In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack talk about which chores they hate and which ones they don't mind.Transcript:00:00:00JackHey, A is the English podcast listeners. It's Jack here and we just want to announce that we are now on WeChat. Our WeChat ID is A-Z English podcast that is A-Z English podcast, one word all lowercase.00:00:17JackAnd if you.00:00:18JackJoin the group. You will be able to talk with me. You'll be able to.00:00:22JackTalk with social.00:00:23JackAnd we can answer your questions. We can read your comments on the podcast. So we'd love for you to join us and be active in our we chat group. Our WeChat ID is A-Z English podcast. Thanks. See you on the app.00:00:52JackWelcome to the agency English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm here with my co-host, social. And today we have a topic talk episode and social. Today's topic is what household chores?00:01:03JackDo you usually help?00:01:04JackWith and which ones do you enjoy and which ones?00:01:07JackDo you hate?00:01:10XochitlOhh well Jack, I live alone.00:01:13JackSo you do.00:01:14XochitlI.00:01:15XochitlYeah, I mean, I did and find out what. Yeah, now that I live in Mexico, I pay someone to come do some of them. And I do some of them. So that kind of works out pretty well for me. But lately, the person that I was paying to come do household chores, unfortunately.00:01:16JackSwear none of them. I don't know. It depends on.00:01:18JackHow you live, yeah.00:01:24JackYeah.00:01:34XochitlHer father got ill and I totally get that. So I've been handling them on my own.00:01:40JackMHM.00:01:40XochitlAnd and.00:01:43XochitlI like cooking. Uh, if there's other people around like I hate cooking just myself.00:01:50JackYeah, me too. I hate like it's still. There's nothing lonelier than frying. Like one egg, you know?00:01:56JackWhat I mean, it's just like what's?00:01:57XochitlOh my God. Wow. We're like.00:01:58JackWhat's wrong with my life? You.00:02:00JackKnow when you yeah.00:02:00XochitlI know it's just and we have no one to eat with and it's like just different thing. So if I'm alone, a lot of the times, they'll just end up ordering food like Uber eats or whatever. And but if there's even just one other person with me, I'm happy to cook.00:02:04JackYeah.00:02:12JackOh, nice, yeah.00:02:19XochitlOther chores that I do like wash the dishes, do my laundry.00:02:25XochitlAh, sweep mop.00:02:29JackIs is there one that like, really irks you? That just drives you crazy, that you really hate.00:02:29XochitlI don't.00:02:34XochitlOK, I don't like sleeping and mopping because it makes my back hurt, which is like weird, but I don't know why, but my back really hurts. Whenever I like sweep and mop, so I don't like that. I don't like getting.00:02:39JackAh.00:02:46XochitlEven though I don't mind sleeping in mopping, it's just the fact that my back always hurts. It like really annoys me and I don't like. Yeah, I don't like.00:02:53JackIt's yeah.00:02:56XochitlDoing the dishes I used to really like doing the dishes when I was a kid, and now I hate doing the dishes because it's like.00:03:03XochitlJust the nasty food on it. Or like other people's mouths. It not it, grosses me.00:03:09JackIt reminds me of the like Reddit thread like kids are.00:03:13JackFreaking stupid, you know, like a kid like kid kids are like, oh, man, I wish I were old enough to mature enough to wash the dishes, you know? And they kind of trick you into doing it, you know? Yeah.00:03:23XochitlAlright.00:03:27XochitlI know. And you think it's fun and then you're like, you become an adult and you have to do the dishes every day. And the kitchen is never clean. And every time you cook something, the kitchen is dirty again. And then it just makes me want to eat out all the time because then I don't have to do dishes. I don't have to clean my kitchen. I just, like, eat out of container.00:03:42JackYeah, and and eating out is not not expensive in in Mexico, in Oaxaca, right? Yeah.00:03:47XochitlNo, it it's not too expensive. You can get a full meal for like.00:03:52XochitlThree to four bucks probably like you. You can get what they call, which is like the big meal today, and you get, like, a a fresh water that, like, has a fruit flavor usually and a whole meal. And then sometimes they give you, like, dessert and you get, like, the main.00:03:55JackWow.00:04:12XochitlFish and two side dishes. And that's like 3 or $4.00. So at that point, it's like, I don't really want to.00:04:18XochitlCook so.00:04:19JackSo $3 in Korea will buy you like.00:04:23XochitlThey won't even buy you.00:04:24XochitlCoffee man like I remember.00:04:25JackYou won't even buy you a coffee. I mean, maybe you could. Maybe you could get the cup, but there won't be anything in it, you know, for the three dollars. Yeah.00:04:27XochitlNo, I never heard.00:04:32XochitlYeah.00:04:34XochitlYeah, but, Jack, what are the ones that you hate to do? And what which ones do you do in general and which is?00:04:40JackYeah. So I'm basically, I'm like I I dust I'm I vacuum and I mop. That's all. My wife asked me to do. She does the, you know, the big stuff, right, like she.00:04:50JackShe's kind of on her hands and knees cleaning the bathrooms once a week, and she does all the dusting of everywhere. I just have to dust my this little room right here, this man cave, my podcasting room, and I hate it because you know, when you're dusting.00:05:09JackLike books and stuff, there's all the you know.00:05:11JackThere's so so.00:05:12JackMany little nooks and crannies and little, you know, spaces that you have to try to get into.00:05:18JackAnd so, you know, sometimes I'm I do a good job. Sometimes I'm a little lazy with that vacuuming. I don't mind doing it that that much. I think vacuuming is is is OK, although I have been trying to, you know, pitch the idea to my wife that we should get.00:05:38JackA Roomba, you know, like a like a. Yeah, like a like a a robot vacuum cleaner. But she's not. She's. She's skeptical because of her plants. She doesn't want it to, like, knock over her plants. You know, while it's cruising around. Whatever.00:05:40XochitlOhh that's the good idea.00:05:57JackSo.00:05:58JackSo I'm stuck doing that. The one that I hate the most is taking out the trash.00:06:05JackI hate it.00:06:07JackSo I'll let it pile up like to a ridiculous level, where it's like it's like a, it's like a mountain of of like, boxes, kind of teetering. And then finally I'll be like, alright, I it's time to go. And the reason I don't like it is because we live on the third, third floor of a walk up and then I have to walk over to the recycling.00:06:28JackGarbage area which is like.00:06:29JackMaybe. Uh oh, I don't know.00:06:36JackI don't know 100 meters, you know, away from my my front door and.00:06:43JackI just like in the winter. It's freezing cold in the summer. It's hot, you know? So I just. I just don't like it. I just really hate that. So, you know.00:06:46XochitlYeah.00:06:52XochitlAlso, for listeners who don't know, separating trash in Korea is like very difficult. So.00:06:59JackThey recycle everything, you know, even food, food, garbage. It's crazy.00:06:59XochitlI it's like, yeah. And yeah, yeah.00:07:05XochitlYeah, the food garbage goes to like pigs or something, I believe, right?00:07:08JackYeah, they make some kind of.00:07:12JackYeah, some some kind.00:07:13JackOf food like the dry food after they dry it out and stuff they they feed.00:07:17JackIt to pigs, yeah.00:07:17XochitlOh, they like dehydrating it. Oh.00:07:20JackYeah, they dehydrate it. Yeah, yeah.00:07:22XochitlOh cool so.00:07:23JackYeah.00:07:25XochitlHuh. Well, anyway it so there's certain things you can't put in your food. Trash like bones, egg shells, things like that, because obviously that could hurt the pigs, so.00:07:37XochitlYeah, it is a pain, but.00:07:39JackI put everything in there that I shouldn't.00:07:43XochitlThat you did. Did you not know about this?00:07:45JackI didn't know about that. I I put egg cells and coffee grounds and everything in there. Yeah, yeah.00:07:46XochitlNo, no, I think I think coffee grounds might be OK. You have to look into it, but you're not supposed to put. You're like.00:07:53XochitlThat you're just now hearing. Yeah, yeah.00:07:56JackI thought pigs could eat egg shells. No problem. I mean, just like.00:07:59XochitlI think it's because they dehydrate it. That probably like become sharp or something. I don't know. I think you're not supposed to put egg shells. Check. Check. You're also not supposed to put bones in there. So.00:08:10XochitlJust double check though you've been living there long to me, so you know, double check. But I remember when I got there that people told me I wasn't supposed to do that.00:08:18XochitlSo then I didn't, but it was a pain. It I would. I would kind of just not do the food trash. I would kind of just put my food trash in the normal trash and just throw it away.00:08:26JackYeah, yeah, you just you.00:08:29JackIf they make it too complicated and it's too, it's too much trouble. People just won't do it. So.00:08:34XochitlI know. Yeah, it's a lot, yeah.00:08:36XochitlWhat is 1 chore that you really like doing?00:08:39JackA. A tool that I like doing well. That's a good question. I'm not sure there is one. I think you know vacuuming is because I still, I can put my my hair, put my my earbuds in and and usually I listen to our our podcast episodes while I'm vacuuming. So I'll just listen to a podcast and vacuum. You know, it's just like a.00:08:59JackYou know, sometimes I'll do, like, uh, you know, I Love Lucy. You know, I'll dance a little bit with the vacuum cleaner and, you know, kind of like that, like a like, it's a dancing partner or something if no one's home, you know, if if my wife's home, I won't do that. But yeah, make it fun. You know, if if I.00:09:16JackThen. But yeah, vacuuming is no big deal. That's it's easy.00:09:21XochitlYeah, I I like vacuuming as well.00:09:25XochitlAnd trying to think, I think that's probably the one that I like the most. I kind of like scrubbing floors. I I find it satisfying.00:09:34JackOhh you do when the when the like white line and the when the the.00:09:38JackRoute changes like dark to to light or something.00:09:39XochitlYeah.00:09:42XochitlYeah, you're like in there with elbow grease. Really. Scrubbing. I got your floors. I actually like doing that. I I find it satisfying. I I I see what sweeping and mopping. I don't see that much of an immediate difference. So I don't like it that much, but I really like, like scrubbing things. Kind of. I find it like satisfying. So.00:10:01JackAre you are you an 80% or a?00:10:03Jack100 Percenter and what I mean by that is like.00:10:06JackSome people clean to like about 80%, you know.00:10:09JackFeel like it's.00:10:10JackGood enough like this. This is fine. You know? Like if the company came over, they wouldn't be like, oh, you're such a pig, you know. But then there are other people that are like, 100%. And so I think the problem that that my wife and my wife is 100 percenter and I'm an 80 percenter. And so there's like, that's a point of contention for us.00:10:25XochitlRight.00:10:29JackWhere I'm like I did it already. So like do it again the right way. You know, that kind of stuff. So yeah.00:10:35XochitlRight. I kind of.00:10:40XochitlI'm not 100% sure, but I I don't clean all the time, but when it gets dirty, if if I'm gonna clean it, I want it to be sparkling you.00:10:48XochitlKnow what I mean?00:10:48JackSo you're like you're. You're like, I can. I can let it go. But then one day you just roll up your sleeves and you're like.00:10:55JackIt's time to go to work. It's like like an Avenger or something, you know? Yeah. OK.00:10:56XochitlYes. And then?00:11:00XochitlYeah. And then, yeah, I I definitely am kind of like that. And I don't like it. It's like if someone else cleans and it's still dirty. And I myself that drives me crazy too. That really does.00:11:08JackOhh that drives my wife crazy.00:11:13XochitlI hate it, like when the floor is like no one really scrubbed them, they just kind of swept and mopped a little bit and it's still like you walk across barefoot and your feet are like Gray after that piece that it makes me very angry. So I went with sure that I scrub. I just I'd rather scrub it.00:11:22JackYep.00:11:31XochitlAnd then mopped it several times. But.00:11:34XochitlI just it has to be clean, you know, with the clean. It has to be clean. It has to be clean enough for you to eat off of, basically.00:11:37JackYeah.00:11:41JackWhat? Well, when people clean your your house, they're going to do it half heartedly, you know? That's a good expression there. Half heartedly means like small, low effort, you know, because it's not theirs, you know. So yeah.00:11:46XochitlYeah.00:11:51XochitlYes.00:11:53XochitlAnd love their house. So who cared? Yeah. Yeah. All right. Well, tell sisters, what is your least favorite chore and your favorite chore. If you like any chores. And what are you usually responsible for in your home? I'm really curious to know. So send us an e-mail at AZ with podcast at Gmail dot.00:12:11XochitlOne, leave a comment down below at AZ with and join the we channel WhatsApp groups to talk to Jack and I directly and we will be discussing things like this in the English corner as well. So if you guys are interested in joining the English corner again, that's 20 lessons for $10 a month.00:12:21JackYes.00:12:29JackBut the 1st 10 are free.00:12:30XochitlThe 1st 10 lessons are free, so if you feel like support supporting us and you're able to support us, you get a lot of bang for your buck. As we would say in the US, so we look forward to seeing you in that Ave. as well and we'll see you.00:12:39발표자Yes.00:12:44XochitlGuys, next time. Bye bye.00:12:45JackBye bye.00:12:46발표자Bye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok: @atozenglish1Instagram: @atozenglish22Twitter: @atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Debora by Jangwa this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out: