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​​Patently Strategic - Patent Strategy for Startups

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Feb 6, 2025 • 1h 16min

Dealing with Rejection: Overcoming 101, 102, 103, and 112

Send us a textSo, your patent application got rejected. Now what? In this month’s episode, we’re talking about rejection. Specifically, the type that comes from the patent office in the form of an intimidating sounding three-digit number when your application gets denied by an examiner.Some time after submitting your application, it goes into a process with the patent office called examination. This is the part of your patent’s prosecution journey where an examiner reviews your application for conformance to technical and legal requirements. If – and usually when – the examiner finds a problem, they will issue an office action that contains specific reasons for the rejection. You then have the opportunity to respond to and overcome the rejection, using various strategies we’ll explore today.    Reasons for rejection fall under four sections of U.S. Statute, Title 35. Sections 101, 102, 103, and 112 dictate that patents must be eligible, useful, novel, nonobvious, and enabled (or properly described). Patents can be rejected or later invalidated if one or more of the claims are determined to be otherwise. Rejection on the basis of these four statutes is fortunately just the beginning of the delicate process of negotiating this important exchange that has promoted and enabled our innovation economy since the dawn of our country. Patent application rejection is common, expected, and can be used very strategically – but perhaps counterintuitively – to end up with the broadest possible protection, while also making sure there’s something in it for the public!** Episode Overview **In today’s episode, Patent Office Relationship Guru Daniel Wright leads a discussion with our all-star patent panel, delving deeply into defining, coping with, and then dealing with patent application rejection. Along the way, Dan and the panel discuss:⦿ Why patent applications are rejected.⦿ The specific types of rejection.⦿ Strategies for how to overcome each, including some wonderful insider insights specifically on how to work with examiners on the human level to overcome rejection.** Mossoff Minute: Patents Aren't Monopolies **In this month’s minute, Professor Adam Mossoff debunks the myth that patents in the United States are monopolies that impede innovation and block economic growth.  ** Referenced Links **⦿ Apply to work at Aurora: https://www.aurorapatents.com/careers-patent-agent.html⦿ Patent Anatomy: https://www.aurorapatents.com/blog/patent-anatomy-whats-in-a-patent** Follow Aurora Patents **⦿ Home: https://www.aurorapatents.com/⦿ Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuroraPatents⦿ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/aurora-cg/⦿ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aurorapatents/⦿ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aurorapatents/ ⦿ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@aurorapatents⦿ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@aurorapatents/
Dec 6, 2024 • 1h 12min

Patent Case Law Review: Obviousness

Send us a textAn invention cannot be patented if the differences between your claimed invention and the prior art are such that the claimed invention as a whole would have been obvious to a person having ordinary skill in the art at the time the invention was conceived. Determining obviousness – and the validity of your patent – is more than simply establishing that the invention doesn’t already exist and that it isn’t documented elsewhere. Its conception must also not have otherwise been obvious to those in the field at the time. If you’re thinking that sounds awfully subjective in the present and highly susceptible to hindsight bias in the future, you’d be right. Beyond being one of the four main drivers for patent application rejection at examination time, obviousness is also one of the primary vectors used by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board for invalidating patents via Inter Partes Review, so it’s essential to get this right so as to limit your patent’s potential invalidation surface area. ** Episode Overview **Kristen Hansen, Patent Strategy Specialist at Aurora, and Dr. David Jackrel, President of Jackrel Consulting, lead today’s two-part discussion with our all-star panel, dissecting recent court decisions impacting the core patenting issue of obviousness. In breaking this all down in terms of how obviousness has been playing out in the courts, Dave, Kristen, and the panel discuss:⦿ Inter Partes Review and how some PTAB strategy deviates from conventional patenting wisdom when it comes to obviousness.⦿ Recent obviousness case law decisions.⦿ Practice tips related to obviousness including analysis of how previously invalidated claims impact future claims, the dangers of being your own lexicographer, and the strategic importance of drafting backup positions in your specification.** Mossoff Minute: PREVAIL Advances **In this month's Mossoff Minute, Professor Adam Mossoff discusses some incredibly exciting news about the PREVAIL Act, which is designed to bring much overdue reform to the Patent Trial and Appeal Board. ** Follow Aurora Patents **⦿ Home: https://www.aurorapatents.com/⦿ Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuroraPatents⦿ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/aurora-cg/⦿ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aurorapatents/⦿ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aurorapatents/ ⦿ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@aurorapatents⦿ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@aurorapatents/
Nov 5, 2024 • 1h 9min

Petition Practice: Correcting PTO Errors With Your Patent

Send us a textPatent examiners can make mistakes. Patent office clerks can misfile paperwork and cause procedural errors. The software tools, document formats like DOCX, and the IT systems your application passes through can have bugs. What recourse do you have when quality issues creep in at this stage? This is where petition practice, fortunately, comes to the rescue. ** Quality Patents Part 5 **This is our final episode in a multi-part series focused on quality patents. The prior four episodes have all been about managing quality for everything in your immediate control. Steps you and your practitioner should be taking before and after your patent is granted. But what about the last mile, where you’re turning your carefully crafted patent application over to the patent office for examination and prosecution?Patent petition practice is the process of filing formal requests, referred to as “petitions,” with the USPTO or other relevant patent offices to address procedural and administrative issues that can arise during the patent application process. Filing petitions can be an essential step to correct course when rules are misapplied, procedural errors occur, administrative actions need to be reversed, or deadlines are missed. ** Guest Hosts: Julie Burke and Michael Spector **Julie Burke is a registered patent agent and former USPTO employee with 20 years of experience at the patent office. Julie rose up at the PTO to become a Quality Assurance Specialist – the type of manager you’d call when your case got off track. During this time, she handled more than 900 petitions at the patent office! After leaving the PTO, she founded her own consulting company, IP Quality Pro LLC, where she helps patent attorneys navigate complex situations in the patent system to protect their inventor’s ideas. This experience from both sides of the petition practice table has given Julie a level of access, experience, and insights shared by few in the industry. Julie is also presently an advisor for Petition.ai, the first searchable database of US patent prosecution petitions and associated documents. Julie is joined by the co-founder of Petition.ai, Michael Spector.** Discussed Links **⦿ Quality Patents Part 1: https://www.aurorapatents.com/blog/quality-patents⦿ Quality Patents Part 2: https://www.aurorapatents.com/blog/ptab-survival-guide⦿ Quality Patents Part 3: https://www.aurorapatents.com/blog/continuation-practice⦿ Quality Patents Part 4: https://www.aurorapatents.com/blog/itc-proofing-patents ⦿ After Final Practice: https://www.aurorapatents.com/blog/new-podcast-after-final-practice** Follow Aurora Patents **⦿ Home: https://www.aurorapatents.com/⦿ Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuroraPatents⦿ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/aurora-cg/⦿ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aurorapatents/⦿ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aurorapatents/ ⦿ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@aurorapatents⦿ YouTube: https://www.yo
Oct 1, 2024 • 1h 7min

Keeping Patent Pirates at Bay: ITC Portfolio Proofing Strategies

Send us a textFor inventors, the promise of the patent system is the right to exclude others from making, using, importing, and selling their patented innovations for a limited period. But how do patent holders actually enforce those rights, particularly when the copycat product is being manufactured outside of domestic jurisdiction? In an otherwise challenging time for rights assertion, the ITC – or International Trade Commission – can be one of the most impactful long-range weapons an inventor has in their arsenal for stopping patent pirates.The ITC has the authority to grant exclusion orders, which are enforced by U.S. Customs and Border Protection to block the importation of infringing products at U.S. ports of entry. But how can you access the ITC, what are its requirements, how can you afford it, and what should you be thinking about now to help future proof your patent portfolio for the most effective use later at the ITC? We’re answering all of these questions in an episode that is part of our ongoing series on patent quality – aimed at not just getting a granted patent but in having one that will hopefully be valuable and stand the test of time.** Guest Host: Evan Langdon **Because experience is the best teacher, we’ve enlisted the help of Evan Langdon to guest host this month’s episode. Evan is a partner at Fabricant LLP and the Chair of its ITC practice. Evan has been focused on ITC litigation for the past 15 years, both offensively and defensively, having represented clients in more than thirty Section 337 cases at the ITC. Evan is recognized among the nation’s top ITC practitioners by Chambers USA and Chambers Global. ** Episode Overview **⦿ What is the ITC and what are its advantages over court-based litigation to stop infringers?⦿ Requirements for filing an ITC Action⦿ Litigation financing options for the ITC⦿ Offensive and defensive strategies at the ITC⦿ Patent drafting and portfolio strategy tips for increasing your odds at the ITC⦿ Masimo v. Apple and the ITC's import ban of the Apple Watch⦿ The recent Lashify case and what it means for the domestic industry requirement** Discussed Links **⦿ Quality Patents Part 1: https://www.aurorapatents.com/blog/quality-patents⦿ Quality Patents Part 2: https://www.aurorapatents.com/blog/ptab-survival-guide⦿ Quality Patents Part 3: https://www.aurorapatents.com/blog/continuation-practice⦿ Patent Anatomy: https://www.aurorapatents.com/blog/new-podcast-patent-anatomy⦿ RESTORE Act: https://www.aurorapatents.com/blog/restoring-injunctive-relief** Follow Aurora Patents **⦿ Home: https://www.aurorapatents.com/⦿ Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuroraPatents⦿ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/aurora-cg/⦿ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aurorapatents/⦿ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aurorapatents/ ⦿ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@aurorapatents⦿ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@aurorapatents/
Sep 6, 2024 • 1h 15min

Continuation Practice: Quality Patents Part 3

Send us a textThere’s not a more important concept that’s more widely misunderstood by those newer to patenting than continuations. So we’re dedicating Part 3 of our series on quality patents to everything you need to know about this essential step for future proofing and increasing the value of your portfolio. Void of pursuing continuations, the language of your patent is frozen in time at issuance. The specifics of the enforceable boundaries of your protection are forever fixed to the claims you chose to pursue with your initial application – but not necessarily with the full breadth of your invention as conceived. For many reasons, practitioners and inventors will often choose to limit how much of an invention is claimed in an initial application. But then the future happens. Case law changes. New competitors arise. New prior art surfaces. And challenges may come in the form of litigation or IPRs as we discussed in our last episode. With a closed family, all you can do is hope you had the right foresight to predict this future with your static document.Continuations, on the other hand, allow patent owners to keep patent families open – in other words, not textually frozen in time at issuance. When done right and timely, the patent family becomes a series of living documents, allowing a patent owner to claim and capture the full scope and breadth of the conceived innovation, but with the benefit of hindsight, known R&D outcomes, and changing market conditions.** Episode Overview  **⦿ The basics of continuation practice and its strategic benefits⦿ Types of continuation applications and how and when each applies⦿ The close cousin concepts of terminal disclaimers and prosecution latches⦿ The potential unfortunate consequences of the recent Sonos v. Google decision regarding a very common use of continuation practice** Mossoff Minute  **In this month's Mossoff Minute, Adam discusses the introduction of the RESTORE Act. This is an exciting new piece of legislation aimed at restoring patent owners’ abilities to obtain injunctions to stop infringers from continuing to steal innovations after being found guilty of doing so. ** Discussed Links **⦿ Quality Patents Part 1: https://www.aurorapatents.com/blog/quality-patents⦿ Quality Patents Part 2: https://www.aurorapatents.com/blog/ptab-survival-guide⦿ Patent Anatomy: https://www.aurorapatents.com/blog/new-podcast-patent-anatomy** Follow Aurora Patents **⦿ Home: https://www.aurorapatents.com/⦿ Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuroraPatents⦿ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/aurora-cg/⦿ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aurorapatents/⦿ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aurorapatents/ ⦿ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@aurorapatents⦿ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@aurorapatents/Thanks for listening! ---Note: The contents of this podcast do not constitute legal advice.
Aug 1, 2024 • 1h 10min

PTAB Survival Guide: Quality Patents Part 2

Send us a textThe most terrifying thing that can happen to a patent owner is receiving what’s called an IPR or Inter Partes Review petition. This is a tool that accused infringers can use to invalidate patents. And they have … to alarming effect. As we’ve discussed, the kill rate at the PTAB is staggering. The Patent Trial and Appeal Board – or as regular listeners of this audience more commonly know it as, the "Patent Death Squad" – has racked up a claim execution rate north of 84% and the death of thousands of valid patents at the hands of infringers looking to profit from innovations they didn’t invest in to create. This is an institution that is clearly out of balance and screaming for reform.And while we continue to diligently work toward those necessary reform solutions, we also have to deal with the world as it is and craft the highest quality, most future-proof patents possible. So we’re dedicating Part 2 of our series on Patent Quality to creating a guide for how to help IPR proof your patent – things you can do when you write and prosecute patent applications before an examiner to maximize the likelihood that the resulting patent will survive the IPR that it will eventually experience if it’s a valuable patent. ** Guest Host: Matt Phillips **Your expert author of this guide is someone who’s spent considerable time in the belly of the beast, successfully representing both petitioners and patent owners. Matt Phillips is a clear thinker, a great speaker, and draws from a deep well of real world expertise built from both sides of the IPR table.  His practice focuses on post grant proceedings including review proceedings at the PTAB, reexaminations, and reissues. According to Matt, post-grant proceedings are about 80% of what he’s done for the past 10-15 years. He also created and taught the “Post-Grant Patent Practice” course for the Patent Resources Group for eleven years and is a co-author of a two-volume treatise of the same name. Matt has taught as an adjunct law school professor. He has published over 40 articles on post-grant patent topics and been an invited speaker around the country and internationally on post-grant topics.** Discussed Links **⦿ Quality Patents Part 1: https://www.aurorapatents.com/blog/quality-patents⦿ Patent Anatomy: https://www.aurorapatents.com/blog/new-podcast-patent-anatomy⦿ Patent Wars: https://www.aurorapatents.com/blog/patent-wars-innovators-revolutionaries-and-the-race-to-reform⦿ American Inventor Horror Story: https://www.aurorapatents.com/blog/new-podcast-american-inventor-horror-story** Follow Aurora Patents **⦿ Home: https://www.aurorapatents.com/⦿ Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuroraPatents⦿ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/aurora-cg/⦿ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aurorapatents/⦿ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aurorapatents/ ⦿ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@aurorapatents⦿ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@aurorapatents/
Jul 2, 2024 • 1h 4min

Quality Patents

Send us a textIs your patent a vanity piece of paper for your office wall? Or is it a reliable, defendable, assertable, property right? The difference is often quality. Is your patent simply a transactional cost and a large pile of legal bills for your startup? Or is it a leverageable asset worthy of attracting precious investment dollars, worth its cost in multiples of valuation? The difference is often quality.Is your patent application only good enough to get through the examination process? Or has it been crafted to stand the tests of time and varied audiences if you later need to assert that document against an infringer, find yourself litigating with it in an Article 3 Court at the hands of a judge and jury, God forbid, end up having to defend its validity at the PTAB, or even needing to use it to block pirated imports at the International Trade Commission? The difference is often quality.Quality will be our focus for a good chunk of the remainder of this season. What goes into a quality patent, and where possible, how do you get it without breaking the bank? ** Episode Overview **In this first episode of our quality series, Kristen Hansen and the panel discuss:⦿ What do we mean when we say patent quality?⦿ Why is patent quality important?⦿ How to balance quality and budget⦿ The importance of searching, continuations, and draftsperson domain expertise⦿ Very practical tips, tricks, examples, and Kristen’s Musts for drafting quality applications** Mossoff Minute **In this month's Mossoff Minute, in honor of celebrating America’s independence, we’re flashing back to our conversation with Professor Adam Mossoff about why patents exist, how the US system differed from all predecessors, and how the Founders’ notions of the core principles of democracy are inextricably linked with the societal good that comes from innovation and intellectual property protection.** Discussed Links **⦿ Patent Anatomy: https://www.aurorapatents.com/blog/new-podcast-patent-anatomy⦿ Claim Construction: https://www.aurorapatents.com/blog/claim-construction⦿ Patent Wars: https://www.aurorapatents.com/blog/patent-wars-innovators-revolutionaries-and-the-race-to-reform⦿ American Inventor Horror Story: https://www.aurorapatents.com/blog/new-podcast-american-inventor-horror-story** Follow Aurora Patents **⦿ Home: https://www.aurorapatents.com/⦿ Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuroraPatents⦿ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/aurora-cg/⦿ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aurorapatents/⦿ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aurorapatents/ ⦿ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@aurorapatents⦿ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@aurorapatents/Thanks for listening! ---Note: The contents of this podcast do not constitute legal advice.
Jun 3, 2024 • 1h 7min

Inventor Stories: Robert Cameron and the Power of Perseverance

Send us a textWe’ve seen few entrepreneurial success stories that haven’t involved heavy doses of perseverance, grit, observation, and creative problem-solving. Today’s guest possesses these qualities in spades. And while I can’t necessarily recommend some of the more death-defying specifics of his approach … at least not without a lot of “don’t try this at home” fine print :)  … I do think that most inventors and aspiring entrepreneurs will benefit immensely from studying our guest's thoughtfully crafted, time-tested, and wildly inventive approaches to innovation and business.Robert Cameron is the Owner and CEO of Multi Wedge – as well as the inventor of some brilliant products sold under the same name. Multi Wedge non-marring pry tools are designed to pry delicate materials without damage. These are excellent tools for woodworking, electrical wiring, delicate mechanical work, and so much more. Robert’s wedges were recently tested by SpaceEx and used in the manufacturing process of Jet Engines at G.E Aviation. And of slightly less significance, but much closer to home, found under the Christmas trees of several of my closest relatives this past December. Robert has molded 1.3 million 3-piece sets, 3.3 million single wedges, and has been selling Multi Wedge in over 18,000 stores since 2010. I met Robert back in October at the US Inventor Conference in DC. I was lucky enough to bump into him over dinner when he shared his incredible story with me. It's one of the funniest and most inspiring success stories you’ll hear.** Mossoff Minute **In this month's Mossoff Minute, Professor Adam Mossoff discusses findings from the recently published World IP Day Patent Litigation Study. This study clearly shows problems with the patent system but not the problems you typically hear from the companies that have been dominating the patent policy discussions for the past decade. Adam also highlights the importance of injunctions and damages – something we'll be discussing a lot more in segments to come.** Discussed Links **⦿ Multi Wedge: https://multiwedge.com/** Follow Aurora Patents **⦿ Home: https://www.aurorapatents.com/⦿ Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuroraPatents⦿ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/aurora-cg/⦿ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aurorapatents/⦿ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aurorapatents/ ⦿ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@aurorapatents⦿ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@aurorapatents/Thanks for listening! ---Note: The contents of this podcast do not constitute legal advice.
May 1, 2024 • 1h 2min

CAFC Chronicles: Costly Tales of Claim Construction Fails

Send us a textThe difference between getting claim construction right and getting it wrong is the difference between a valid patent and an invalid patent – and the difference between millions of dollars awarded from infringement decisions vs. ending up with a worthless piece of paper.In this month’s episode, Dr. David Jackrel, President of Jackrel Consulting, leads a discussion into three real-world applications for patent claim construction, as tested and decided upon by the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. This is the highest court in the land under the Supreme Court for handling intellectual property disputes – and establishes much of the legal precedent the patent world has to go on … for better and for worse. The panel dissects the claims for each case, discusses the court’s analysis, and provides tips and strategies for more effective claim drafting in light of the strengths and weaknesses of the litigated patents. Dave is joined today by our always exceptional group, including:⦿ Dr. Ashley Sloat, President and Director of Patent Strategy at Aurora⦿ Kristen Hansen, Patent Strategy Specialist at Aurora⦿ Ty Davis, Patent Strategy Associate at Aurora** Mossoff Minute **In this month's Mossoff Minute, Professor Adam Mossoff discusses the ill-advised price control mania presently sweeping the globe and its predictable impacts on free markets and innovation if we continue down the current path we’re precariously walking.** Discussed Links **⦿ Aurora hiring links: https://www.aurorapatents.com/careers.html⦿ Claim Strategies Episode (Part 1): https://www.aurorapatents.com/blog/patent-claims-the-name-of-the-game⦿ Claim Construction Episode (Part 2): https://www.aurorapatents.com/blog/claim-construction ⦿ Patent Anatomy Episode: https://www.aurorapatents.com/blog/new-podcast-patent-anatomy⦿ Patent Anatomy Blog Post: https://www.aurorapatents.com/blog/patent-anatomy-whats-in-a-patent** Follow Aurora Patents **⦿ Home: https://www.aurorapatents.com/⦿ Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuroraPatents⦿ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/aurora-cg/⦿ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aurorapatents/⦿ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aurorapatents/ ⦿ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@aurorapatents⦿ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@aurorapatents/Thanks for listening! ---Note: The contents of this podcast do not constitute legal advice.
Mar 20, 2024 • 1h 8min

Patents and AI: Current Tools, Future Solutions

AI's evolving role in patent tools, facing challenges like public disclosure risks and inventorship. Experts discuss current AI in patent searching, proofreading, drafting, and future solutions. AI addresses issues with PTAB, search quality, and unsustainable bar. Professor Mossoff explores AI-generated inventions' patentability.

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