleep disorders during perimenopause and menopause, women’s sleep concerns, mind-body approaches to insomnia, self-compassion training, clinical hypnotherapy, and promoting sleep health and wellness. This is a fascinating conversation. The show notes can be found at * This is a podcast interview and not intended to be medical advice. Please consult with your trusted healthcare professional for your health-related questions. WHAT YOU’LL HEAR: Dr. Val explains what integrative health is and how she uses it help her patients. She walks us through the sleep cycles.  Each lasts about 90 minutes and happens 4-6 times per night. She shares her opinion on sleep trackers. Ideal sleep in each stage in midlife.  She discusses HRV and what matters for sleep – having a higher score is better.  Lower scores can mean more stress.  She says don’t let the score impact her actual experience – sleep loss due to a positive event doesn’t have the same concern. Snoring in midlife. What happens during a sleep study and the health implications of sleep apnea. The role of dreams. Her opinion on naps and how long they should be and when to take them in order for them to be effective. What happens to women and sleep in menopause.  The holistic ways she helps her patients with sleep. RESOURCES MENTIONED Website:  Freebie: IG: Michele on Instagram GUEST BIO: Dr. Valerie Cacho is an integrative sleep medicine specialist (MD), wellness consultant, and writer. Her interests and expertise include: diagnosing and treating medical sleep disorders during perimenopause and menopause, women’s sleep concerns, mind-body approaches to insomnia, self-compassion training, clinical hypnotherapy, and promoting sleep health and wellness. She is the president and founder of Sleep Life Med, a tele-sleep practice in Hawaii and California. Additionally, Dr. Cacho is the CEO of Sleephoria, an online educational and sleep wellness company for women. Please be sure to share it with your friends who would benefit from this information.  Also be sure to subscribe on Apple Podcasts so you don’t miss an episode.
Jul 10, 2024 • 4min

Summer Update! What's Coming Next - Midlife Women

Hey Friend, I’m working on the next season of the show. So many great new and interesting interviews are being recorded and will be ready to share soon! I also announce a new project that I’m working on that I want you to be a part of. Leave a comment on the show notes page. RESOURCES MENTIONED JOIN THE NEWSLETTER + Receive A List of 52-Selfcare Tips CONNECT WITH MICHELE ON IG Buy Michele’s Book If you enjoyed this interview, please take a moment to rate and review it on Apple podcasts. Your reviews are so appreciated and help other women find the show! Instructions are below. XO, Michele
Jul 3, 2024 • 51min

The Power of Crystalline Sound and Music Medicine with Professor Jeralyn Glass

Have you ever experienced a sound bath? Did you know that sound can be healing and there is science to prove it. Have you heard of music medicine? Jeralyn Glass, the author of Sacred Vibrations, is on the show to teach us about the magic and science behind the healing power of crystalline sound. Be sure to follow the show and share this episode with a friend! XO RESOURCES MENTIONED JOIN MICHELE’S NEWSLETTER + Receive A Free Curated List of 52 Self-care Tips GUEST INFORMATIONWEBSITE: Crystal Cadence website: Jeralyn Glass website: Sacred Science of Sound website: BOOK: Sacred Vibrations: The Transformative Power of Crystalline Sound and Music  SOCIAL MEDIA: YouTube: Instagram: Facebook: GUEST BIO: Jeralyn Glass is an internationally acclaimed singer, musician, and leader in the field of sound healing who has been sharing the gift of music medicine with the world for decades. She began her career on Broadway and has sung on opera and concert stages around the globe. Jeralyn offers a unique alchemical blend of music, meditation, and high vibrational sound. Merging quantum science, bioenergetics, and crystalline singing bowls, Jeralyn helps people facilitate healing and transformation with the power of music and sacred frequencies that nourish our bodies, connect us with our hearts, and awaken our consciousness. Jeralyn has worked with The Cancer Support Community, Providence Trinity Care Hospice, The Compassionate Friends, Veterans Organizations, and Maria Shriver’s Women and Alzheimer’s Movement. She has been among the experts in The Shift Network’s Sound Healing Summit for the past 5 years. If you enjoyed this interview, please take a moment to rate and review it on Apple podcasts. Your reviews are so appreciated! Not sure how to do it? Instructions are below. XO, Michele

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