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Just A Guy In The Pew Podcast

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Feb 18, 2025 • 57min

What God Calls Great w/ Peter Herbeck

We know what the world considers greatness for men; if you’re rich, famous, piling up accolades and running your life on your terms, you’re great in the eyes of the world. As men, we have a deep desire for greatness, but at the end of the day, if we’re not careful, we can look at our lives and think, “Man, my life is kind of irrelevant.” Now, God bless the guys who can achieve those things. But the Church looks at that and says, “That’s good, but it’s not true greatness. That’s not what is celebrated in Heaven for eternity.” True greatness looks like Jesus, taking the position of a slave, emptying Himself on a cross so that we might have eternal life. Join John and his guest, Renewal Ministries executive vice president Peter Herbeck, as they talk about how to pursue the greatness God values. And be sure to check out Renewal Ministries and the awesome ways they're helping folks pursue true greatness. https://www.renewalministries.net/ Launch a Life Changing Group for Men in Your Parish! ⛪️ http://www.justaguyinthepew.com Learn more about our pilgrimage: Walk in the Footsteps of St. Paul in Greece and Turkey with John 👉https://selectinternationaltours.com/product/footsteps-of-st-paul-pilgrimage-to-greece-with-john-edwards-and-fr-james-clark/ Become a Partner in the Pew! 🤝 http://www.donorbox.org/pew DOWNLOADS📚 Get a copy of my new eBook, “12 Ways Guys Can Get Closer to Jesus”! http://JUSTAGUYINTHEPEW.COM/EBOOK
Feb 14, 2025 • 49min

Do Men's Groups Really Work? with Fr. David Aufiero

Fr. David Aufiero grew up in a troubled home, and after losing his father and grandmother, he reluctantly met with a local priest to talk through his difficulties. That one conversation led him to become the man he is today. Fr. David knows well the struggles that men face and that the only way to overcome them is to bring the things we hide in the dark into the light. But it’s hard for men to open up and be vulnerable. How do you even begin to reach a whole parish? That's when he came across Just a Guy in The Pew. We were able to provide him with the tools and resources to get started, and even go in person to his parish to help launch this group for men. Now, more than a year later, Fr. David testifies to the positive effects that come from creating a space for men to support and challenge each other to grow in holiness. Join John and Fr. David this week as they talk about the fruits and transformations they have seen firsthand from developing strong men’s groups. Launch a Life Changing Group for Men in Your Parish! ⛪️ http://www.justaguyinthepew.com Learn more about our pilgrimage: Walk in the Footsteps of St. Paul in Greece and Turkey with John 👉https://selectinternationaltours.com/product/footsteps-of-st-paul-pilgrimage-to-greece-with-john-edwards-and-fr-james-clark/ Become a Partner in the Pew! 🤝 http://www.donorbox.org/pew DOWNLOADS📚 Get a copy of my new eBook, “12 Ways Guys Can Get Closer to Jesus”! http://JUSTAGUYINTHEPEW.COM/EBOOK
Feb 4, 2025 • 36min

Are You Dancing with the Devil?

Here's something you can count on: When you step away from the world, the flesh, and the devil, they’re going to want you back. We just finished our series on True Transformation, and the sort of radical changes to our lives that happen when we grow closer to the Holy Spirit through fasting, prayer, and the Sacraments. Those changes are sure to draw the enemy's attention. Our growth in holiness angers the devil, and he'll do whatever he can to try and slip you up. But no matter how hard he might try, we don't need to fear him or anything he throws at us. The truth is that the devil has no authority over us — unless we give it to him. Join John and Victor in the pew this week as they talk about the realities of spiritual warfare and how to avoid dancing with the devil. Learn more about our pilgrimage: Walk in the Footsteps of St. Paul in Greece and Turkey with John 👉https://selectinternationaltours.com/product/footsteps-of-st-paul-pilgrimage-to-greece-with-john-edwards-and-fr-james-clark/ BECOME A PARTNER IN THE PEW! 🤝 http://www.donorbox.org/pew START A MEN’S GROUP IN YOUR PARISH! ⛪️ http://www.justaguyinthepew.com DOWNLOADS📚 Get a copy of my new eBook, “12 Ways Guys Can Get Closer to Jesus”! http://JUSTAGUYINTHEPEW.COM/EBOOK
Jan 29, 2025 • 29min

What's Taking So Long?

If you’ve ever been to a big conference or a really inspiring parish mission, you might’ve had a moment of encounter that set you on fire for Jesus, only to grow discouraged a little while later when you don’t see immediate progress in your spiritual life. We’ve had that experience too.  God doesn't work on our time though. Instant gratification is what we’ve grown to expect in our culture,  but it's not that way in the spiritual life.  The devil loves to lean into the discouragement that comes from expecting instant growth. It’s a slow process, and it’s easy to forget just how beautiful this long process of spiritual growth is. God knows what He's doing and it's up to us to be patient and to persevere.  Join us in the pew today as John talks about how to put aside our need for instant gratification and the beauty of playing the spiritual long game. Launch a Life Changing Group for Men in Your Parish! ⛪️ http://www.justaguyinthepew.com Learn more about our pilgrimage: Walk in the Footsteps of St. Paul in Greece and Turkey with John 👉https://selectinternationaltours.com/product/footsteps-of-st-paul-pilgrimage-to-greece-with-john-edwards-and-fr-james-clark/ Become a Partner in the Pew! 🤝 http://www.donorbox.org/pew DOWNLOADS📚 Get a copy of my new eBook, “12 Ways Guys Can Get Closer to Jesus”! http://JUSTAGUYINTHEPEW.COM/EBOOK
Jan 21, 2025 • 45min

True Transformation: The Sacraments

Over the last few episodes, John and Victor have been discussing the habits we need to build, and the gifts of the Church we need to engage in to find true, lasting transformation in our lives. This week we turn our attention to the most effective way to receive God's grace in our lives: the Sacraments. The Sacraments are an outward sign of God's grace, and they are crucial to maintaining the transformation we desire. They are gifts that Jesus died for us to receive. They are available to us each and everyday. The question is, do we make ourselves available to them? Grab a seat in the pew with John and Victor as they dive into the Sacraments, discuss how they have provided sustained transformation in both of their lives, and how they have the power to do the same for you. Learn more about our pilgrimage: Walk in the Footsteps of St. Paul in Greece and Turkey with John 👉https://selectinternationaltours.com/product/footsteps-of-st-paul-pilgrimage-to-greece-with-john-edwards-and-fr-james-clark/ BECOME A PARTNER IN THE PEW! 🤝 http://www.donorbox.org/pew START A MEN’S GROUP IN YOUR PARISH! ⛪️ http://www.justaguyinthepew.com DOWNLOADS📚 Get a copy of my new eBook, “12 Ways Guys Can Get Closer to Jesus”! http://JUSTAGUYINTHEPEW.COM/EBOOK
Jan 19, 2025 • 42min

True Transformation: The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is at the heart of everything we’ve talked about so far in this True Transformation series. It’s the Holy Spirit who gives us the strength to fast, the desire to pray, and every grace that flows from the Sacraments. And yet, when we decide we want to make a change and seek to be transformed by God, we so often try to take it all on ourselves, and we can become self-reliant. Jesus didn’t want that for us; He told us He’d send the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, to give us the power and peace that we need — if we let Him. Join John and Victor as they talk about the ways in which the Holy Spirit has ushered true transformation into their lives, and how you can do the same. Learn more about our pilgrimage: Walk in the Footsteps of St. Paul in Greece and Turkey with John 👉https://selectinternationaltours.com/product/footsteps-of-st-paul-pilgrimage-to-greece-with-john-edwards-and-fr-james-clark/ BECOME A PARTNER IN THE PEW! 🤝 http://www.donorbox.org/pew START A MEN’S GROUP IN YOUR PARISH! ⛪️ http://www.justaguyinthepew.com DOWNLOADS📚 Get a copy of my new eBook, “12 Ways Guys Can Get Closer to Jesus”! http://JUSTAGUYINTHEPEW.COM/EBOOK
Jan 9, 2025 • 42min

True Transformation: Growing in Your Prayer Life

We are in the midst of a series about True Transformation, and we kicked it all off last week talking about fasting. While fasting is one of the great gifts of the Church that can help us to elicit change, it's never going to reach its potential unless it is yoked with a solid prayer life. They are two sides of the same coin. Whenever you see fasting in the scriptures, prayer is not far behind. One allows the other to bear lasting fruit. The problem for so many of us, though, is that we don't have a meaningful prayer life. Sure, we go to church and we check the boxes, praying while at Mass or before meals, but so many of us just haven't made establishing and growing our prayer life a regular priority. It's just the truth. If we want to become the men that God calls us to be, then we have to build an intimate relationship with Christ through prayer. Listen in this week as John shares about the importance of building a powerful life of prayer and the effect it can have on sustaining lasting change. Learn more about our pilgrimage: Walk in the Footsteps of St. Paul in Greece and Turkey with John 👉https://selectinternationaltours.com/product/footsteps-of-st-paul-pilgrimage-to-greece-with-john-edwards-and-fr-james-clark/ BECOME A PARTNER IN THE PEW! 🤝 http://www.donorbox.org/pew START A MEN’S GROUP IN YOUR PARISH! ⛪️ http://www.justaguyinthepew.com DOWNLOADS📚 Get a copy of my new eBook, “12 Ways Guys Can Get Closer to Jesus”! http://JUSTAGUYINTHEPEW.COM/EBOOK
Jan 7, 2025 • 50min

True Transformation: Fasting

New Year New Changes Right? That is the hope of most people at the start of a New Year. Often times we find ourselves giving up hope before we begin. We all know the obstacles and impediments that fill our hearts and keep us from becoming the men that Christ calls us to be. So why do we so often fail? The lack of action. True transformation calls for a plan. It can’t just be about desire. When desires meet action true transformation becomes a reality. Listen in this week as John and Victor start a series on True Transformation and focus on one of the gifts of the Church that can help: Fasting. If we are going to be rid of the things that keep us from Christ we must be willing to make an act of the will to choose the better part. Grab a seat as the guys discuss fasting as one of the most powerful ways to find lasting transformation in your life. Learn more about our pilgrimage: Walk in the Footsteps of St. Paul in Greece and Turkey with John 👉https://selectinternationaltours.com/product/footsteps-of-st-paul-pilgrimage-to-greece-with-john-edwards-and-fr-james-clark/ BECOME A PARTNER IN THE PEW! 🤝 http://www.donorbox.org/pew START A MEN’S GROUP IN YOUR PARISH! ⛪️ http://www.justaguyinthepew.com DOWNLOADS📚 Get a copy of my new eBook, “12 Ways Guys Can Get Closer to Jesus”! http://JUSTAGUYINTHEPEW.COM/EBOOK
Dec 19, 2024 • 40min

2025: What Do You Desire?

Welcome to the final episode of 2024! As we wrap up the year, Victor and I reflect on what it means to desire change and align those desires with God’s will. In this episode, we dive deep into the importance of not just having holy desires but taking actionable steps to fulfill them. From personal growth goals to the incredible opportunities God gave us this year through our ministry, we discuss victories, challenges, and the practical ways we can all begin 2025 with purpose and clarity. Let’s make this new year different—not by setting fleeting resolutions, but by recognizing the desires God places in our hearts and working intentionally to live them out. Ready to go all in with us? Let’s take that first step together. Learn more about our pilgrimage to Greece & Turkey 👉 https://justaguyinthepew.com/events/
Dec 17, 2024 • 34min

The Heart of the Matter

In this special Christmas Eve episode, Victor and I reflect on the true meaning of giving your whole heart to God. Too often, we hold back out of fear—fear of being hurt, fear of what surrender really means, or even fear of giving up the “worldly things” that we think will satisfy us. But here’s the truth: the heart is where transformation happens. When God calls us to follow Him, He doesn’t just want our minds or our actions—He wants our hearts, fully and completely. We dive deep into what it means to stop hedging your bets and go all-in with Christ, trusting Him with everything. This isn’t about perfection; it’s about choosing Him each day and giving Him access to every part of your life, even the messy places. From scripture to the wisdom of the saints, we explore why the heart is so central to our faith: - Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart.” - Ezekiel 36:26: God promises to replace our hearts of stone with hearts of flesh. - Psalm 16: David’s example of choosing God as his “portion and cup.” We also talk about the powerful reflections from Archbishop Fulton Sheen and St. Augustine: - Fulton Sheen reminds us that part of our hearts are with God in heaven, and we’ll always feel incomplete until we turn back to Him. - St. Augustine famously said: “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You.” And let’s be honest—this hits home for all of us. So many of us try to “play it safe” with God, hedging our bets and keeping one foot in the world. We share personal stories and struggles with this, and how we’ve learned (the hard way) that true joy and peace only come when we surrender fully to God’s love. And hey, this isn’t just for “perfect Christians.” We talk about how the journey to giving God your whole heart is ongoing—there are ups, downs, mistakes, and grace-filled moments along the way. Jesus doesn’t demand perfection; He asks for our trust, our surrender, and our love. On this beautiful Christmas Eve, we’re reminded that God gave everything for us. He sent His only Son to take on flesh, to live among us, and ultimately to give His life for ours. If God has already given us His heart, how can we not respond by offering Him ours in return?

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