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Her Self: IFS & Spiritual Entrepreneurship

Latest episodes

Jun 15, 2018 • 23min

51 | Putting an End to the “Disease to Please”

When we hit rocky roads– inner and outer– is when we’re mostly going to want to lean on the advice of “experts.” But, as I recently heard a wise person say, “Advice is the devil.” And I would have to agree. Leadership comes from taking refuge in your inner wisdom. It asks us to source guidance from ourselves, and then to trust the path we’re shown. Unfortunately, this approach is the exact opposite of the one we’ve been encouraged to follow our whole lives. In today’s SHE Talk, the third in our Poolside Sutras series, I explore this in more depth. (This talk was recorded mid-way through the last SHE Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training in Thailand). In it, I speak about: * How to stop worrying about what other people think * The yogic breathing exercise that Brené Brown uses with her family to calm anxiety and overwhelm * How to get over our fear of failure * Breaking our addiction to stress * The most important quality for feminine leadership (rarely seen on social media) * And more Sisters: A daily practice that attunes you to your inner wisdom is the only way to stop desperately trying to please others and start learning to honor yourself. Life doesn’t teach us this! But, even as adults, it’s never too late to learn this crucial lesson. Doing so is worth it because it’s the only path to what we all want–freedom and unconditional happiness. If you love these Sutras, please consider joining me for my upcoming SHE Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training, now open for registration. At this unconventional gathering, I’ll share the under-the-hood techniques and principles I’ve used in my own yoga & meditation for two decades — and taught to thousands of women, worldwide. Whether you’re aching to support other women or just deepen your own practice, you’ll find the feminine heart of yoga and meditation there. And, yes: we’ll have plenty of beach-time, too. www.SHEYogaTraining.comMentioned in this episode:Sorceress CEO Program Dynamic Ad
Jun 11, 2018 • 35min

50 | Re-Wilding Feminine Leadership

Enough of us are waking up now that we’re starting to see the widespread erasure of undomesticated women from religion, myth, and positions of power. As the lies that we’ve been taught to live crumble, we don’t have historical references to look to to remind us of who we once were. The only place we can look is in our own hearts and bodies. Buried deep in our subconscious, the seats of souls, lives the memories of who we truly are. In today’s Poolside Sutra, I explore this in more depth. Today’s talk is an excerpt from a Q & A session I held mid-way through the recent SHE Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training in Thailand. In it, we will explore: * How to live from a multi-sensory place * My favorite bedtime ritual for clearing energy * Creative ways women can meditate * The flavor of the feminine that’s being birthed through all of us right now * Using your intuition to grow your business * The number one thing that holds us all back * And more. Sleeping Beauty’s spell lives even in the yoga & meditation world. Yes, the Patriarchy also dominates our spiritual lives! What makes you a woman isn’t a nuisance to override through your practice. We need to learn how to reunite with our sensual, body-based wisdom. And, to make this a lifelong endeavor, we deserve practices that we enjoy returning to, day after day. This approach of “unlearning” is what I advocate in our SHE Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training. The next training will take place in Tulum, Mexico from December 1-8, 2018. At the end of this training, each woman will leave with a renewed trust in her inner, spiritual authority– and with all the tools she needs to help the women in her community to do the same. This week is the best time to register for the SHE Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training. When you register before June 18, You’ll receive a $200 discount. Plus, two gifts to support your practice. www.SHEYogaTraining.com Lama Tsultrim Allione’s new book, Wisdom Rising: https://amzn.to/2JHgImL Tara Mandala: https://taramandala.org/ Elizabeth Cronise McLaughlin’s #ResistanceLive: http://bit.ly/2xRCMGu Jennifer Lee’s The Right Brain Business Plan: https://amzn.to/2JGu5mY The Sacred Prostitute: https://amzn.to/2sT9qSm The Book of SHE: https://amzn.to/2HuR3sl The 4-hour Workweek: https://amzn.to/2sJ9tAV Joe Dispenza's Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: https://amzn.to/2t0l0eK I mentioned that “khandro” is Sanskrit, but I meant to say TibetanMentioned in this episode:Sorceress CEO Program Dynamic Ad
Jun 7, 2018 • 33min

49 | The Power of Silence

So many are touting the benefits of sleep these days (hallelujah!), so today I’m going to focus on sleep’s less-talked-about sister– silence. Silence is hard to come by these days. From lawn mowers to garbage trucks, traffic to TVs, we’re constantly being bombarded by... noise. This is one of many the reasons why I offer an annual silent retreat. For seven days, women can undertake a sacred pilgrimage– away from the stresses of their daily lives, to a beautiful place in nature, and into themselves. To give you a taste of these retreats, over the next few weeks I’m publishing some of the talks I gave at a recent one in our annual, summertime podcast series,“Poolside Sutras.” Poolside Sutras are intimate, deep teachings — but, since it’s summer (at least here in Colorado!), they’re meant to be enjoyed on-the-go: on your hikes, chilling poolside or at the beach, or to keep you company during that road trip. The first episode in this series is a talk I gave on the third morning of the silent retreat in Thailand this past February. A little context: we observe silence days on 3-5 (with periods of silence in the mornings and evenings of other days). Listen in to learn: * What powerful, feminine leadership requires * About my surprise date with Barack Obama ;) * How to write the ultimate script for your life, rooting out belittling, unconscious beliefs * Ways to embrace the lost art of “crazy wisdom” to catapult your growth and healing I believe that retreats like these are one of the very best gifts we can give ourselves. This is why I’ve been offering them annually for the past fifteen years. This is why I invest in them for myself year after year. I invite you to join me for our next gathering, The SHE Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training in Tulum, Mexico from December 1-8, 2018. This is both for women who want to teach and those who simply need a retreat. You can learn more & register here: http://sheyogatraining.com/Mentioned in this episode:Sorceress CEO Program Dynamic Ad
May 10, 2018 • 18min

48 | How to Gracefully Navigate the Unknown

I wanted to share the audio from a talk I gave at the end of March here in Boulder at an event called “The Truthteller Tour,” hosted by Kelly McNelis, founder of Women for One.This is the first public talk I’ve given since The Book of SHE came out... two-and-a-half years ago! So, yeah. This was a big step for me. I’m still in the wobbly space between death and rebirth, so, rather than muscling myself into a faux confidence, I gave myself permission to show up in my full rawness. To do this, I spoke about “How to Gracefully Navigate the Unknown.” Women are still contacting me, telling me how touched and inspired they were by what I shared. I hope this talk moves something in you, too. Show notes and links for this episode can be found at: http://www.TheWayoftheHappyWoman.com/podcastMentioned in this episode:Sorceress CEO Program Dynamic Ad
Jan 27, 2018 • 1h 4min

47 | An Exciting Take On Uncertainty

Welcome to the 5th and final episode in the mini-series, “Disrupting the Divine Feminine.” Whether it’s a health problem, relationship stress, the fear that the goodness you’re experiencing will fade, or simply a question mark about your next steps, we all live with varying degrees of uncertainty. It’s inescapable. Even though we like to think that our surroundings are fixed and stable, the truth is, we don’t know if we’ll be here this time next year, much less tomorrow. Rather than spiralling down into anxiety and worry over life’s unknowns, how can you instead use uncertainty and unexpected obstacles as opportunities to be the deliberate creator of your dreams? In today’s SHE Talk we’re exploring: - How outdated principles of Newtonian physics are keeping us boxed inside exhaustion, adrenal fatigue, thinking/playing small, and cycles of repeating our past - Why quantum physics can help us feel more alive, free, and in touch with the truth of limitless possibility that always surrounds us - Ways to adapt your spiritual practice each day to move from victim to victor, sufferer to creator - How to turn your fear of uncertainty into empowered anticipation and bold action I’m saving the best episode for last, because this is the missing ingredient in our world...and your life! I’ll share the tools and practices needed to cultivate a strong, inner vision in The SHE School & SHE Leadership Circle 2018. Both of these personal development and business mastermind sisterhoods promise to to connect you to your feminine spiritual power (your SHE) so you can birth a life you love and live it powerfully. Through integrating women’s yoga, meditation, spirituality, leadership, lifestyle, and more, The SHE School will empower you to (finally!) trust yourself and become the expert on your own life. With cutting-edge monthly teachings from Sara, group mentoring calls, SHE Yoga & Meditation videos, online community, guest teachers, and resources galore….. You’ll receive the fierce and loving support you need to step out of the world of “same-old, same-old” to design the destiny of dreams. Learn more & register here: www.TheSHESchool.comMentioned in this episode:Sorceress CEO Program Dynamic Ad
Jan 23, 2018 • 48min

46 | Overcoming Our Addiction to Experts

Welcome to episode 4 in our mini-series: Disrupting the Divine Feminine. Our intuition was educated out of us when we were very young. Our parents told us to listen to them rather than to how we felt. Now we look to Google for advice instead of into our own hearts and minds, and we’re paying a big price. Isn’t it time you get the education in self-trust that you never got? In today’s SHE Talk, I share: -Why you need to stop asking for (and giving) advice -How we’ve become a culture that’s addicted to experts -What steps you can take to restore trust in your own inner knowing -The key to business success that no one’s teaching -What a real, wild woman looks like in 2018...and how you, too, can be that free In the SHE School & SHE Leadership Circle 2018, you’ll get the mentoring, practices, and sisterhood you need to learn to trust & life from your inner wisdom. Become a woman who lives her truth and feels alive, joyful, and free. Our 9-month journey begins on February 1. Learn more about The SHE School & SHE Leadership Circle here: www.TheSHESchool.comMentioned in this episode:Sorceress CEO Program Dynamic Ad
Jan 19, 2018 • 44min

45 | Are Rituals the New Rules?

Welcome to episode 3 in our mini-series on Disrupting the Divine Feminine. And today we’re going deeper. Externally, do you look successful and put together; but, inside, you feel like you’re really hiding. Do you feel that, deep down, you don’t want others to really see you; and, most of all, you don’t really want to see yourself? You have the whole setup: the color-coded chakra candles, the crystals by your bed, the goddess cards, the recycled yoga mat. Oh! And let’s not forget– Mercury Retrogrades mapped out in your planner through the rest of the year. You’ve changed your external environment to be more harmonious and “Zen,” but, inside, ​do you​ really ​feel more whole​? In today’s SHE Talk, I discuss: - How spiritual fads are making us overly superstitious (and are yet another form of hiding behind masks) - Why the practice of subtracting (rather than adding more rituals, more stuff) holds the key to peace-of-mind and personal power - How moon cycles, periods, astrology, etc. have become more ways that we give our power away - The ritual that will reveal the freedom and connection you’re really seeking (if you actually do it) I warned you that I’m not pulling punches anymore! The talks in this series are a small taste of what I’ll be teaching in The SHE School & SHE Leadership Circle 2018: A 9-Month Spiritual Leadership & Lifestyle Immersion. Here’s where to learn more: www.TheSHESchool.comMentioned in this episode:Sorceress CEO Program Dynamic Ad
Jan 15, 2018 • 42min

44 | Why You Need to be More like a Man

Welcome to the second episode in our mini-series on “Disrupting the Divine Feminine.” In the wake of Harvey Weinstein (et al), I know it’s not fashionable for me to say this. But I love you, so I have to. For us women, becoming unstoppable in life takes being more like a man. If you have the liberty to be reading these words right now, then the biggest thing holding you back is not outside of you. It’s not your boss, your bank account, your childhood, your lover, your kids. It’s you. YOU are what’s holding you back. YOU-- and specifically your own thoughts and feelings--are what keep getting in your way. Now that we’re being honest with ourselves, wouldn’t it be wise to cultivate the tools to STOP doing this? Wouldn’t it be wise to learn to be bigger than your thoughts? Bigger than your feelings? Greater than the sensations in your body and circumstances in your life? In today’s SHE Talk, I share: - How Martin Luther King Jr. (whom we’re honoring here in the U.S. today) exemplifies key qualities of the Divine Masculine for us to emulate - Why you need to get clear on the differences between the “shadow” masculine (ahem- the patriarchy!) and the Divine Masculine within yourself - What the greatest women in history all have in common (it’s not what you think) - Ways that you can start training to become unstoppable in your life...today The episodes in this “Disrupting the Divine Feminine” podcast series are just a small taste of a much larger dose of truth I’m offering this year in my signature, 9-month spiritual leadership & lifestyle immersion, The SHE School. Learn more about it here: www.thesheschool.comMentioned in this episode:Sorceress CEO Program Dynamic Ad
Jan 11, 2018 • 50min

43 | Daenerys, Dakinis & Disrupting the Divine Feminine

In recent years, as we’ve come to revere the Divine Feminine, we’ve replaced one set of rules (work yourself to the bone to prove that you can do the job as well as any man can) for another (drink green juice, wear crystals, and worship the moon and Mercury Retrograde to prove that you’re a good person). Somewhere in the mix of swapping one societal code for another, we’re still missing the point. You are the creator of your life. You are god in the flesh. You are a divine being, in charge of designing your own destiny. The power is inside of you. And you’ll never find it anywhere else. If you’re not yet as happy, healthy, whole, wealthy, successful, vibrant, or (fill in the blank), as you long to be…...maybe it’s time to admit that you’ve been looking for answers in all the wrong places. Will 2018 be the year that you finally take your power back? If your answer is “YES,” then I invite you to come on a journey with me. Beyond the land of “same-old, same-old,” and into the Realm of Extraordinary (aka The Kingdom of Heaven Within). Over the next few weeks, I’ll show you the ins and outs of this mystical landscape in a new podcast mini-series: Disrupting the Divine Feminine. In today’s SHE Talk, I map out: - The (exciting!) new model of womanhood that Oprah debuted earlier this week - Why I’m transplanting the hottest concept from the business world into the field of feminine spirituality & empowerment - How Quantum Physics can help us feel at home in a very uncertain world Why super-sexy, flying fairies (from a 1,000-year-old tradition in Tibetan Buddhism) hold the medicine we’re all seeking today - What Daenerys Targaryen can teach us about embodying new levels of greatness as women If you’re needing to remember that you alone hold the power to create your reality, I hope this episode returns you to your agency. It’s a small taste of what’s to come in the only program I’m teaching this year: The SHE School & SHE Leadership Circle 2018: www.thesheschool.comMentioned in this episode:Sorceress CEO Program Dynamic Ad
Dec 14, 2017 • 36min

42 | Reflections on Turning 40: 7 Things I’ve Never Told You Before

Here we are...the finale of 2017. We made it. I both want to slap this year across the face and hug it tightly and thank it profusely. For breaking me down. For making me strong. For showing me who I am, and who I am not. And for so much more that I don’t have words for yet. For the past several months I’ve been in a deeply internal place. I’ve gone further inside than any other time in my life. While I’m still inside of this process, I wanted to peek my head out today to connect with you before we close for our annual holiday vacation. Today I’m inviting you into my hibernation space, where I’m sharing on the podcast: - What’s alive for me now at the end of two (beyond!) challenging years - Some reflections after turning 40 last month - The form of exercise that has helped me the most (physically and emotionally) - Two self-care rituals I’m loving - What my new daily rhythm looks like (it’s not what you’d expect!) - Health breakthroughs for any woman undergoing an autoimmune or mystery illness - New frontiers in my work coming your way in 2018 This is a new way of sharing for me that feels a little unfamiliar, uncomfortable, and vulnerable. But I now know that those are indicators that I’m moving in the direction of living true to myself. Enjoy! We’re closing for our annual holiday vacation this weekend and will return for a fresh, new year with you on January 3. Oh! And there’s a fire burning in my belly about the new season on our podcast that I’ll share with you then to celebrate the opening of The SHE School 2018. It’s gonna be good…. I’m sending holiday blessings to each and every one of you-- through any and everything that this season brings for you. Show links: The Dailey Method: https://www.thedaileymethod.com The SHE School & SHE Leadership Circle 2018: http://www.thesheschool.com Infrared Saunas: http://bit.ly/SaunaTherapy Anthony Williams/The Medical Medium: http://www.medicalmedium.com Landmark Worldwide: http://bit.ly/thelandmark SHE Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training in Thailand: http://sheyogatraining.comMentioned in this episode:Sorceress CEO Program Dynamic Ad

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