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The Rich Roll Podcast

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Jul 9, 2013 • 2h 1min

Zen and the Art of Triathlon & Morgan Christian of Metabender

Today my good buddies Brett Blankner — the man behind the Zen & The Art of Triathlon Podcast — and Morgan Christian — of Metabender tracking & Real Time Athlete — stop by the garage to talk shop on all things endurance, multisport & balancing life against training & racing.This one is fun & relaxed people. These guys are a blast — I hope my fondness for them comes through your earbuds.I hope you enjoy the show!Rich
Jul 3, 2013 • 1h 41min

Fitness Confidential

My buddy Vinnie Tortorich — ultra-cyclist, celebrity trainer, fellow podcast host and now author — joins the show for a record 3rd appearance to talk about the release of his new book Fitness Confidential*. Part memoir, part fitness primer and part comedy, this book is your beach read for July. Vinnie and I don't always see eye to eye on everything – particularly nutrition. And he's not everyone's cup of tea. But he's still my man — we've gone through a lot together and he has always been there for me.I love that Vinnie calls it like he sees it, doesn't pull punches and isn't afraid to call BS — particularly when it comes to the latest health and/or nutrition fad. If that appeals to you, then you'll love the book. It's pure Vinnie, through and throughWriting a book is damn hard. But what's even harder is getting people to read it after you spent years of blood, sweat, tears and toil to get it right. I've been there. So the least I can do for my good friend is give him my microphone, let him tell you about the process first hand, and help him spread the word.I hope you enjoy the show!Rich
Jun 25, 2013 • 2h 12min

Hillary Biscay: 60 Ironmans & Counting

I'm so excited to share with you today's guest — my favorite female pro triathlete Hillary Biscay. Why is she my favorite? Oh, let me count the ways….First we have similar backgrounds as collegiate swimmers (although I promised not to hold her USC affiliation against her). And not only is she on the PlantPower bandwagon (all the cool kids are doing it these days…), she is also the first guest I've had on the show who has also competed at Ultraman – it was great to hear her perspective on this race as a veteran pro. So much to talk about, fresh off her 60th Ironman – yes you heard me right, 60 Ironmans! — which was also one of her fastest. Finally, anyone who lists “running ultras” as her “hobby” away from triathlon is definitely on my wavelength.We get into all of it – what keeps her motivated; how her training has evolved from her days with legendary coach Brett Sutton to her current relationship with coach Siri Lindley; how she fuels her training and racing on plants (including missteps along the way); and of course her personal experience racing Ultraman, and what that was like as an ironman professional.Finally, we get to hear all about her new line of triathlon & active apparel – Smash. You know I love good design, and this stuff is excellent. I just wish she would hurry up and start making stuff for guys.Hillary is a delight, and she brings her vivaciousness to this interview in spades. Enjoy!Rich
Jun 14, 2013 • 1h 50min

Holistic, Preventive & Functional Medicine

Today on the show, my main man Dr. Shay Shani — founder of Shani Clinic in Westlake Village, California– the guy who keeps me injury free and my body functioning at 100%.As a board certified chiropractor, he makes sure I'm always properly aligned. But to say he's just a chiropractor is to vastly understate the scope of Shay's gifts. With advanced post-doctorate training in Functional Blood Chemistry and Functional Endocrinology, an unparalleled compassion for his patients and acute ability to get results, he is a rarity in the medical community for his keen focus not on treating symptoms but rather on uncovering the root cause of ailments, utilizing the most advanced non-invasive and all natural treatments to help patients with all varieties of chronic disease that do not improve in the current medical model.Having Shay in my life has undoubtedly made me a better athlete. And more importantly a better man. I'm proud to call him my friend. And even prouder to help share his powerful message with you. So do yourself a favor. Strap in. Open your ears. Learn. And enjoy.Thanks!Rich
Jun 11, 2013 • 2h 2min

Farm Sanctuary on Factory Farming, Ag-Gag Bills, Health & Consumer Choice

Today on the show I sit down with Gene Baur — activist, best-selling author and president & co-founder of Farm Sanctuary, the first animal rescue organization dedicated to farmed animals. You might have seen him in the documentary Forks Over Knives*. And I'd be remiss in not mentioning his is a pretty darn good marathon runner prepping for his first Ironman this summer (on a plant-based diet of course).I've had plenty of vegans with strong points of view on the program. But this was the first time I have interviewed a true animal rights activist. I'm certainly not an expert in this area, but Gene is such a great guy, he made it easy.I'm the first to admit that my original reasons for going vegan were far more selfish than ethical. But the more educated I become about how our food system functions to deliver meals to our plates, the more sensitive and attuned I have become to the indelible power of marketing; the extraordinary lengths to which BigFood and their adjuncts on Capitol Hill will go to keep the public immunized from the harsh realities of factory farming; and the unnecessary and horrific treatment of farm animals that inevitably results.Please understand — I take no moral high ground. But as my awareness of this issue continues to broaden, I do feel a certain imperative to cast light on what I perceive as exceedingly cruel abuse on a systemic level. In my very humble opinion, our current system is both untenable and unsustainable in the long term. There is a better way. And Gene is a great ambassador of a worthy message warranting our objective attention.If you come to this interview with a different perspective on this issue, I understand. And it's fine. Believe me, I get it. I ask only one thing – that you please listen with an open and mind.Thanks. And enjoy the show!Rich
Jun 5, 2013 • 1h 26min

How PS244 Became the 1st U.S. Public School to Institute a Vegetarian School Lunch Program

Today on the show I visit New York's PS244 – The Active Learning Elementary School — in Flushing, Queens to chat with science teacher and Director of the school's Wellness and Nutrition Program Christian Ledesma, as well as PS244's Principal Bob Groff to find out how PS244 became the first public school in the United States to institute a vegetarian school lunch.But what I pleasantly discovered went well beyond a simple cafeteria upgrade. PS244's revolutionary school lunch program is just the latest manifestation of a school founded on principals of wellness. It's fair to say that the very fibre of PS244's DNA is the promotion of holistic health for kids premised on the advancement of not just the mind, but that of the childrens' bodies & character.And it shows. I saw food being grown in hanging gardens along the playground fences. Kindergartners making their own granola bars and tasting blackberries in after-school programs. Even a tower garden in the school library. And that's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the day-to-day goings on at this special institute.What PS244 has accomplished — seemingly impossible within the confines of a very large & bureaucratic urban school district — is beyond inspiring. And yet obviously doable when passion aligns with faith and hard work. The bar is set. And my hope is that this school's example will empower other teachers, administrators, principals, parents and students to take greater initiative in their own schools and districts and aspire for positive change.Special thanks to Amie Hamlin, Executive Director of the New York Coalition for Healthy School Food. It was her and this organization, working tirelessly for several years in alliance with the New York Department of Education, that made the impossible real. My desire was to include Amie in this interview, but she was not in NYC on the day of my visit, so my plan is to interview her for a future podcast episode. Stay tuned!Enjoy the show!Rich
May 31, 2013 • 1h 40min

Director of CNN’s Medical, Health & Wellness Unit

Not only is Roni Selig one of my favorite people, she is one busy woman, so I am honored that she carved out some quality time to sit down with me and do the podcast in the midst of her immersive (to put it mildly) work schedule at CNN, where she has the heady title of Director of the CNN Medical, Health & Wellness Unit in CNN's New York City headquarters high above Columbus Circle.In certain respects, I suppose this makes her Sanjay Gupta's boss — heavy, right? To provide some perspective, we were meant to conduct this interview about a month ago. But as we sat in her office catching up prior to potting the mics, the Boston Marathon bombing occurred, and I had the rare opportunity to watch her — and her team at the world's leading 24-hour international news network — jump into action to begin covering the unbelievably tragic events as they unfolded in real time. It was impressive. But needless to say, the horrible events of that day prevented the podcast from happening. Lucky for me, I was back in NYC a month later. No crazy breaking news that day, so we got it done.Compelling is the fact that despite the time constraints and pressures of her incredibly demanding job — amplified by her busy personal life as a wife and mother — Roni still manages to find the time to pursue her passion — triathlon – and pursue it well.We get into all aspects of her professional life — behind the scenes at CNN Health; plus how she balances her personal life to train and compete as a high level age group endurance athlete, and her passion for CNN Fit Nation — a program she oversees that involves a small group of civilians (hand selected annually from submissions) facing personal challenges committed to completing their first triathlon under the mentorship of CNN.All said, Roni is a delight and an inspiration. I hope you enjoy the interview as much as I (always) enjoy spending time with her.As always, thank you for all the ongoing support. You guys are everything.Thank you!Rich
May 29, 2013 • 1h 16min

Jason Wachob: CEO & Co-Founder of

Today on the podcast I sit down with Jason Wachob, co-founder and CEO of the internet's primary destination for all things wellness.I first crossed Jason's path back in 2009 and we have been fast friends with him and his wife Colleen ever since. I love his vision and am so excited to share his story — and that of MindBodyGreen — with you.Not only has Jason placed an indelible mark on the new media scene with his Dumbo, Brooklyn based startup, eclipsing expectations of what a web-based health-oriented content provider can and should be, his personal journey from overstressed Wall Street Trader — his face forever memorialized on the wall at The Palm – one of NYC's most famous steak houses! — to Wellness Warrior / yoga & meditation evangelist is noteworthy in it's own right and eminently relatable.Enjoy the show!Rich
May 19, 2013 • 2h 1min

Mishka Shubaly Interviews Rich

THE BEAST RETURNS!Once again, I'm switching gears. The interviewer becomes the interviewee. Part II.Mishka was a super popular guest on the podcast about a month ago. If you listened to the interview, you know we went deep — exhaustingly deep perhaps. Despite the fact that I had never previously met Mishka face-to-face, I had a knowing sense that we would hit it off given our many points in common – writing, running, alcoholism & sobriety. There was an immediate short hand, and we just went straight to the core until we both felt like we were drowning in molten lava when the interview was over.So when my publisher raised the issue of having someone interview me to coincide with the release of the paperback version of Finding Ultra* — hitting bookshelves and online retailers 5/21! — I knew Mishka more than fit the bill.Osher Günsberg hit the nail on the head with Part I of this self-involved and shameless self-promotional podcast double, and Mishka picks right up with Part II right where Osher left off — repaying the favor of my unrepentant deep dive with him by hitting me hard with some tough questions as we peel back the layers and get behind the scenes on my book, my story and what drives both of us.OK. NOW FOR THE (HOPEFULLY NOT TOO) HARD SELL…..I feel weird asking people to buy the paperback. I'm sure the majority of you listeners out there have already read my book – you have, right? RIGHT?? But then again, who knows? Maybe you haven't. Maybe you just stumbled upon this blog and podcast out of the blue. So here is an opportunity to learn a bit more about me, why I wrote the book and what I hoped to express.Oh yeah, there's also this little matter of admitting that I would like to move some units. Maybe even make the NY Times Bestseller List for Non-Fiction Paperbacks – a list I narrowly missed with the hardcover release. OK, busted. Call me shameless. Call me competitive. Or, just shoot me. I am formally apologizing right here and right now. But hey, wouldn't you do the same if you had spent a couple years writing a book? So cut me some slack. I will say that if I do make the list — an admitted (huge?) longshot, it will be entirely due to YOU — the audience of this podcast and blog. And hey, if my book and this podcast stand for anything, it's that we should all dream big. Making that list is definitely a big dream of mine.Moreover, the truth is, I ain't got no publicist out there shilling for me. Plus, Random House basically told me they don't have the resources to market and promote the release — basically no press to get the word out. So I'm on my own. But I'm not — I've got all of you, who have been beyond supportive. So if you've enjoyed the content I've been freely sharing — content that takes an obscene amount of my time to create — and feel inclined to support the message I so passionately believe in, then this is the time I am REALLY ASKING FOR YOUR HELP.Forget donating, just pull the trigger on the paperback. Already read the book? Then get it as a gift for someone — after all, Father's Day is coming up and you gotta get dear old dad something anyway. Plus, it's darn cheap – just $13.50 on Amazon. What the heck, right? That's like a one cold pressed juice at Whole Foods; and will hopefully be even a bit more nourishing. Then tell a friend.Thanks!Rich
May 17, 2013 • 2h 24min

Osher Günsberg Interviews Rich

Today we switch gears a bit.How?This time the interviewer becomes the interviewee.Why? In just a few days (May 21st to be exact), the paperback version of Finding Ultra* hits bookstores — front table placement at Barnes & Noble! — or so I've been told….I'll believe it when I see it — and online retailers. It's quite an honor that I am even getting a paperback release at all, and I want to make the most of the rare opportunity. On that note, my publisher thought it might be fun to have someone interview me for a change. Not to ask the same old questions I'm always asked, but to kind of go beyond the typical “Where do you get your protein?” line of inquiry and delve deeper. I must admit I wasn't to keen on the idea initially. This podcast isn't really about me, it's about my guests; I'm just the host.Then again, if I could find the right person to do it — somebody who knows me quite well and has something to really bring to the equation — then maybe it could be cool.Who?Well I found the right guy. Not only is Osher Günsberg a good friend, fellow plant-eater, marathon runner / aspiring ultra-runner and all-around cool dude, he's also a professional host. Those Down Under likely know this swarthy, handome and dynamic gentleman as ” Andrew G. ” — host of Australian Idol (Australia's version of American Idol) and from an array of other radio and television programs in both Australia and here in the U.S., including the CBS show Live To Dance, which he co-hosted with Paula Abdul. In addition, he is a proud supporter of the Indigenous Marathon Project, which provides an opportunity for Indigenous men and women of Autralia to run the New York Marathon, which is not only inspiring but helps encourage healthy, active lifestyles.A long way of saying he is total pro. And in this interview, it shows.Then there is this little matter of how — in the right light — we can appear to look somewhat similar. Don't believe me? Check the Instagram I posted the other day — it's over the top; although he is admittedly far more handsome and charming than I. Dopplegänger Günsberg. Forgive the phrase — I know it sounds like everyone's favorite hair band. I guess I just wanted to write two words in a row with a diaeresis.I think you will really enjoy my conversation with Osher. He’s the man.THANK YOU!Rich

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