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Inside Schizophrenia

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Aug 17, 2022 • 50min

Dating Tips for People with Schizophrenia

Like anyone, people with schizophrenia want to make meaningful and romantic connections — but many have trouble meeting and interacting with people. As a diagnosed schizophrenic who’s single, host Rachel Star Withers has plenty of experience dating with the condition. She shares her top tips on navigating romance with schizophrenia. From harnessing your personal style to treating your condition with humor, she’s got your back. She also throws in her favorite pickup lines that squeeze in the sometimes daunting topic of schizophrenia if you have trouble breaking the ice.  Psychotherapist and Life Coach Dr. Ashley Snyder also joins us to break down common mistakes people make when they start dating and building their dating app profile, advice for what to expect, and ways to meet a romantic partner.To learn more -- or read the transcript -- please visit the official episode page.Guest BioDr. Ashley Snyder (Psychotherapist/Life Coach) focuses on your entire well-being, physical and emotional, and knows there is a direct relationship between both. Dr. Snyder is directive and supportive in therapy sessions, optimistic that you can make significant improvements to your life and how you are feeling over time. She does not see therapy as a quick fix but believes in long-term change.Her passion is working with you to create a well-rounded fulfilling life, and she practices what she preaches. She emphasizes deep meaningful therapy sessions along with other aspects such as healthy eating, exercise, hobbies, relationships and time in nature. She likes to be clear with goals and how therapy will work to guide you each step of the way.Inside Schizophrenia Podcast HostsRachel Star Withers creates videos documenting her schizophrenia, ways to manage and let others like her know they are not alone and can still live an amazing life. She has written Lil Broken Star: Understanding Schizophrenia for Kids and a tool for schizophrenics, To See in the Dark: Hallucination and Delusion Journal. Fun Fact: She has wrestled alligators. To learn more about Rachel, please visit her website, Howard is an award-winning writer and speaker who lives with bipolar disorder. He is the author of the popular book, "Mental Illness is an Asshole and other Observations," available from Amazon; signed copies are also available directly from the author.Gabe makes his home in the suburbs of Columbus, Ohio. He lives with his supportive wife, Kendall, and a Miniature Schnauzer dog that he never wanted, but now can’t imagine life without. To learn more about Gabe, please visit his website, Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jul 20, 2022 • 49min

Mass Shootings and Schizophrenia

News coverage of murders and mass shootings often puts a spotlight on the perpetrator's mental health, claiming they may be mentally ill with something like schizophrenia. Yet, in 2018, the FBI found that only 5% of active shooters had a mental disorder that includes psychosis.In today’s episode host Rachel Star Withers, who has diagnosed schizophrenia, and co-host Gabe Howard have a frank discussion about whether there’s a connection between having schizophrenia, mass shootings, and mass murder. Mike, a retired military special ops personnel who lives with schizophrenia, joins the discussion to share experience and insight as a trained law enforcement professional and person with the disorder/condition.To learn more -- or read the transcript -- please visit the show's official episode page.Guest Bio"Mike" is a retired military special ops person living with schizophrenia. He now volunteers around the world as a humanitarian worker and creating custom weaponry, some of which is used in the film industry. Inside Schizophrenia Podcast HostsRachel Star Withers creates videos documenting her schizophrenia, ways to manage and let others like her know they are not alone and can still live an amazing life. She has written Lil Broken Star: Understanding Schizophrenia for Kids and a tool for schizophrenics, To See in the Dark: Hallucination and Delusion Journal. Fun Fact: She has wrestled alligators. To learn more about Rachel, please visit her website, Howard is an award-winning writer and speaker who lives with bipolar disorder. He is the author of the popular book, "Mental Illness is an Asshole and other Observations," available from Amazon; signed copies are also available directly from the author.Gabe makes his home in the suburbs of Columbus, Ohio. He lives with his supportive wife, Kendall, and a Miniature Schnauzer dog that he never wanted, but now can’t imagine life without. To learn more about Gabe, please visit his website, Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8 snips
Jun 15, 2022 • 50min

What Is “High Functioning” Schizophrenia?

“High functioning schizophrenia” is not a clinical diagnosis, but it is a term that is heard often when describing how someone is managing life with schizophrenia. So what exactly does that mean? What criteria do you have to meet to be considered “high functioning”?Host Rachel Star Withers, a diagnosed schizophrenic, and co-host Gabe Howard delve into these intense subjects in this episode of Inside Schizophrenia. Dr. Matthew Smith joins us who is a Professor of Social Work at the University of Michigan and a researcher of high functioning schizophrenia.To learn more, or read the transcript, please visit the show's official episode page.Guest BioMatthew J. Smith, PhD, MSW, MPE, LCSW, received his PhD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and completed post-doctoral fellowships in psychiatric epidemiology and biostatistics at Washington University in St. Louis and in translational neuroscience at Northwestern University. Dr. Smith also completed a fellowship on leading randomized controlled trials to evaluate behavioral interventions through the Office of Behavioral and Social Science Research, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. His primary research interests focus on developing and evaluating technology-based interventions that can be delivered in high schools, community mental health agencies and prisons to improve employment and mental health outcomes for transition-age youth with educational disabilities, adults with severe mental illness and/or other disabilities, and returning citizens.Dr. Smith is currently the principal investigator on five projects funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Institute of Justice, the Kessler Foundation and the Michigan Institute for Clinical & Health Research. See research link below for more information on these projects.Dr. Smith's research team includes full-time staff, postdocs and graduate students. Please email about opportunities to join the research team.Inside Schizophrenia Podcast HostsRachel Star Withers creates videos documenting her schizophrenia, ways to manage and let others like her know they are not alone and can still live an amazing life. She has written Lil Broken Star: Understanding Schizophrenia for Kids and a tool for schizophrenics, To See in the Dark: Hallucination and Delusion Journal. Fun Fact: She has wrestled alligators. To learn more about Rachel, please visit her website, Howard is an award-winning writer and speaker who lives with bipolar disorder. He is the author of the popular book, "Mental Illness is an Asshole and other Observations," available from Amazon; signed copies are also available directly from the author.Gabe makes his home in the suburbs of Columbus, Ohio. He lives with his supportive wife, Kendall, and a Miniature Schnauzer dog that he never wanted, but now can’t imagine life without. To learn more about Gabe, please visit his website, Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
May 18, 2022 • 52min

FAQs About Schizophrenia

Since May is Mental Health Awareness Month, our hosts decided to dedicate an episode to the frequently asked questions surrounding schizophrenia. Questions include “What is having a hallucination like?” and “Why won’t my loved one get help?”We also welcome photographer Whitney Yeager, creator of The Sammy Project, which highlights stories of people with serious mental health conditions. She began this endeavor after her son was killed while experiencing an episode of psychosis.To learn more -- or read the transcript -- please visit the show's official episode page here.Guest BioWhitney Emory Yeager / PhotographerCreator of The Sammy ProjectYeager’s mission is to make it socially acceptable to talk openly about internal struggles — to encourage young people today to speak candidly about whatever mental health issues or illnesses they may be experiencing. She believes a shift must be made where someone’s diagnosis does not define them but empowers them to recognize their strengths. It takes great courage to write about one’s mental health, which traditionally is kept very private. She created a photography show called The Sammy Project, in which the participants take agency over their struggles and honor their son, brother, grandson, friend, and neighbor, Samuel Boone Yeager, whose life was cut short on April 3, 2021. Had he felt comfortable to talk about his mental illness and ask for help, Sam would likely still be here today.www.thesammyproject.comInside Schizophrenia Podcast HostRachel Star Withers creates videos documenting her schizophrenia, ways to manage and let others like her know they are not alone and can still live an amazing life. She has written Lil Broken Star: Understanding Schizophrenia for Kids and a tool for schizophrenics, To See in the Dark: Hallucination and Delusion Journal. Fun Fact: She has wrestled alligators. To learn more about Rachel, please visit her website, Schizophrenia Co-HostGabe Howard is an award-winning writer and speaker who lives with bipolar disorder. He is the author of the popular book, "Mental Illness is an Asshole and other Observations," available from Amazon; signed copies are also available directly from the author.Gabe makes his home in the suburbs of Columbus, Ohio. He lives with his supportive wife, Kendall, and a Miniature Schnauzer dog that he never wanted, but now can’t imagine life without. To learn more about Gabe, please visit his website, Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Apr 20, 2022 • 49min

Tardive Dyskinesia in Schizophrenia

Did you know that rocking back and forth isn’t a symptom of schizophrenia — it’s a side effect of the medication used for treatment. It’s called tardive dyskinesia, and it’s a common result of long-term use of antipsychotic medications. The percentage of patients who will experience tardive dyskinesia ranges from 3% to as high as 68% and can have a negative impact on quality of life.Dee Linde, who is a support group leader with the Dystonia Medical Research Foundation, joins and shares her incredible journey with tardive dystonia — a progressed form of tardive dyskinesia. Host Rachel Star Withers, a diagnosed schizophrenic, and cohost Gabe Howard discuss the effects of tardive dyskinesia, personal stories, and ways to manage it in this episode of Inside Schizophrenia. To learn more, visit the official episode page here.Guest BioDee Linde, MA, is a U.S. navy veteran and worked as a licensed marriage and family therapist for 15 years. Linde was diagnosed with tardive dystonia in 1997 and had deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery in 2000. In 2002 Linde founded the DBSforDystonia Yahoo group to offer online peer support and information to those on the DBS journey. She now moderates the Dystonia & Deep Brain Stimulation Facebook group. Linde also leads the Portland, Oregon & Southwest Washington Dystonia Support Group. She has served on the Department of Defense’s Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program’s consumer reviewer panel for dystonia research applications and has testified before the Senate Defense Appropriations Subcommittee urging federal legislators to keep dystonia on the list of conditions included in the Department of Defense’s exclusive research program. Linde is a member of the Dystonia Medical Research Foundation’s Community Leadership Council, a frequent speaker at DMRF events, and a member of the Dystonia Dialogue newsletter’s editorial board. Schizophrenia Podcast HostRachel Star Withers creates videos documenting her schizophrenia, ways to manage and let others like her know they are not alone and can still live an amazing life. She has written Lil Broken Star: Understanding Schizophrenia for Kids and a tool for schizophrenics, To See in the Dark: Hallucination and Delusion Journal. Fun Fact: She has wrestled alligators.To learn more about Rachel, please visit her website, Schizophrenia Co-HostGabe Howard is an award-winning writer and speaker who lives with bipolar disorder. He is the author of the popular book, "Mental Illness is an Asshole and other Observations," available from Amazon; signed copies are also available directly from the author.Gabe makes his home in the suburbs of Columbus, Ohio. He lives with his supportive wife, Kendall, and a Miniature Schnauzer dog that he never wanted, but now can’t imagine life without. To learn more about Gabe, please visit his website, Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mar 16, 2022 • 1h 1min

Money Management for Schizophrenia Costs

Did you know the average American can’t withstand an unexpected $1,000 bill? When it comes to paying for schizophrenia, the two biggest costs are medication, followed by hospitalization. For someone who has had psychiatric hospitalization, the average annual cost of mental health treatment is around $37,000.Host Rachel Star Withers, a diagnosed schizophrenic, and cohost Gabe Howard search out options for managing the financial costs of schizophrenia in this episode of “Inside Schizophrenia.”  Greg McBride, chief financial analyst for, joins us to discuss the best ways to approach unexpected expenses.Guest BioGreg McBride is the senior vice president and chief financial analyst for, the preeminent personal finance website. He leads a team responsible for researching financial products, providing analysis, and giving advice on personal finance to a vast consumer audience. With more than 25 years of experience in personal finance, he is a subject-matter expert who has the unique ability to provide both in-depth commentary and practical advice to consumers. Through's Money Makeover series, he has helped consumers plan for retirement, manage debt, and develop appropriate investment allocations.McBride has appeared on hundreds of national cable and network broadcasts, including NBC's "Nightly News," CBS's "Evening News," and ABC's "World News Tonight," and has been a frequent guest on CNBC and Fox Business. McBride is routinely quoted by major media outlets such as The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today, and is a regular guest on financial talk shows throughout the United States. McBride currently serves on the board of Money Management International of Sugar Land, TX, the nation’s largest nonprofit credit counseling agency accredited by the National Foundation for Credit Counseling, and is chairman of both the compensation committee and the investment committee. He has a distinguished record of serving on boards in the credit counseling industry.McBride has also served on the funding board of the Consumer Financial Education Fund through the Rose Foundation of Oakland, CA.McBride is a graduate of the University of Florida and has earned the designation of chartered financial analyst.Inside Schizophrenia Podcast HostRachel Star Withers creates videos documenting her schizophrenia, ways to manage and let others like her know they are not alone and can still live an amazing life. She has written Lil Broken Star: Understanding Schizophrenia for Kids and a tool for schizophrenics, To See in the Dark: Hallucination and Delusion Journal. Fun Fact: She has wrestled alligators.To learn more about Rachel, please visit her website, Schizophrenia Co-HostGabe Howard is an award-winning writer and speaker who lives with bipolar disorder. He is the author of the popular book, "Mental Illness is an Asshole and other Observations," available from Amazon; signed copies are also available directly from the author.Gabe makes his home in the suburbs of Columbus, Ohio. He lives with his supportive wife, Kendall, and a Miniature Schnauzer dog that he never wanted, but now can’t imagine life without. To learn more about Gabe, please visit his website, Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Feb 16, 2022 • 56min

On the Mental Health Spectrum, Where Does Schizophrenia Fit?

Over the past few years, there has been a major shift in the ways we talk about mental health. Stories go viral about companies putting mental health first, influencers across social media post about the importance of mental self-care — but serious mental disorders, especially schizophrenia, are still being left out of the conversation.Host Rachel Star Withers, a diagnosed schizophrenic, and co-host Gabe Howard, explore where schizophrenia fits into this new wave of mental health discussions in this episode of Inside Schizophrenia.AnnMarie Giannino, the founder of a campaign called What Would You Miss?, joins to share how she has been working to bridge the gap of bringing serious mental health issues into our everyday conversations.To learn more -- or read the transcript -- please visit the official episode page here.Guest BioAnnMarie GianninoWhat Would You Miss?www.whatwouldyoumiss.comBoth a simple question and, perhaps, the seeds of a movement, What Would You Miss? creates a dialogue between people who struggle with mental illness and those whose lives they touch. Respondents have offered answers like “I would miss the way my dog wakes me up in the morning by gently tapping my face with his paw,” “I would miss Christmas time,” and “I would miss seeing how compassionate and caring my kids are.”While depression and suicide are no longer as shrouded in secrecy and shame as they were even a few years ago, the topic can feel like a minefield, especially to someone who is not formally trained to handle it. When someone you love is suffering, the prospect of approaching that person and saying the “wrong” thing can be terrifying. And, if you’re immersed in the struggle yourself, the mere act of reaching out may seem like an imposition that will only drive loved ones away. Simply asking or answering the question, “What would you miss?” connects people on both sides of the dilemma, giving them a softer way to have a difficult conversation.Inside Schizophrenia Podcast HostRachel Star Withers creates videos documenting her schizophrenia, ways to manage and let others like her know they are not alone and can still live an amazing life. She has written Lil Broken Star: Understanding Schizophrenia for Kids and a tool for schizophrenics, To See in the Dark: Hallucination and Delusion Journal. Fun Fact: She has wrestled alligators.To learn more about Rachel, please visit her website, Schizophrenia Co-HostGabe Howard is an award-winning writer and speaker who lives with bipolar disorder. He is the author of the popular book, "Mental Illness is an Asshole and other Observations," available from Amazon; signed copies are also available directly from the author.Gabe makes his home in the suburbs of Columbus, Ohio. He lives with his supportive wife, Kendall, and a Miniature Schnauzer dog that he never wanted, but now can’t imagine life without. To learn more about Gabe, please visit his website, Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jan 19, 2022 • 57min

Inside the Hallucinations of Schizophrenia

What immediately comes to mind when you think of schizophrenia? Most people would say hallucinations. Hallucinations, at least according to pop culture, are the defining feature of schizophrenia. But is that true? Today’s episode discusses how many people living with schizophrenia hallucinate and if hallucinations are all the same. Do people in different countries or from different backgrounds hallucinate differently? Join us to learn the answers to these questions and more!Guest BioPaul Fitzgerald, PhD completed his medical degree at Monash University and subsequently a Master of Psychological Medicine whilst completing psychiatric training. He then undertook a Clinical and Research Fellowship at the University of Toronto and The Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. On returning to Melbourne, he worked as a psychiatrist and completed a PhD in transcranial magnetic stimulation in schizophrenia. Since completing this PhD, he has developed a substantial research program including a team of over 25 psychiatrists, registrars, postdoctoral researchers, research assistants, research nurses, and students.Professor Fitzgerald runs a research program across both MAPrc and Epworth Clinic using brain stimulation and neuroimaging techniques including transcranial magnetic stimulation, functional and structural MRI, EEG, and near infrared spectroscopy. The primary focus of this program is on the development of new brain stimulation-based treatments for psychiatric disorders. Visit him online at Schizophrenia Podcast HostRachel Star Withers creates videos documenting her schizophrenia, ways to manage and let others like her know they are not alone and can still live an amazing life. She has written Lil Broken Star: Understanding Schizophrenia for Kids and a tool for schizophrenics, To See in the Dark: Hallucination and Delusion Journal. Fun Fact: She has wrestled alligators.To learn more about Rachel, please visit her website, Schizophrenia Co-HostGabe Howard is an award-winning writer and speaker who lives with bipolar disorder. He is the author of the popular book, "Mental Illness is an Asshole and other Observations," available from Amazon; signed copies are also available directly from the author.Gabe makes his home in the suburbs of Columbus, Ohio. He lives with his supportive wife, Kendall, and a Miniature Schnauzer dog that he never wanted, but now can’t imagine life without. To learn more about Gabe, please visit his website, Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dec 15, 2021 • 58min

Disclosing a Schizophrenia Diagnosis

If you live with schizophrenia, then disclosing that diagnosis is a decision you’re going to have to make multiple times throughout your life. But, do you have to? What are the pros and cons of disclosing at work, for example? What do you actually say, and to who, at your place of employment? Will it hurt your career?Host Rachel Star Withers, a diagnosed schizophrenic, shares her personal story, thoughts, and tips, and interviews the retired executive director from Disability Rights Ohio and licensed attorney Michael Kirkman to help navigate the Americans with Disabilities Act.To learn more -- or read the transcript -- please visit the official episode page here.Guest BioMichael Kirkman, JD, spent over 40 years as an advocate for those whom society had cast aside, including poor and minority people and people with disabilities. As a lawyer who practiced at the highest levels, including the United States Supreme Court, and who was sought out for consultation with officials at the U.S. Departments of Justice and HHS, as well as state officials in Columbus, his work improved the lives of tens of thousands of people. Prior to his retirement, Kirkman was the executive director of Disability Rights Ohio (DRO), a not-for-profit corporation whose mission is to advocate for the human, civil, and legal rights of people with disabilities. DRO is the federally mandated system to protect and advocate for the rights of people with disabilities (P&A) in Ohio. He previously served as the director and legal director of the Ohio Legal Rights Service, Ohio’s state agency P&A until 2012. Kirkman also served as President of the National Disability Rights Network from 2017 to 2020.Inside Schizophrenia Podcast HostRachel Star Withers creates videos documenting her schizophrenia, ways to manage and let others like her know they are not alone and can still live an amazing life. She has written Lil Broken Star: Understanding Schizophrenia for Kids and a tool for schizophrenics, To See in the Dark: Hallucination and Delusion Journal. Fun Fact: She has wrestled alligators.To learn more about Rachel, please visit her website, Schizophrenia Co-HostGabe Howard is an award-winning writer and speaker who lives with bipolar disorder. He is the author of the popular book, "Mental Illness is an Asshole and other Observations," available from Amazon; signed copies are also available directly from the author.Gabe makes his home in the suburbs of Columbus, Ohio. He lives with his supportive wife, Kendall, and a Miniature Schnauzer dog that he never wanted, but now can’t imagine life without. To learn more about Gabe, please visit his website, Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Nov 17, 2021 • 50min

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Schizophrenia

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a proven treatment for a wide range of mental health conditions and emotional struggles, but many times is not used for treating schizophrenia. Schizophrenia’s symptoms of hallucinations and psychosis are assumed to be too complex for this type of therapy. Host Rachel Star Withers, a diagnosed schizophrenic, and co-host Gabe Howard, explore the types of CBT that best work for schizophrenia. Rachel breaks down her “Monster Technique” that she uses daily to help her deal with her visual hallucinations.Guest Cornelia Larsson, licensed psychologist and psychotherapist, joins to talk in-depth about CBT techniques for dealing with audio hallucinations like hearing voices.To learn more -- or read the transcript -- please visit the official episode page here.Guest BioDr. Cornelia Larsson is a licensed clinical psychologist and psychotherapist who spent most of her career working in Swedish psychiatric clinics. Currently, she’s a doctoral student working toward her PhD by researching psychological treatments for psychosis, and is a course coordinator in psychotherapist education at Centre for Psychiatry Research at Karolinska Institutet & Region Stockholm. She’s also a director of studies for the psychologists at the South-West Psychiatric Clinic in Region Stockholm and gives lectures mainly on cognitive behavior therapy and psychosis. Although Larsson has worked with individuals living with all sorts of psychiatric diagnoses during her career, her main focus the last 10 years have been on individuals living with psychosis and schizophrenia. Clinically, she has taken a special interest in helping individuals with distressing voices, who engage in frequent self-harm and suicide attempts, to change their relationships to their voices and thereby regain hope and quality of life.Inside Schizophrenia Podcast HostRachel Star Withers creates videos documenting her schizophrenia, ways to manage and let others like her know they are not alone and can still live an amazing life. She has written Lil Broken Star: Understanding Schizophrenia for Kids and a tool for schizophrenics, To See in the Dark: Hallucination and Delusion Journal. Fun Fact: She has wrestled alligators.To learn more about Rachel, please visit her website, Schizophrenia Co-HostGabe Howard is an award-winning writer and speaker who lives with bipolar disorder. He is the author of the popular book, "Mental Illness is an Asshole and other Observations," available from Amazon; signed copies are also available directly from the author.Gabe makes his home in the suburbs of Columbus, Ohio. He lives with his supportive wife, Kendall, and a Miniature Schnauzer dog that he never wanted, but now can’t imagine life without. To learn more about Gabe, please visit his website, Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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