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Her Self: IFS & Spiritual Entrepreneurship

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Jan 17, 2016 • 36min

22 | Becoming a Powerful Female Practitioner with Sarah Powers

Instead of featuring one of my own talks on today’s podcast episode, I’m sharing an excerpt from a talk that one of my own beloved teachers-- Sarah Powers-- gave to our SHE School community a few years back. We in the SHE School sisterhood love Sarah Powers. She’s an incredibly grounded, wise, globe-trotting yogini, who also happens to be a devoted wife, mother, and author. When I first met Sarah in my early twenties, I felt I had finally found a role model for a woman who’s ambitious and successful, while also having a (very) deep practice and a nourishing home life. Plus, Sarah has a really innovative perspective on a woman’s path to wholeness, one that has helped to create the foundation for my own work in the world. In this clip, Sarah shares: * The key practices she recommends ​for becoming an empowered, female practitioner * How to trust your inner signals, and let go of the need for outer verification *Ways to cultivate earthy confidence *Why you need to have a practice that speaks to all of you, rather than just parts of you *​2 things every woman needs to thrive in life. This conversation really helps to pull together all the “Bubble Bath Wisdom” talks I’ve shared with you so far. Again and again, women in The SHE School say how appreciative they are of Sarah’s wisdom. And, since I first learned yin yoga while assisting Sarah’s teacher training at Kripalu all those years ago (and it has since become a staple in my life and teachings), at the end, I’ll share a guided, 15-minute, yin yoga sequence. It’s one that I taught at last year’s SHE Retreat in Mexico-- great for getting grounded, while opening your hips, shoulders, and the power center in your belly. When these get jammed up, we get lost in our thoughts and estranged from our inner knowing. May this talk spark some inner freedom, by helping you to see things a fresh way. Learn more about Sarah Powers: www.SarahPowers.com See the photos for visual guidance in wide-knee child’s pose here: bit.ly/BBW-_4 Learn more about The SHE School: www.TheSHESchool.com Mentioned in this episode:Sorceress CEO Program Dynamic Ad
Jan 14, 2016 • 34min

21 | How to Meditate Like a Woman

In today’s “Bubble Bath Wisdom” podcast episode, I unpack why we women need to include Mindfulness Meditation in our daily lives, as well as offer a practice to help you get started. We women need to cultivate our Inner Warriors. We need to know we’re strong enough to handle the storms of life. We need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. All too often we collapse into the Victim, or the Damsel in Distress, and, in so doing, we miss out on discovering our innate, inner strength. So, good news! It’s totally possible to enjoy the fruits of meditation without the yuck of getting all rigid and heady about it. Listen in, and I’ll tell you how. Mentioned in this episode:Sorceress CEO Program Dynamic Ad
Jan 10, 2016 • 51min

20 | Aligning Your Life Around Your Feminine Cycles

In this clip from the first retreat in Reversing Our “Curse,” I give an overview of how to appreciate and partner with our monthly hormonal cycles (at any age) as constant reminders calling us home. When we align with our cycles, we emerge every month renewed and empowered. At the end, I’ll share a simple, 4-step morning ritual. I never start a day without it! This will help you safeguard your sanity and creativity as you ride the (often tumultuous!) waves of your hormonal cycles each day. Mentioned in this episode:Sorceress CEO Program Dynamic Ad
Jan 7, 2016 • 45min

19 | Daily Practices to Empower Your Year

The first talk of the New Year, given on the final morning of last year’s SHE Retreat in Mexico, illuminates what I recommend every woman include in her daily practice. Because a day without practice is a disempowered day. It’s a day when we’re thrown from the helm of our ship and thrashed about by the waves of life and others’ agendas. Our habitual tendencies take over and sabotage us. And we end the day-- or, worse, the year-- exhausted and feeling like, no matter how hard we try, we’re just never enough. Creating and maintaining a daily practice is something I know so many women struggle with. It’s one of the core things that I mentor women on; and it took me many years to establish mine. The effort was well worth it: now my morning practice is the wellspring of a fulfilled and sovereign life. I could never do what I do or be who I am without it. At the end of this first talk, rather than sharing a practice, as I will in all the forthcoming ones, I offer a comprehensive list (not to be confused with a To Do list!), to offer an overview of the various components I recommend you include for a well-rounded home practice. Over the coming weeks, I’ll then guide you through some of these pieces, and then you can add those teachings to your practice library and use them throughout the year. If you suffer from the “All or Nothing” syndrome, where you think if you don’t do 1 or 2 hours of yoga and meditation a day, then it’s best not to do any at all, I think you’ll find this talk really reassuring. Today’s episode is for every woman- busy mothers, business owners, and golden-year queens. It’s for you if you’ve never stepped on a yoga mat, and if you bring yours with you wherever you go! It helps each of us to establish a direct, personal relationship with the Sacred Feminine, and to bring Her qualities of compassion, love, and radiance forth from within our own bodies, hearts, and minds to illuminate our daily lives. Deep exhale. Was that wisdom talk just what you needed to slow down, re-center, and reconnect to the sacred wholeness of your feminine being? I hope so, dear sister. We women need to build rest, contemplative quiet, and loving connection into our lives. And it’s incredible what 20 minutes here or there can do. Imagine what would be possible in your life if you put this kind of pampering and spiritual practice on autopilot in 2016. If you had regular mini-retreats, daily self-care rituals, fiercely loving mentorship, and a supportive sisterhood to keep what matters most on your front burner. That’s just the beginning of The SHE School 2016: a 9-month spiritual practice community for women. I only open registration once a year (every January- that’s), and we begin on February 1. Click here to learn about The SHE School 2016: www.TheSHESchool.com Mentioned in this episode:Sorceress CEO Program Dynamic Ad
Dec 8, 2015 • 24min

18 | How to Live a SHE-Centered Life

When we’re up against something big in life (which only seems to happen more frequently, with more intensity, as we get older), we need a different approach to scale the seemingly unsurmountable walls that Life places on our paths. We don’t need to become better problem-solvers. Nor do we need to become better people, necessarily. No: we need to move in the opposite direction. We need to stop trying so darn hard. To stop taking ourselves so seriously. We need to revive our little girl magic. Yes! We need to, once again, trust and believe. It’s in this place of surrender to something greater than us that our spiritual path really begins. And it’s in this disposition of faith, that we can finally step off the hamster wheel of incessant self-improvement and allow real, deep, lasting transformation to take root. Welcome to the “ascending” dimension of the Heroine’s Journey, the shooting star to spiritual freedom. And this is the fourth (and final) Bubble Bath Wisdom talk I’ll share before we resume this series after the New Year…. Bubble Bath Wisdom #4: How to Live a SHE-Centered Life In this SHE talk, recorded during the midpoint of our SHE Retreat in Mexico, I shared: *How to shift from living from your small, conditioned self, to living from your higher Self, or your SHE. *Ways to create a harmonious inner family, and thus a more balanced outer life. *The most erotic love affair you’ll ever have. *What to do when life serves you something that seems insurmountable. Today, bring your Inner Little Girl along (don’t let her forget her magic wand!), and let’s take a closer look at how to craft a more heartfelt, effective approach to our most pressing problems. Deep exhale. Was that wisdom talk just what you needed to slow down, re-center, and reconnect to the sacred wholeness of your feminine being? I hope so, dear sister. We women need to build rest, contemplative quiet, and loving connection into our lives. And it’s incredible what 20 minutes here or there can do. Imagine what would be possible in your life if you put this kind of pampering and spiritual practice on autopilot in 2016. If you had regular mini-retreats, daily self-care rituals, fiercely loving mentorship, and a supportive community to keep what matters most on your front burner. That’s just the beginning of The SHE School 2016: a 9-month spiritual practice community for women. We begin our collective Heroine’s Journey in February, but if your heart is already a YES, I’m sharing a beautiful collection of early registration gifts: a LIVE tele-cast Visioning 2016 ritual, a Life Design playbook (where I share my favorite tools for health, life, business, and love), my women’s yoga and meditation kits, and more. If you’re ready to transform in the year ahead… and your butterfly chrysalis feels a little lonely (or confusing!), I’d love to welcome you to our growing circle. Our doors are open for Early Registration until December 12 … and I can’t wait to welcome you. Click here to learn about The SHE School 2016: www.TheSHESchool.comMentioned in this episode:Sorceress CEO Program Dynamic Ad
Dec 5, 2015 • 23min

17 | How to Transform Your Inner Critic into the Sacred Feminine

Today invites the second week of Advent and the first day of Hanukkah. Yes, we’re in the thick of holy. This weekend I’ve had the chance to drop into this sacred time more deeply. On Friday, Keith and I packed up my white Prius (Amia included, much to her delight) and headed up snowy roads to celebrate our five-year anniversary in a rustic, mountain cabin. Relationships challenge and grows us more than anything else in this world, making them the holiest aspect of life. It’s a topic that deserves our attention here, especially at this time of year. To help us dive deeper, let’s explore one of the most primal relationships within ourselves. One within our own psyches, between our Inner Critic and our Vulnerable Child. But most especially: the dimension of the Sacred Feminine that begins to blossom from this relationship when we start to heal. In this clip, recorded on the second afternoon of our SHE Retreat in Mexico, I shared: *The 3 main ways we react and defend ourselves when we feel threatened, stressed, or attacked *What our greatest strength is, as women *Which voices in your head are running your life (and doing a really bad job at it), and what to do about it *How to embrace the feminine dimension of meditation *What Divine Feminine archetypes like Tara and Mother Mary can teach us about Sacred Motherhood (even if you’re not a mom) I love sharing this fierce, yet feminine, approach to the spiritual path. That’s why I fill all of our monthly retreats with the practices we need to fully embody this, in every area of our lives, in my 9-month women’s spiritual practice community, The SHE School. If you’re hungry for daily rituals and simple practices to spark profound shifts in your year ahead, come explore everything we’ll cover in The SHE School 2016. What would your life be like, one year from now, if you went on retreat every month? Who would you be? What would be possible? We formally begin in February, but our sanctuary is open now, for a limited time, to welcome you if you’re ready to put yourself on the front burner...starting now. You’ll receive a bundle of practice supports, including my Women’s Yoga & Meditation Kits, a Life Design guide (where I share my favorite tools for health, life, business, and love). And, best of all, a live Visioning 2016 tele-retreat on Saturday, December 12th, 2015. Click here to learn more about The SHE School 2016, and the gorgeous early registration gifts that await you when you sign up now: www.TheSHESchool.com Mentioned in this episode:Sorceress CEO Program Dynamic Ad
Dec 3, 2015 • 21min

16 | When Self-Care Doesn't Work, Here's What Will

She didn’t see how badly she was hurting herself. “I feel like I should be able to handle this,” she admitted. “I mean, she does so much for me. Who am I to complain?” We were halfway through our mentoring session. I paused, remaining silent on the other end of the phone line. The space between us told me to wait: I knew she wasn’t finished yet. “A part of me feels like I should just suck it up,” she finished. Her throat tightened around her voice, holding back a tsunami of sadness. While spending Thanksgiving with her family, this incredibly deep, wise woman became embroiled in a familiar struggle with her mother. Her new haircut (too short), the mess her green smoothie made in the blender, how she wanted to go for a walk instead of visiting with the cousins-- her mom shot passive aggressive jabs at them all. No matter how calm and compassionate this goddess was in her daily life, when she visited her family, it all seemed to fly out the window. Her mom seemed to know exactly which buttons to push, causing her to regress to a tempestuous five-year-old. Every time. “Let’s pause here,” I inserted. “I want to give some space to the part of you that feels like she can’t handle this. The part of you who wants to complain. The part of you who doesn’t want to suck it up. Can we let her be here, too?” Her sadness swelled, and, through her sniffles, I could hear the tears starting to flow. “Yes, that’s good,” I encouraged, “Let’s give some space to the sadness.” Over the years, I’ve had countless conversations like this-- both with the women I mentor and with myself. When old wounds like this get triggered, no amount of self-care can soothe us. Why is this? Anytime there’s an inner atmosphere of stress, we know that one of our inner family members isn’t getting the attention it so needs and deserves. Rather than colluding with our inner bully (and only increasing the emotional intensity we’re feeling), we need to pause, listen, and be a good parent to ourselves. This is the next step along our Heroine’s Journey, which I spoke about on the second morning of our SHE Retreat in Mexico last month. As the waves crashed to the shore in the background, and as we all settled deeper into our retreat together, I shared: *The root reason why life can feel like such a struggle. *The biggest challenge women face, and how to work with it. *The 2 things that need to be present to feel safe, loved, and accepted for who you are. *How to shift out of the stress response and inner turmoil -- immediately. Ahhhhhh. Was that wisdom talk just what you needed to slow down, re-center, and reconnect to the sacred wholeness of your feminine being? I hope so, dear sister. We women need to build rest, contemplative quiet, and loving connection into our lives. And it’s incredible what 20 minutes here or there can do. Imagine what would be possible in your life if you put this kind of pampering and spiritual practice on autopilot in 2016. If you had regular mini-retreats, daily self-care rituals, fiercely loving mentorship, and a supportive community to keep what matters most on your front burner. That’s just the beginning of The SHE School 2016: the only online course I’ll teach next year. We begin our collective Heroine’s Journey in February, but if your heart is already a YES, I’m sharing a beautiful collection of early registration gifts: a LIVE tele-cast Visioning 2016 ritual, Life Design playbooks (where I share my favorite tools for health, life, business, and love), my women’s yoga and meditation kits, and more. If you’re ready to transform in the year ahead… and your butterfly chrysalis feels a little lonely (or confusing!), I’d love to welcome you to our growing circle. Our doors are open for Early Registration until December 12 … and I can’t wait to welcome you. Click here to learn more about The SHE School 2016: www.TheSHESchool.comMentioned in this episode:Sorceress CEO Program Dynamic Ad
Nov 30, 2015 • 24min

15 | Sacred Questions for Inner Freedom

These women were exhausted. As azure ocean waves lapped in the background, the small group of courageous sisters settled into their cushions in the Meditation Cabin. It was the first morning of our week-long SHE retreat in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. And I could see the fatigue peeking through the excitement on their faces. It wasn’t just the fatigue of the previous day’s travel. It was the longing for deep silence, for oh-so-needed rest, for contemplation and creativity and sensuality and all those things that make women, women. Over the next 20 minutes, I shared the first wisdom talk of our retreat, setting the context for our 7-day journey together. Fittingly, this talk was about the first stage of the Heroine’s Journey: “Leaving Your Normal Life.” If you’ve ever heard the call to your own Heroine’s Journey (and, my dear, if you’re here, you undoubtedly have), you know it can come as quite a challenge. A health crisis, a relationship meltdown, a career shift, a financial disaster. It’s during these tender, transitional times in our lives that we start asking questions. BIG questions. And, simultaneously, we also start asking ourselves (usually unconsciously) some really mean, degrading questions too — ones that only wage more war within us. Sister, the Heroine’s Journey begins with asking questions. And, if we’re lucky (and have a little loving nudge in the right direction), we can make these questions more nourishing, more liberating, more empowering. So that the very questions we ask point us towards freedom. In this opening talk, I speak about: http://bit.ly/1QNgmrL * How to distinguish between the questions that close the doors to your “Inner Quest” v. the questions that open doors. * The three most important elements of the Heroine’s Journey (if you leave even one of these out, it’s incomplete). * A quality you most need to prepare for our journey. Over the next two weeks, I invite you to take a little time to nurture your feminine spirit with this special, seasonal series on our podcast. Every few days, I’ll share a short, 15-20 minute wisdom talk with you (recorded live at my SHE Retreat in Mexico during early November). Each wisdom talk illuminates an aspect of feminine spirituality or a stage of the Heroine’s Journey — and has never before been heard or shared, outside the closed circle of my retreat. Whether you listen to these from a real bubble bath, or these clips simply make you feel like you’re pampering yourself that way — I hope you’ll find some guidance, reassurance, and invitations to deepen your connection with your Self this season. See my favorite potions and ingredients for the perfect bubble bath here: http://bit.ly/1QNgmrL What’s Bubble Bath Wisdom? It’s a sumptuous moment of self-care during this zany holiday season. Because the Heroine’s Journey is paved with silence, beauty, and compassionate rest. It’s also a small taste of my 9-month spiritual practice community for women, The SHE School 2016: the fullest expression of my teachings and the only only program I’ll offer in 2016. We officially begin The SHE School in February, but since so many of you have been patiently waiting for this, I’ve opened the doors now, for a brief Early Registration period. When you join the SHE School now (until December 12), you will receive extra, loving support for this Holiday Season, including my Women’s Yoga & Meditation Kits, an exclusive mini-retreat with me on Visioning 2016, and more. This Bubble Bath Wisdom Series is my gift to you: to inspire moments of stillness and self-love this busy Holiday Season, to support your Heroine’s Journey, and to celebrate the opening of The SHE School 2016. If you’re curious about the teachings included in this 9-month program, or what it’s like to work with me, this series will offer you a wonderful sneak peek. Click here to learn about The SHE School 2016 and all the extra gifts we’re giving you discerning Early Birds: www.TheSHESchool.comMentioned in this episode:Sorceress CEO Program Dynamic Ad
Nov 23, 2015 • 55min

14 | Healing the Mother Wound

Since today is my birthday, I wanted to share you with you a very special conversation-- an interview with my mom about her own Heroine's Journey. And, wow, does she have an incredible story! Over the years, I've watched my mom face her biggest fears: supporting herself financially, mothering four girls into womanhood amidst a vicious divorce, overcoming an addiction and embracing a life of sobriety, confronting her own childhood wounds that had led her to believe she wasn’t worthy of love or happiness. And finally, dedicating her life to healing and generously helping others to heal. Now as she approaches her 70th birthday, her hard, inner work has paid off. She's feeling whole and happy from within for the first time in her life. I hope our words will spark appreciation and healing in your own mother-daughter relationships, and in your relationship with The Mother at-large. For there is nothing more sacred, or in need of healing, than this. This is also the 14th, and final, interview in our SHE Stories series, which I created to herald The Book of SHE into the world this past season. If you've enjoyed these interviews, please let me know by leaving a review on iTunes. Thank you! And I look forward to sharing with you the next phase of our podcast next week. I hope you enjoy our conversation! Come right this way to order your copy of The Book of SHE at www.TheBookofSHE.com. When you register your receipt there before October 30, you’ll receive an invitation to join a complimentary online women’s yoga & meditation class, as well as a live Q & A, with Sara, to help support you as you begin your own Heroine's Journey.Mentioned in this episode:Sorceress CEO Program Dynamic Ad
Nov 19, 2015 • 42min

13 | The Power of Sisterhood with Nisha Moodley

While she admits she's always been a "woman's woman," Nisha Moodley admits that her own Heroine's Journey really began when she fully took a stand for sisterhood. When faced with a divorce, followed by the dissolution of a very deep and meaningful relationship, she recognized just how much she had been deriving her sense of wholeness from men. Nisha's devastation not only led her to surrender in the lap of her girlfriends but it also initiated her into the process of "choosing herself" and cultivating her own intrinsic wholeness. Through this, Nisha learned to partner with challenging emotions as her greatest allies. This allowed her to transform heartache into one of her life's greatest gifts. Tune into our sisterly conversation to discover the tools to help you also "choose yourself." Nisha Moodley is a Women’s Leadership Coach and the founder of Global Sisterhood Day. Inspired by the belief that the world will be set free by women who are free & sisterhood is key to a woman’s freedom, Nisha creates communities of ambitious women to support them in redesigning their lives & businesses. Find her online atNishaMoodley.com I hope you enjoy our conversation! Come right this way to order your copy of The Book of SHE at www.TheBookofSHE.com. When you register your receipt there before October 30, you’ll receive an invitation to join a complimentary online women’s yoga & meditation class, as well as a live Q & A, with Sara, to help support you as you begin your own Heroine's Journey. Mentioned in this episode:Sorceress CEO Program Dynamic Ad

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