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The A to Z English Podcast

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Jun 18, 2024 • 8min

Grammar Zone | a historic or an historic?

In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack talk about "a" and "an."Transcript:00:00:00JackHey, A is the English podcast listeners. It's Jack here and we just want to announce that we are now on WeChat. Our WeChat ID is A-Z English podcast that is A-Z English podcast, one word all lowercase.00:00:17JackAnd if you.00:00:18JackJoin the group. You will be able to talk with me. You'll be able to.00:00:22JackTalk with social.00:00:23JackAnd we can answer your questions. We can read your comments on the podcast. So we'd love for you to join us and be active in our we chat group. Our WeChat ID is A-Z English podcast. Thanks. See you on the app.00:00:50JackWelcome to the A-Z English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm here with my co-host social. And today we are in the grammar zone and we're going to talk about ohh and on.00:01:02JackIn social, what is the difference between those two articles? Why do we?00:01:07JackWhy do we separate those? We have two different words for them.00:01:12XochitlUM.00:01:13XochitlBecause they have to agree with the next word. So if.00:01:20XochitlThe next word starts with a the vowel. Then it has to be a N.00:01:26XochitlSo, for example, an elephant an A A.00:01:33JackAn igloo.00:01:34XochitlOn apple.00:01:35JackYeah.00:01:36XochitlYeah, an English an apple. And if it's a, it's because the next the following thing that you're referring to. Uh. Noun that you're referring to, I guess, usually starts with a a consonant and not a vowel. So it'd be like a pie, a cake.00:01:56XochitlA A car.00:01:59XochitlAnd etcetera, etcetera. Just anything that starts with the continent and then on and.00:02:04JackA podcast.00:02:06XochitlYeah, podcast.00:02:07JackMHM.00:02:09XochitlAnd an is for anything that starts with.00:02:11XochitlA vowel, I think.00:02:12XochitlIt's because it it does sound. It does make it sound smoother, like think about saying a elephant or a elephant instead of an an elephant. It just avoids your vowel noises all mushing together.00:02:21JackYes.00:02:27JackRight. It's very awkward in English to have two vowel sounds together. You we can't do that, right? They need to be interrupted by a consonant sound like uh.00:02:39JackUh, like a a egg is is 2 two vowel sounds together, right?00:02:45JackSo yeah, we can't. It's just a, it's a a phonetic rule in English that you just.00:02:45발표자Yeah.00:02:52JackIt's much easier if you break it up with the with the consonant. So we say on an egg, an apple. Any glue like that.00:03:02XochitlWell, thanks.00:03:03JackYeah.00:03:05XochitlYeah, I think that's pretty much it. It just keep in mind.00:03:09XochitlIf it's going to start with a consonant, make sure that you are using A and then if it's going to start with the vowel, the next following we're just going to start with the vowel. Make sure that you're doing AN on and yeah, that's.00:03:21JackRight.00:03:22JackWhat about? What about a an hour?00:03:25JackAnd that's an H.00:03:26XochitlUh.00:03:27JackSo we should say our.00:03:28XochitlYeah, that's true.00:03:30XochitlYeah, but you don't you say an hour. Ha. There are some exceptions to this rule, and I think it comes down to if that consonant is silent and our age is silent. So you're still making two vowel sounds. So you would do an AM hour instead.00:03:42발표자Right.00:03:49JackWhat about source? Yeah.00:03:49XochitlOf an hour.00:03:52XochitlBut see, that's not.00:03:54JackIt's not horse. Yeah, we say on horse.00:03:56XochitlYeah, I don't know why is it like that. Jake. Jack.00:04:01JackMy my name is Jack by.00:04:02JackThe way no, no, no, you're you. You are. You're exactly right. It it doesn't. The rule is not. It's not a spelling rule.00:04:12JackIt's a. It's a. It's a phonetic rule. It's a sound rule, so if it sounds like a vowel, we use on and so our is a silent H so we say an hour.00:04:26JackBut horse, we actually pronounce the H sound, so we say a horse.00:04:31JackSo so it's it's doesn't come down to spelling a lot, a lot of teachers teach it as a spelling rule in in school in grammar school, but it's not. And this is where a very strange word that a very strange example emerges here with historic.00:04:52JackI hear it all the time on the news N historic event.00:04:58JackAnd there's no reason to say. And historic if you're saying, if you're pronouncing the H, it would be all historic, not N historic. Have you?00:05:09JackHeard that before.00:05:09XochitlYeah, I I have heard that mistake. A historic. But yeah, it is a historic event. But Jack, I'm confused because when you do.00:05:20XochitlOh yeah, that's true.00:05:22XochitlA horse? A historic event.00:05:26JackYeah.00:05:26XochitlAnd you wouldn't say umm horse because it's again you're pronouncing the.00:05:33JackYeah. When people say unhistoric, they're they're being, they think they're being super smart, but they're actually being too clever that they're actually wrong. It's like, yes, exactly. It's kind of a it's a it's a weird, like academia thing. I've heard it so many times, and it used to drive my.00:05:33XochitlAh.00:05:43XochitlThey're overthinking.00:05:53JackMy my teacher in my university crazy.00:05:57JackWhen when she would hear that. And so I kind of learned from my teacher. It was like, oh, no, you gotta follow the rules, right? All historic. But if you say historic and you don't say the H, you could say N historic event. But historic is not really a word we use, right. We say historic with an H.00:06:17JackSo a historic event we have stuff.00:06:22XochitlCrazy. All right, it's nice if you have any more questions for us or any more grammar issues that you would like us to resolve here on the podcast, make sure to leave us a comment down below at A-Z, shoot us an e-mail at AZ and also make sure that you join the WeChat or WhatsApp groups to make sure that you can talk to Jack.00:06:23JackYeah.00:06:43XochitlDirectly and join the conversation there. Remember the Jack and I are now doing a special corner. Yeah, English corner. So that's a lot of fun. It's only 80 RMB or 10 USD dollars.00:06:49JackEnglish corner.00:07:00XochitlPer month. So for 20 classes you're basically paying $0.50 a class, and it's really great. It's a community where a lot of people are excellent English speakers and we really enjoyed putting it together. It's one hour a day from Monday to Friday, and if you want more information, make sure to message.00:07:05JackExactly.00:07:19XochitlOr Jack directly on the WeChat or WhatsApp groups.00:07:23XochitlAnd we'll see you guys next time.00:07:24XochitlBye bye bye.00:07:25JackBye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok: @atozenglish1Instagram: @atozenglish22Twitter: @atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Debora by Jangwa this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Jun 16, 2024 • 20min

Topic Talk | Man or Bear?

In this podcast, the hosts debate whether encountering a strange man or a bear is riskier for a woman in the woods, touching on issues of harassment and safety. They humorously compare men and bears as protectors, reflecting on women's safety globally. The dilemma of being stranded with a man or a bear is explored, analyzing trustworthiness and risks. The speakers delve into societal biases through hypothetical scenarios, discussing the reluctance to rescue the man and promoting language development activities.
Jun 14, 2024 • 13min

Vocabulary Spotlight | 3 Confusing Words

In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl shares 3 confusing words with the listeners. She and Jack explain the meanings of the words and how to use them in sentences.Transcript:00:00:00JackHey, A is the English podcast listeners. It's Jack here and we just want to announce that we are now on WeChat. Our WeChat ID is A-Z English podcast that is A-Z English podcast, one word all lowercase.00:00:17JackAnd if you.00:00:18JackJoin the group. You will be able to talk with me. You'll be able to.00:00:22JackTalk with social.00:00:23JackAnd we can answer your questions. We can read your comments on the podcast. So we'd love for you to join us and be active in our we chat group. Our WeChat ID is A-Z English podcast. Thanks. See you on the app.00:00:50JackWelcome to the A-Z English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm here with my co-host social. And today we're going to share. Well, we're going to do a we're under the vocabulary spotlight and we are going to share some words that we came across during our English corner classes that students kind of struggle with. And so so.00:01:11JackWas the first one that you you had that you came up with?00:01:15XochitlThe first one I noticed students struggled a little bit with was workload, the pronunciation, workload and then on top of that, what it meant workload is just. It's a compound word. It has the word work in it and the word load in it, and you put it together.00:01:19발표자Hmm.00:01:36XochitlWith no spaces and its workload, so workload just means the amount of work that each person is.00:01:44XochitlUh.00:01:45JackEach.00:01:45XochitlPerson's share of work so that can be at your house like domestic tasks like chores or that can also be at your job. You know, between your colleagues you may have a heavier workload if you have a higher position in the company. So that's kind of what workload refers to.00:02:08JackYeah, exactly. It's, it's it's a lot of times you hear it with the word share shared workload.00:02:15JackYou know, so you have, you have this like?00:02:18JackThe certain amount of work that you have to do at your office and then they divide it among the employees. You're gonna do this much? You're gonna do this much? You're gonna do this much? You're gonna do this much, and each piece is your workload.00:02:33JackAnd and then you basically just start working away, chipping away at it, you know, trying to to decrease it down to 0.00:02:42JackAnd of course, in the company or corporation it never gets down to 0 because there's always more work. You know you there's another workload piled on top of your old workload. And so you know, it's kind of a never ending, you know, thing but.00:03:02JackYeah, I mean, I just think that like, yeah, certain even within this podcast social and I divide certain parts of the workload, she's spends a lot of time talking to students on the app.00:03:13JackApp communicating with them, recording I my workload is. Yeah, I do like the editing and and and some of the you know adding like little music pieces or whatever to it which actually I enjoy. So it's kind of like my my workload is kind of the fun part and I get the the editing part of it.00:03:19XochitlCan I have an idea?00:03:34JackBut yeah, it's a it's a shared workload and and you know when you do that, when you share the workload, it makes it a lot easier to finish a project more quickly.00:03:47발표자So.00:03:50XochitlThe second one that I saw some students struggle with was the meaning of emotional labor. When I say emotional labor, what does that mean to you, Jack?00:03:59JackThis one I've actually I'm not too familiar with this term. This seems like uh, maybe something that is a newer.00:04:07XochitlKind of a new age term.00:04:09JackYeah, just like a Gen. Z kind of thing like.00:04:12발표자Yes.00:04:15JackMost workload is, that is that does that mean like managing your relationships with other people and and trying to keep those you know keep up with like replying to people on social media and emails and that kind of stuff is that, am I right about is?00:04:15발표자Well, let's yeah.00:04:33JackThat what an emotional workload is.00:04:35XochitlYeah, it has a.00:04:36XochitlCouple of different meanings. So some people said, uh, emotional labor, can you know it can be part of your job, like if you're working in customer service, you know, regulating your emotions and kind of managing customer emotions as well.00:04:52XochitlBut I think a lot more commonly in this new age, we use it when we're talking about women's workload in the home, which a lot of it is invisible labor, which means labor that you cannot necessarily see and appreciate. For example, if you have a stack of.00:05:12XochitlDishes and they're all gone, you know, because your mom did them. You can see that. That's another type of Labor. But that's a domestic labor, but.00:05:23XochitlWhen the kid comes flying home from school and maybe they got depressed because their friends bullied them and their mom is checking in on their kid day after day for the week and cheering them up and maybe your husband came home from a stressful job and then you have to see the in laws and you have to pick a a gift.00:05:43XochitlFor your mother-in-law, it's a lot of these things that kind of fall under an invisible guys that you can't see the person.00:05:53XochitlDoing these tasks in the same way, perhaps because they don't have a clean cut result, but overall you're doing a lot of Labor emotionally, kind of like what a a therapist would do, maybe. Or a psychologist would do. So you're you're kind of doing unpaid.00:06:13XochitlEmotional labor. You're like a, uh, unpaid therapist for your family.00:06:17JackRight, right. It's like it's not quantitative, but it's qualitative in nature.00:06:27발표자Hmm.00:06:28JackIt's like, uh, yeah, it's it. It's emotionally draining. But you don't really get any credit for it. You know, you do the dishes, you get like, a, you get a little little star sticker, you know, like, good job. You did the you did the dishes, you know, check that off the list. But.00:06:48JackAnd.00:06:49JackJohnny has a skin knee and he, you know, he's scared of skateboards now you know. So you've got to console him for 1/2 an hour. You don't. There's no. There's no sticker for that. You know, there's, there's, that's just.00:07:07JackI mean, I guess in in the traditional sense they would just say, well, that's parenting. So just, you know, suck it up and and do it you know.00:07:16JackBut it often falls on the the mother's shoulders. You know, she's the one that has to take do the the, the nurturing and the the caring for the child with the skin and the knee and the father kind of gets a pass as he, you know, marches off to his.00:07:36JackThe computer room.00:07:36XochitlDrink beer and watch TV or something.00:07:38JackYeah, yeah, yeah. You didn't ask your mom. Mom will deal with it, you know? Yeah. So emotional labor. I I like it. I dig it. Yeah, I'm. I'm. I think we should be more careful to to consider that, you know.00:07:43XochitlYeah.00:07:54XochitlYeah, I recognize it. Another thing I noticed that students were struggling with the vocabulary word to describe certain words. Certain chores. Sorry. And they they were missing one and I didn't want to interrupt, but I thought it would be be a good time to introduce the vocabulary word.00:08:15XochitlTedious Jack. What does tedious mean when attempts is tedious?00:08:16JackHmm.00:08:18JackYeah, if something is. If a task or a chore is tedious it it's just it's very.00:08:25JackWell, I'm going to use another big word to describe a big word. Monotonous and monotonous, means it's very repetitive. It's just like it's something that you do that is, it's not difficult, but it's. But it's time consuming and it's very annoying.00:08:45JackYou know, I'm trying to think of like.00:08:49JackYou know, a lot of a lot of construction work is very tedious. You know, when you're building a a wall like a like a brick wall, you have to just one brick at a time, you know, and it take, you know, it takes a long time to finish that wall. And so it's very just doing the same thing over and over.00:09:08JackAnd over and over again 100 * 1000 * 10,000 times. That is very tedious, tedious work.00:09:18JackWork.00:09:19XochitlOne of our students was talking about how she has a cat and she doesn't like to put her clothing directly into the washer because she's worried that the cat hair will damage her clogged her washer so she takes clothing item by clothing item and puts.00:09:32XochitlA lint roller.00:09:33XochitlOver it and gets rid of the cat hair that way. And so she said.00:09:39XochitlDoing laundry is incredibly tedious task for her.00:09:43XochitlI was more.00:09:43XochitlSo impressed that anyone would even think to do that, I just toss it in the washer. I I kind of shake things out. Like if I have some my sheets or whatever, I I just shake them out outside and then throw them in the washer.00:09:50JackYeah.00:09:57JackI've got those double stick tape rollers and I roll my clothes too before.00:10:02JackTo get all the dog.00:10:02XochitlHair off of him before you put him.00:10:04XochitlIn the washer.00:10:05JackYeah, yeah, just just run it up and down my shirt just to get. Yeah, yeah.00:10:08XochitlWild. I never. I didn't know this was a thing at all. Blenda doesn't shed hardly at all, so I don't even have this issue. He really doesn't shed. I can be wearing all black and and hug him and he'll sit on my lap and pet him. And. And there's like, no hair on me when I'm.00:10:16JackYeah.00:10:27JackOK. Yeah. Lily is my dog. Sheds a little bit. Not that much, but yeah, just every once in a while I'll take the roller just, you know, go over my my clothes not. Not every time. I'm not like like what she does. You're your student. But I do. We do have those, those rollers, those double stick tape rollers that that are really nice for just getting lint and stuff.00:10:41발표자Hmm.00:10:48JackOff of your your clothes.00:10:50XochitlBut do you do it before you put it in the washer or do you?00:10:53XochitlJust do it like.00:10:53JackOnly if I only.00:10:54JackIf I like shave my dog or something, you know, if I give my dog a haircut or something like that, yeah. Then I have to.00:10:56XochitlOh yeah.00:10:59발표자Yeah.00:11:00XochitlI would just shake it, shake it out like that and I don't know, does it. Maybe it sticks to your clothes anyway, I I've.00:11:07XochitlNever even thought.00:11:08XochitlAbout doing this, so that's new cleanliness tips for our listeners I guess out there.00:11:12JackYou have double stick tape rollers. Really good.00:11:15XochitlYeah, let us know is that something that you do at home or do you have any other tedious tasks that you often do? Let us know if there's any other vocabulary words that you would like us to cover. If there is a word that you're grasping of or trying to think of to describe as.00:11:32XochitlSituation. Let us know as well and umm, we'll try our best to come up with some vocabulary words that we can showcase to describe that. So leave a comment down below at AZ shoot us an e-mail at and join the channel subgroup to talk to Jack and I directly remember that Jack and I are now hosting an English corner.00:11:54XochitlMonday through Friday for an hour a day and we have a lot of really great students. It's super fun. So if you would like to be a part of that, if you're interested in that at all, make sure to message Jack privately on WeChat or the A-Z English podcast WhatsApp, and we'll make sure to send you a link. See you guys next.00:12:12XochitlTime. Bye bye.00:12:13JackbyePodcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok: @atozenglish1Instagram: @atozenglish22Twitter: @atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Debora by Jangwa this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Jun 12, 2024 • 10min

Am I the Jerk? | Too Rich for My Blood

Too rich for my blood: The phrase "too rich for my blood" is an idiomatic expression meaning that something is too expensive or beyond one's financial reach. It conveys the idea that the cost or price of something is more than what the speaker is willing or able to pay. This phrase is often used in social or economic contexts to indicate that a particular item, activity, or lifestyle is financially out of reach for the person using the expression.Transcript:00:00:00JackHey, A is the English podcast listeners. It's Jack here and we just want to announce that we are now on WeChat. Our WeChat ID is A-Z English podcast that is A-Z English podcast, one word all lowercase.00:00:17JackAnd if you.00:00:18JackJoin the group. You will be able to talk with me. You'll be able to.00:00:22JackTalk with social.00:00:23JackAnd we can answer your questions. We can read your comments on the podcast. So we'd love for you to join us and be active in our we chat group. Our WeChat ID is A-Z English podcast. Thanks. See you on the app.00:00:50JackWelcome to the A-Z English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm here with my co-host social. And today we are going to do an MI, the jerk episode and here's the situation.00:01:00JackUh, social you and a group of your friends have a tradition of going out for dinner every Friday night. Everyone in your group has generally similar financial situations, and you typically all choose moderately priced restaurants. One Friday, you suggest a new upscale restaurant that just opened in town. The menu.00:01:20JackIs significantly more expensive than your usual spot.00:01:24JackTwo of your friends expressed concerns about the cost, saying they can't afford to spend that much on dinner.00:01:31JackYou respond by saying, come on, it's just one night you can skip it. If you can't afford it. This statement causes tension and the group ends up splitting with some going to the upscale restaurant and others opting out entirely. Question, are you the jerk for suggesting the expensive restaurant and making the comment?00:01:52JackAbout affordability.00:01:54JackHmm.00:01:56XochitlNo, I don't think so. I think if I couldn't afford something and my friends would going to do it, I would be like.00:02:03XochitlYou know to have fun. Uh, tell me what it tell me. If it's good, I'll save up and maybe next time we can all go together.00:02:11XochitlBecause, you know, sometimes people are at different points and yeah, you have. Uh, you may make the same income, but you might have different responsibilities or people might be starting different projects or have different things they need to take care of, like student loans, rent. You know, you can make the same amount of money and have vastly different expenses.00:02:31XochitlAlso prioritize.00:02:32XochitlGuys. Uh, what? You spend your money on very differently. So someone might say, you know, I don't like spending a lot of money on dinner. I'd rather spend it on a hobby or, you know, I I'm saving up for a trip. Coming up in a couple of months or something, you know? So I wouldn't be upset.00:02:53XochitlYou know you can skip it if you if you can't afford it. I wouldn't take that.00:02:58XochitlAs a comment, you know calling me broke or trying to, like, hurt my feelings. I would just think, yeah, you know, I I can't afford it. Or maybe it's not my priority to spend my money there. I might respond that I might be like, well, I can sort it, but I'd rather spend my money elsewhere. But, you know, you guys have fun and enjoy it and tell me if it's any good.00:03:19XochitlAnd then maybe we can go together next time. So yeah, I don't think this person is a jerk. Maybe they could have.00:03:26XochitlUh, avoided that comment just because it could hurt a few people's it it could potentially hurt someones feelings, especially if they're already sensitive about maybe they have other expenses and they're stressed because they don't get to go, but I don't think it it was. It will. And so I wouldn't hold it against them. So I I don't think.00:03:45XochitlThey're the jerk.00:03:46XochitlHow about you, Jack?00:03:48JackUM, yeah, I I'm thinking the the the most like jerky point of the of of the part of the of the uh situation is when he says come on, it's just one night. You know, it's like what is, what does that have to do with anything like it's still money like though.00:04:08JackYou know, it could be one night, five nights. Whatever. It doesn't matter.00:04:15JackAnd UM. But the second part of his comment where he says you can skip it if you can't afford it. I think that's that's OK, you know, like, I I don't think like everyone has to be. It's it's really like it's an odd situation when you get older, when you go from your 20s to your 30s.00:04:35JackYou know, sometimes some of your friends are like graduating from medical school or get becoming lawyers or something, and they're moving into this, like, higher.00:04:44JackTheir income bracket and all of a sudden the things that they like to do are not exactly the same as the things you like to do, like a barbecue in the backyard. They like that, but they also might like going to the fancy new restaurant in town that cost, you know, 2 or $300.00:05:04JackFor a.00:05:04JackHere and you're you're just like 2 or $300.00 for a dinner that that pays for my child's braces, you know, or something like that, you know, you know, like, I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna throw $300.00 away for, you know, cold Robbie or something, you know, like, I'm not going to do that. So.00:05:26JackI I I, but I think your your answer is the best answer is that gracefully decline.00:05:36발표자And.00:05:36JackDon't make. Don't stop your feet and go like it's not fair. You know, like, you know what lifes? Not fair. You know what I mean? They have a right to go to the fancy restaurant if they want to. And you have a whole. You have a total right not to go and. But if you if you, if you make a big point out of like you know only everybody should only go to places that all of us can afford.00:06:00JackI don't think that's a fair request. I think you can just say like opt.00:06:04JackOut.00:06:04JackSay hey, tonight you guys, I'm just gonna hang at home, but I hope you have a good time and I'll catch up with you next week when we go to, you know, Burger King and watch a movie. You know, whatever.00:06:19JackWhat's wrong with that? I I don't know why you have to be, you know, hurt feelings over over over, uh, over that, you know?00:06:27XochitlI think potentially if it started migrating to the point where the group was.00:06:33XochitlSpending more on outings and you you couldn't really afford to see your friends at all anymore, then that would be a good time to bring it up and say, hey guys, you know.00:06:41XochitlI'm kind of.00:06:42XochitlGetting priced out of our get togethers and I was wondering if at least a couple of times you know every other time. Maybe we can go to a more affordable place.00:06:53XochitlUmm.00:06:54XochitlAnd you know, if your friends care about you and want you there, I'm sure that they won't be willing to meet. I'm sure they'll be willing to meet you in the middle at some point.00:07:04JackYes, I think that's that's a really fair point. I think it you know you you can say like hey at least like couple times a month, can we go to a place that's like affordable that everybody likes.00:07:14JackYou know, and then I can participate as well because, you know, I'm friends with you guys, but you know, you earn a lot more money than I do. And I think that in in that case, a lot of times they don't even think like that. You know, some most people think like, oh, if I have this much money, everybody has this much money, you know, you just you you're not you, you're not thinking.00:07:35JackClearly about like what other people are might be earning.00:07:40JackYou know, maybe your friend works for like an NGO or something like that, you know? And so they're, they're their income. They're they're doing something that they love giving back to the community, but they're not getting paid, you know, high salary as opposed to, like a lawyer or a Doctor Who's making a lot of money. It's it's totally fair.00:07:59JackJust say to them, hey, can we?00:08:02JackCan we go to, you know, the the the burger joints or the the pizza place? You know once in a while like the old days and they probably be happy. They probably love it you know like unless they're, you know, really stuck up people they they probably would enjoy going you know back to their roots and doing doing some of the stuff that you guys did when you were in college or.00:08:25JackWhen you were in your 20s.00:08:27JackSo.00:08:29JackYeah, I think your advice is is excellent. Yeah. And yeah, I would guess we're, you know, we're we're curious what.00:08:39JackWhat you guys think? Social. Do you want to take us out here with the?00:08:44XochitlAlright guys. Uh, let us know what you think. Is this person the jerk? Are they not the jerk? What would you do in their situation? Make sure to leave us a comment down below at it as being this or sorry. Leave us a comment down below at AZ Shoot us an e-mail at AZ and join the WeChat.00:09:03XochitlAnd WhatsApp group to join our conversation and we, Jack and I are now hosting a.00:09:11XochitlZoom Class English corner an English corner Monday through Friday for an hour a day. And if you're interested in joining, make sure to check through the WeChat or the WhatsApp group for the link and we'll see you guys next time.00:09:11JackAn English corner, yeah, yeah.00:09:26XochitlBye bye bye bye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok: @atozenglish1Instagram: @atozenglish22Twitter: @atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Debora by Jangwa this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Jun 10, 2024 • 12min

Topic Talk | The Tuna Fish Sandwich Debate

In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl explains the tuna fish sandwich debate question to Jack. Then, Jack offers his opinion on the situation.Transcript:00:00:00JackHey, A to Z Listeners this is the English podcast listeners. It's Jack here and we just want to announce that we are now on WeChat. Our WeChat ID is A-Z English podcast that is A-Z English podcast, one word all lowercase.00:00:17JackAnd if you.00:00:18JackJoin the group. You will be able to talk with me. You'll be able to.00:00:22JackTalk with social.00:00:23JackAnd we can answer your questions. We can read your comments on the podcast. So we'd love for you to join us and be active in our we chat group. Our WeChat ID is A-Z English podcast. Thanks. See you on the app.00:00:50JackWelcome to the A-Z English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm here with my co-host social. And today we have a topic talk, I believe, and this is the tuna fish sandwich debate and social. I have no idea what this means. Please enlighten me.00:01:08XochitlJack, I came across this and it it's kind of popular amongst American medicines in the in the group that I found. So a girl was commenting about how.00:01:21XochitlShe gave her.00:01:23XochitlMoney to go buy and cheese sandwich with all the fixings, which for others who don't know means, you know, lettuce, tomato, mayonnaise, whatever. And she very specifically said she wanted that ham and cheese sandwich. So he went to subway, she gave him money for both of their sandwich.00:01:37발표자 3Mm-hmm.00:01:44XochitlAnd I believe she wasn't feeling well or or something. So anyway, he went alone. So he went and bought a sandwich and he bought himself something different. And then he bought her a tuna fish salad sandwich, which he also likes. But he knows she doesn't like tuna.00:02:05XochitlAnd she doesn't really eat tuna, but he likes tuna, and he brought her the sandwich and told her that he brought her the tuna fish sandwich because he just wanted her to try his favorite sandwich, even though he got himself something different as well. So the commenters were divided on whether she should be grateful.00:02:25XochitlAnd she was actually saying she was grateful anyway, but that it kind of annoyed her. But she ended up feeling grateful that he went and got sandwiches, or if she should be upset.00:02:36XochitlThat he got her something she didn't ask for with her money, that he liked, that he knew that she wouldn't really like. So what do you think, Jack?00:02:45JackYeah, this one is. This is very uhm, here's an expression SUS like suspect, you know? Yeah, this is suck.00:02:53XochitlBut yes, that's like me. So it's like weird or kind of suspicious. That's what it stands for. Suspicious.00:02:56JackYeah.00:03:00JackSuspicious. Exactly.00:03:03JackThis reminds me of an episode of The Simpsons where Homer.00:03:09JackBuys Marge a bowling ball for her birthday that is exactly like sized for his hand and his fingers. So basically he buys her a present that she will never use and doesn't wants and that.00:03:29JackHe wants and that he will use.00:03:31JackAnd she is supposed to be grateful for that. And and this is like, this is just pure manipulation, you know, like, this is just this guy wants to eat all of the sandwiches and he's got his sandwich that he bought for himself.00:03:43XochitlRight.00:03:53JackAnd then he knows that she's not going to eat the tuna sandwich because she doesn't like tuna.00:03:59JackAnd he's trying to frame it as like I'm it's like.00:04:04JackIt's it's like the it's, it's just it's like.00:04:06JackKind of like a.00:04:07JackGaslighting, almost like like I'm I'm giving you the exact opposite of what you want and and make and and you're and forcing you to say thank you for.00:04:09XochitlYeah.00:04:18JackFor me doing it's, it's just like it's, it's awful. I mean it's it's in the grand scheme of things. It's not a big deal. It's just a sandwich. But I would be, you know, greatly annoyed. And I know my wife would be really annoyed if she told me I want this sandwich and then I showed up with a totally different sandwich.00:04:18XochitlGreat.00:04:38JackWhich containing an ingredient that I know she doesn't like and then saying, oh, but this is my favorite sandwich. You gotta try it. It's like. Well, then, why don't you buy that your favorite sandwich for yourself and give her some of yours and buy her the sandwich that she wants?00:04:56JackLike, that's what an adult would do. This is what a child would do is what this guy did. So she's married, she's not married, or she's dating a a child. Not a, not a man, you know.00:04:57XochitlYeah.00:05:07XochitlYeah, OK, good. We're on the same side of this debate. A lot of men in the comments were saying.00:05:13XochitlBecause he went and got the sandwiches, but also what he changed to you. If he if he was buying it with his own money.00:05:23JackNo, it wouldn't. It wouldn't change because like again, like she, she specifically asked for a a sandwich, a ham and cheese sandwich.00:05:33JackAnd you're showing up with a tuna sandwich.00:05:36JackIt's like.00:05:39JackYou know, kind of like, uh, if I asked you to buy me an Americano and you show up with a macchiato or something, it's like, oh, no, I didn't want the, you know, extra 300 calories of sugar or whatever. I just wanted a, a plain Americano.00:05:56JackUM, it it's just, it's just it's kind of like I I guess the the sandwich is irrelevant. It's more of like, are you listening to your partner, are you, you know, are you paying attention and and are you do you understand their wants and needs and design?00:06:12JackYears. And are you putting those desires above your own desires to have basically two sandwiches and she has none. You know, that's the that's the the manipulation here. It's like it's like a scheme. I'm gonna. I'm gonna find a way to eat my sandwich and your sandwich and you're gonna like it.00:06:27XochitlRight.00:06:34JackYou know, like you're gonna say thank you. It's it's like it's it's twisted. It's it's, it's diabolical, you know.00:06:35XochitlRight.00:06:41XochitlI know. And the crazy thing to me is that I I bet he had his wallet on him and he could have just bought himself an extra tuna sandwich with his.00:06:48XochitlMoney and gotten her what she wanted, but he was like, Nah, I'm gonna use her own money, especially if like to get myself something I want. But I agree with you. I don't think it would have changed regardless. Like, it's like if someone asks you cause especially when you're in the long term partnership and especially if you get married and stuff, usually it becomes both of your money.00:07:09XochitlRight. So it doesn't really matter. It's just.00:07:13XochitlIt comes down to are you listening to the person do.00:07:15XochitlYou care about what they want.00:07:17XochitlOr are you a selfish?00:07:19XochitlYou know.00:07:21XochitlJerk.00:07:21JackB hole. Yeah, exactly. Why. Why can't you? Why can't you buy your girlfriend a a sandwich when she's not feeling well? It's like, come on, dude. You're collecting money from your girlfriend. I mean that. That really tells everything that says everything that needs that, that I need to know right there.00:07:26XochitlYeah, yeah.00:07:35XochitlThen.00:07:42JackIs that the guys took the money from her and not only that, but he's going to buy himself a sandwich with her money. It's like.00:07:53JackSorry, sorry, lady, but you, you this guy is not a keeper, you know. Throw this one back because there's plenty of fish in the sea. Yeah.00:07:59발표자No.00:08:00XochitlAnd.00:08:04XochitlYeah, it's funny because he actually said, oh, yeah, he was sweet to get me food. So like, he gets a pass. I was like.00:08:11JackWell, how? How many miles did he walk to?00:08:13JackGet the sandwich.00:08:13XochitlWhat I'm in that situation is make the person go either one.00:08:18JackYeah. I mean, if he drove, then I can.00:08:20XochitlTimes that I wanted or you're giving that money back. Pay for sandwich that I don't want.00:08:26JackYeah.00:08:27JackNo, I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm on team. I'm I'm. I think she should have. She should have been annoyed with him. I don't know how angry you can get over a sandwich. I don't think you should start World War three. You know, in the relationship. But it's just like another little. It's it's like another little little like sign that this guy's.00:08:29XochitlYeah, you're driving back.00:08:44발표자 3Hey.00:08:47JackThe total loser, you know? That's, that's what I've that's the way I interpret.00:08:52JackAnd I'm sure there's probably a million other ways that he's of kind of a loser in that relationship as well, so.00:09:00XochitlI'm curious to know what you would have done if you had been on the receiving end of getting a sandwich you didn't want. Like would, would you make the person go back? Would you ask for your money back or would or would you call them out? Or?00:09:12XochitlWould you?00:09:14XochitlWhat we say thank you and in your mind.00:09:17JackThat's that's an interesting point.00:09:20XochitlLoser. I gotta cut him loose.00:09:22JackWhen it comes to me, there is no sandwich. Then I don't like. So you know, I'll eat anything at any time.00:09:31JackYou know, it could be a horse meat, you know, sandwich. I'll probably eat it, you know? And uh, I wouldn't say anything. I'll, I'll.00:09:41JackYeah, it it it. It's not it. It doesn't. Uh, the situation doesn't fit well with me because there's nothing on the subway menu that I wouldn't eat. Maybe if I got a vegetarian sandwich should be like a little disappointed, but still eat it. You know, I wouldn't complain, you know?00:09:59JackBut in this case.00:10:02JackI think she should be slightly annoyed because he's trying to be manipulative, you know, and it's it's it's obvious and he's trying to get her to.00:10:12JackActively participate in in the manipulation and be like you know, be grateful for.00:10:20JackA trick that he's pulling on her. So you know, I just, I I don't appreciate the. I mean I appreciate the effort on his part to try to get.00:10:29JackAway with this?00:10:30JackIn a in a weird in a twisted way. I kind of appreciate it, but but I I hope that she sees through it and and it doesn't fall for for the.00:10:39발표자Right.00:10:40JackThe the silliness of this of this guy's excuse. He's he's fine. Yeah.00:10:44발표자Right.00:10:46XochitlSo this wouldn't fly with you. And what would you do? Would you send the person back for a sandwich? Would you ask for your money back, or would you just quietly accept it? Yeah. Leave a comment down below at AZ Shoot us an e-mail at and join our WeChat WhatsApp groups to make sure that you can.00:11:07XochitlTalk to Jack and I directly.00:11:09XochitlAlso, Jack and I have started a class on zoom, so if you would like the link to that, make sure to join our WeChat group or you can also message checking directly on the A-Z English podcast WhatsApp or we chat and you can join our Zoom English corner and we'll see you guys.00:11:28XochitlNext time, bye bye.00:11:29JackBye.00:11:29발표자 3byePodcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok: @atozenglish1Instagram: @atozenglish22Twitter: @atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Debora by Jangwa this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Jun 6, 2024 • 13min

Topic Talk | Which chores do you hate and which ones don't you mind?

In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack talk about which chores they hate and which ones they don't mind.Transcript:00:00:00JackHey, A is the English podcast listeners. It's Jack here and we just want to announce that we are now on WeChat. Our WeChat ID is A-Z English podcast that is A-Z English podcast, one word all lowercase.00:00:17JackAnd if you.00:00:18JackJoin the group. You will be able to talk with me. You'll be able to.00:00:22JackTalk with social.00:00:23JackAnd we can answer your questions. We can read your comments on the podcast. So we'd love for you to join us and be active in our we chat group. Our WeChat ID is A-Z English podcast. Thanks. See you on the app.00:00:52JackWelcome to the agency English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm here with my co-host, social. And today we have a topic talk episode and social. Today's topic is what household chores?00:01:03JackDo you usually help?00:01:04JackWith and which ones do you enjoy and which ones?00:01:07JackDo you hate?00:01:10XochitlOhh well Jack, I live alone.00:01:13JackSo you do.00:01:14XochitlI.00:01:15XochitlYeah, I mean, I did and find out what. Yeah, now that I live in Mexico, I pay someone to come do some of them. And I do some of them. So that kind of works out pretty well for me. But lately, the person that I was paying to come do household chores, unfortunately.00:01:16JackSwear none of them. I don't know. It depends on.00:01:18JackHow you live, yeah.00:01:24JackYeah.00:01:34XochitlHer father got ill and I totally get that. So I've been handling them on my own.00:01:40JackMHM.00:01:40XochitlAnd and.00:01:43XochitlI like cooking. Uh, if there's other people around like I hate cooking just myself.00:01:50JackYeah, me too. I hate like it's still. There's nothing lonelier than frying. Like one egg, you know?00:01:56JackWhat I mean, it's just like what's?00:01:57XochitlOh my God. Wow. We're like.00:01:58JackWhat's wrong with my life? You.00:02:00JackKnow when you yeah.00:02:00XochitlI know it's just and we have no one to eat with and it's like just different thing. So if I'm alone, a lot of the times, they'll just end up ordering food like Uber eats or whatever. And but if there's even just one other person with me, I'm happy to cook.00:02:04JackYeah.00:02:12JackOh, nice, yeah.00:02:19XochitlOther chores that I do like wash the dishes, do my laundry.00:02:25XochitlAh, sweep mop.00:02:29JackIs is there one that like, really irks you? That just drives you crazy, that you really hate.00:02:29XochitlI don't.00:02:34XochitlOK, I don't like sleeping and mopping because it makes my back hurt, which is like weird, but I don't know why, but my back really hurts. Whenever I like sweep and mop, so I don't like that. I don't like getting.00:02:39JackAh.00:02:46XochitlEven though I don't mind sleeping in mopping, it's just the fact that my back always hurts. It like really annoys me and I don't like. Yeah, I don't like.00:02:53JackIt's yeah.00:02:56XochitlDoing the dishes I used to really like doing the dishes when I was a kid, and now I hate doing the dishes because it's like.00:03:03XochitlJust the nasty food on it. Or like other people's mouths. It not it, grosses me.00:03:09JackIt reminds me of the like Reddit thread like kids are.00:03:13JackFreaking stupid, you know, like a kid like kid kids are like, oh, man, I wish I were old enough to mature enough to wash the dishes, you know? And they kind of trick you into doing it, you know? Yeah.00:03:23XochitlAlright.00:03:27XochitlI know. And you think it's fun and then you're like, you become an adult and you have to do the dishes every day. And the kitchen is never clean. And every time you cook something, the kitchen is dirty again. And then it just makes me want to eat out all the time because then I don't have to do dishes. I don't have to clean my kitchen. I just, like, eat out of container.00:03:42JackYeah, and and eating out is not not expensive in in Mexico, in Oaxaca, right? Yeah.00:03:47XochitlNo, it it's not too expensive. You can get a full meal for like.00:03:52XochitlThree to four bucks probably like you. You can get what they call, which is like the big meal today, and you get, like, a a fresh water that, like, has a fruit flavor usually and a whole meal. And then sometimes they give you, like, dessert and you get, like, the main.00:03:55JackWow.00:04:12XochitlFish and two side dishes. And that's like 3 or $4.00. So at that point, it's like, I don't really want to.00:04:18XochitlCook so.00:04:19JackSo $3 in Korea will buy you like.00:04:23XochitlThey won't even buy you.00:04:24XochitlCoffee man like I remember.00:04:25JackYou won't even buy you a coffee. I mean, maybe you could. Maybe you could get the cup, but there won't be anything in it, you know, for the three dollars. Yeah.00:04:27XochitlNo, I never heard.00:04:32XochitlYeah.00:04:34XochitlYeah, but, Jack, what are the ones that you hate to do? And what which ones do you do in general and which is?00:04:40JackYeah. So I'm basically, I'm like I I dust I'm I vacuum and I mop. That's all. My wife asked me to do. She does the, you know, the big stuff, right, like she.00:04:50JackShe's kind of on her hands and knees cleaning the bathrooms once a week, and she does all the dusting of everywhere. I just have to dust my this little room right here, this man cave, my podcasting room, and I hate it because you know, when you're dusting.00:05:09JackLike books and stuff, there's all the you know.00:05:11JackThere's so so.00:05:12JackMany little nooks and crannies and little, you know, spaces that you have to try to get into.00:05:18JackAnd so, you know, sometimes I'm I do a good job. Sometimes I'm a little lazy with that vacuuming. I don't mind doing it that that much. I think vacuuming is is is OK, although I have been trying to, you know, pitch the idea to my wife that we should get.00:05:38JackA Roomba, you know, like a like a. Yeah, like a like a a robot vacuum cleaner. But she's not. She's. She's skeptical because of her plants. She doesn't want it to, like, knock over her plants. You know, while it's cruising around. Whatever.00:05:40XochitlOhh that's the good idea.00:05:57JackSo.00:05:58JackSo I'm stuck doing that. The one that I hate the most is taking out the trash.00:06:05JackI hate it.00:06:07JackSo I'll let it pile up like to a ridiculous level, where it's like it's like a, it's like a mountain of of like, boxes, kind of teetering. And then finally I'll be like, alright, I it's time to go. And the reason I don't like it is because we live on the third, third floor of a walk up and then I have to walk over to the recycling.00:06:28JackGarbage area which is like.00:06:29JackMaybe. Uh oh, I don't know.00:06:36JackI don't know 100 meters, you know, away from my my front door and.00:06:43JackI just like in the winter. It's freezing cold in the summer. It's hot, you know? So I just. I just don't like it. I just really hate that. So, you know.00:06:46XochitlYeah.00:06:52XochitlAlso, for listeners who don't know, separating trash in Korea is like very difficult. So.00:06:59JackThey recycle everything, you know, even food, food, garbage. It's crazy.00:06:59XochitlI it's like, yeah. And yeah, yeah.00:07:05XochitlYeah, the food garbage goes to like pigs or something, I believe, right?00:07:08JackYeah, they make some kind of.00:07:12JackYeah, some some kind.00:07:13JackOf food like the dry food after they dry it out and stuff they they feed.00:07:17JackIt to pigs, yeah.00:07:17XochitlOh, they like dehydrating it. Oh.00:07:20JackYeah, they dehydrate it. Yeah, yeah.00:07:22XochitlOh cool so.00:07:23JackYeah.00:07:25XochitlHuh. Well, anyway it so there's certain things you can't put in your food. Trash like bones, egg shells, things like that, because obviously that could hurt the pigs, so.00:07:37XochitlYeah, it is a pain, but.00:07:39JackI put everything in there that I shouldn't.00:07:43XochitlThat you did. Did you not know about this?00:07:45JackI didn't know about that. I I put egg cells and coffee grounds and everything in there. Yeah, yeah.00:07:46XochitlNo, no, I think I think coffee grounds might be OK. You have to look into it, but you're not supposed to put. You're like.00:07:53XochitlThat you're just now hearing. Yeah, yeah.00:07:56JackI thought pigs could eat egg shells. No problem. I mean, just like.00:07:59XochitlI think it's because they dehydrate it. That probably like become sharp or something. I don't know. I think you're not supposed to put egg shells. Check. Check. You're also not supposed to put bones in there. So.00:08:10XochitlJust double check though you've been living there long to me, so you know, double check. But I remember when I got there that people told me I wasn't supposed to do that.00:08:18XochitlSo then I didn't, but it was a pain. It I would. I would kind of just not do the food trash. I would kind of just put my food trash in the normal trash and just throw it away.00:08:26JackYeah, yeah, you just you.00:08:29JackIf they make it too complicated and it's too, it's too much trouble. People just won't do it. So.00:08:34XochitlI know. Yeah, it's a lot, yeah.00:08:36XochitlWhat is 1 chore that you really like doing?00:08:39JackA. A tool that I like doing well. That's a good question. I'm not sure there is one. I think you know vacuuming is because I still, I can put my my hair, put my my earbuds in and and usually I listen to our our podcast episodes while I'm vacuuming. So I'll just listen to a podcast and vacuum. You know, it's just like a.00:08:59JackYou know, sometimes I'll do, like, uh, you know, I Love Lucy. You know, I'll dance a little bit with the vacuum cleaner and, you know, kind of like that, like a like, it's a dancing partner or something if no one's home, you know, if if my wife's home, I won't do that. But yeah, make it fun. You know, if if I.00:09:16JackThen. But yeah, vacuuming is no big deal. That's it's easy.00:09:21XochitlYeah, I I like vacuuming as well.00:09:25XochitlAnd trying to think, I think that's probably the one that I like the most. I kind of like scrubbing floors. I I find it satisfying.00:09:34JackOhh you do when the when the like white line and the when the the.00:09:38JackRoute changes like dark to to light or something.00:09:39XochitlYeah.00:09:42XochitlYeah, you're like in there with elbow grease. Really. Scrubbing. I got your floors. I actually like doing that. I I find it satisfying. I I I see what sweeping and mopping. I don't see that much of an immediate difference. So I don't like it that much, but I really like, like scrubbing things. Kind of. I find it like satisfying. So.00:10:01JackAre you are you an 80% or a?00:10:03Jack100 Percenter and what I mean by that is like.00:10:06JackSome people clean to like about 80%, you know.00:10:09JackFeel like it's.00:10:10JackGood enough like this. This is fine. You know? Like if the company came over, they wouldn't be like, oh, you're such a pig, you know. But then there are other people that are like, 100%. And so I think the problem that that my wife and my wife is 100 percenter and I'm an 80 percenter. And so there's like, that's a point of contention for us.00:10:25XochitlRight.00:10:29JackWhere I'm like I did it already. So like do it again the right way. You know, that kind of stuff. So yeah.00:10:35XochitlRight. I kind of.00:10:40XochitlI'm not 100% sure, but I I don't clean all the time, but when it gets dirty, if if I'm gonna clean it, I want it to be sparkling you.00:10:48XochitlKnow what I mean?00:10:48JackSo you're like you're. You're like, I can. I can let it go. But then one day you just roll up your sleeves and you're like.00:10:55JackIt's time to go to work. It's like like an Avenger or something, you know? Yeah. OK.00:10:56XochitlYes. And then?00:11:00XochitlYeah. And then, yeah, I I definitely am kind of like that. And I don't like it. It's like if someone else cleans and it's still dirty. And I myself that drives me crazy too. That really does.00:11:08JackOhh that drives my wife crazy.00:11:13XochitlI hate it, like when the floor is like no one really scrubbed them, they just kind of swept and mopped a little bit and it's still like you walk across barefoot and your feet are like Gray after that piece that it makes me very angry. So I went with sure that I scrub. I just I'd rather scrub it.00:11:22JackYep.00:11:31XochitlAnd then mopped it several times. But.00:11:34XochitlI just it has to be clean, you know, with the clean. It has to be clean. It has to be clean enough for you to eat off of, basically.00:11:37JackYeah.00:11:41JackWhat? Well, when people clean your your house, they're going to do it half heartedly, you know? That's a good expression there. Half heartedly means like small, low effort, you know, because it's not theirs, you know. So yeah.00:11:46XochitlYeah.00:11:51XochitlYes.00:11:53XochitlAnd love their house. So who cared? Yeah. Yeah. All right. Well, tell sisters, what is your least favorite chore and your favorite chore. If you like any chores. And what are you usually responsible for in your home? I'm really curious to know. So send us an e-mail at AZ with podcast at Gmail dot.00:12:11XochitlOne, leave a comment down below at AZ with and join the we channel WhatsApp groups to talk to Jack and I directly and we will be discussing things like this in the English corner as well. So if you guys are interested in joining the English corner again, that's 20 lessons for $10 a month.00:12:21JackYes.00:12:29JackBut the 1st 10 are free.00:12:30XochitlThe 1st 10 lessons are free, so if you feel like support supporting us and you're able to support us, you get a lot of bang for your buck. As we would say in the US, so we look forward to seeing you in that Ave. as well and we'll see you.00:12:39발표자Yes.00:12:44XochitlGuys, next time. Bye bye.00:12:45JackBye bye.00:12:46발표자Bye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok: @atozenglish1Instagram: @atozenglish22Twitter: @atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Debora by Jangwa this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Jun 4, 2024 • 8min

Idiom Academy | 3 Idioms about Rain

In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack discuss three idioms related to rain.Transcript:00:00:00JackHey, A is the English podcast listeners. It's Jack here and we just want to announce that we are now on WeChat. Our WeChat ID is A-Z English podcast that is A-Z English podcast, one word all lowercase.00:00:17JackAnd if you.00:00:18JackJoin the group. You will be able to talk with me. You'll be able to.00:00:22JackTalk with social.00:00:23JackAnd we can answer your questions. We can read your comments on the podcast. So we'd love for you to join us and be active in our we chat group. Our WeChat ID is A-Z English podcast. Thanks. See you on the app.00:00:51JackWelcome to the A-Z English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm here with my co-host social. And today we are in the Idiom Academy and we have 3 idioms social what is what's our first one?00:01:01XochitlOur first idiom is it's raining cats and dogs.00:01:06JackOh yeah, sure.00:01:08XochitlWhat does that mean, Jack?00:01:10JackWell, it means that uh, cats and dogs are are just falling from the sky for some reason. No, what it means is that it's raining very, very hard out there outside.00:01:24JackSo we, you know it's it's it's kind of an old idiom cause I can just picture like my grandfather or my dad saying, you know, like we're going outside to go in the car and it's oh, it's raining cats and dogs out there, you know. So we.00:01:32XochitlYeah.00:01:39JackIt's it's, it's.00:01:40JackOne of the the dumbest like idiots like we have.00:01:45JackBut it's so.00:01:45XochitlYes, weird.00:01:46JackCommon like people use it still all the.00:01:50XochitlYeah, it's kind of not like it's a very nonsensical one. Like why? I don't know if it's just because, like, when it rained really hard you. I don't know what the etymology is, which means like the origin. I really like origin is I think it's just like the slamming sound, maybe of rain. It's like a cat.00:02:09XochitlFell from your roof or something on? I don't know, so.00:02:13XochitlI'm not sure it's not.00:02:13JackI mean it it it, yeah.00:02:14JackYou could just any two nouns could be like it's raining bowl bowling balls and toaster ovens. You know, like it it could be it. It makes as much sense as, you know, cats and dogs so.00:02:22XochitlRight, yes.00:02:27XochitlYeah, but for some reason we we chose cats and dogs. So like this thing.00:02:27발표자 3Yeah.00:02:31JackYeah, we chose cats and dogs. We have to live.00:02:33JackWith it, yeah.00:02:34XochitlIt's pouring. It's pouring. So which brings us to our next idiom. When it rains, it pours. Jack what?00:02:36JackYeah.00:02:42XochitlThat means only rain.00:02:43JackOhh this one I I like this one because like it's like when you when you get a little bit busy you get really busy. You know it seems like like you you you'll you'll go like weeks without any anything and then all of a sudden you have 20 things that you have to do. You know it's like.00:03:01JackIt just kind of, you know? Yeah, it's just like when it rains, it pours it a lot of rain comes, you know. But when there's nothing that nothing is happening.00:03:08XochitlRight.00:03:11XochitlWhen it rains, it pours. Or what's the other one? It can also mean when something bad.00:03:17XochitlHappens that a lot of bad things happen, like let's say ohh you know I was. I was doing fine. Let's let's been fine. And then I broke my thumb and then my mom broke her leg and then we owe hospital bills and now?00:03:38XochitlThe hospital or out of our pain medication.00:03:40XochitlThen and then my dad got in a car crash on his way.00:03:44XochitlTo.00:03:44XochitlPick us up. It's not a bad thing.00:03:45JackYeah, yeah, yeah. It's just like, yeah, yeah.00:03:49XochitlIt's kind of how it is. It's like if I don't know if you ever noticed, it's like one bad thing happens and then a bunch of bad thing happened. Happen. Bad things happen. Yeah.00:03:55JackWell, it's like.00:03:57JackIt's like it's like, uh, you know?00:04:00JackA guy sitting at home and his girlfriend just broke up with him.00:04:03JackAnd then he's, like, checks his e-mail. He got fired from his job, and he's and he gets a phone call. His grandmother passed away, you know, or something. And it's just like one after the other, after the other. It's like when it rains.00:04:08XochitlYeah.00:04:17JackIt pours, yeah.00:04:19XochitlYeah. And then the other one is, uh, take a rain check. Jack, this one has only fascinated me because I don't think I understood what this meant. And I was like a teenager, so.00:04:32JackI think I may still not know it. I mean, I know what it means, but I I'm not sure. Like what? Why they?00:04:37XochitlWhy? I guess maybe.00:04:40XochitlBecause if it's raining, well, tell them what it means and I'll then I'll give you my idea about that apology.00:04:45JackYeah. So let's say for example, let's say you, you, you said to me like, hey, Jack, let's, let's grab lunch on Tuesday. And I'm like, oh, I have a meeting on Tuesday. So can I take a rain check?00:04:59JackAnd a rain check just means can we? Can we change the date to a future time, but an unknown future time. So we will have lunch together. It's just we don't know when it's going to happen in the future. So you know, we have to make a a a a plan.00:05:08발표자Right.00:05:16XochitlRight. This means, yeah, let let's leave it for the future at some point.00:05:17발표자 3Yeah.00:05:22JackYeah, it's kind of like it's kind of like saying it's it's kind of different than saying no, you know, I'm busy because it's kind of like saying.00:05:27XochitlYeah.00:05:29XochitlPlaying later or something.00:05:31JackYeah. Well, it's it's like, it's nice. It's like a nice way to say like I want to spend time with you. I want to do this. I just can't do it at that time that you said, you know.00:05:40XochitlLike. Yeah, it's like it's nicer than maybe later. Like maybe later. It's like no later for sure. Later, for sure. You wanna do this? But.00:05:40JackAnd so.00:05:51JackYeah, maybe later is what we call blowing someone off. Basically, yeah.00:05:55XochitlYeah. Yeah. So it's not maybe later. It's like later for sure. I I do want to hang out with you. I just can't. Unfortunately, at that time. So yeah. Yeah. So it's it's a nice way to say to say that.00:06:03JackRight, exactly.00:06:05JackTake a rain check.00:06:10XochitlAnd yeah, all right, since if you have anymore questions about these idioms or any more idioms, make sure to leave us a comment down below at A-Z English podcast. Shoot us an e-mail at at AZ make sure that you join the lead channel WhatsApp groups to talk to us directly. I would love to see and hear you guys using these idioms. I think it would be really fun. And of course if you're able to Jack and I have now started an English corner.00:06:36JackYep.00:06:37XochitlFor $10 a month, you get 20 lessons, so that's $0.50 per lesson and the 1st 10 lessons are free. So if you feel so inclined to support us and can and are able to support us, make sure to join us on the English.00:06:44발표자 3Yep.00:06:53XochitlCorner and you can do that through our WeChat group and. And so we will see you guys next time. And again thank you so much for sticking with us through the podcast. We really appreciate your support and we'll see you guys next time. Bye bye.00:07:08발표자 3Bye bye bye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok: @atozenglish1Instagram: @atozenglish22Twitter: @atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Debora by Jangwa this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Jun 2, 2024 • 8min

Topic Talk | Introducing The A to Z English Corner!

In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack talk about their new venture in China with the creation of The A to Z English Corner.❤ The A to Z English Corner Class Link:  10 Classes for Free! Mon. - Fri. @ 9:00p.m.WeChat: atozenglishpodcast   👉 Please follow these instructions:  1. Read and check the vocabulary in the questions  2. You must have clear audio  3. You must have a good internet connection  4. You must open your camera  5. You must speak English Transcript:00:00:00JackHey, A is the English podcast listeners. It's Jack here and we just want to announce that we are now on WeChat. Our WeChat ID is A-Z English podcast that is A-Z English podcast, one word all lowercase.00:00:17JackAnd if you.00:00:18JackJoin the group. You will be able to talk with me. You'll be able to.00:00:22JackTalk with social.00:00:23JackAnd we can answer your questions. We can read your comments on the podcast. So we'd love for you to join us and be active in our we chat group. Our WeChat ID is A-Z English podcast. Thanks. See you on the app.00:00:51JackWelcome to the A-Z English podcast. My name is Jack and I am here with my co-host social. And today we have a very special episode and today's episode is titled.00:01:03JackThe A to.00:01:04JackZ English corner.00:01:06JackAnd social, we have exciting news for our listeners out there. We are starting an English corner in China.00:01:17JackAnd we'll be teaching.00:01:18JackEvery day, you know, five days a week.00:01:21XochitlYeah, we're really excited about this. I want our listeners to know know that we're still going to be of.00:01:27Xochitl1st at least three episodes a week of 8OZ, and the reasoning for making the English corner is of course we'll be able to interact more with our students and we want to be able to keep making content for you guys because it takes a lot of effort and it takes money and time and it's expensive ultimately for Jack and I.00:01:47XochitlTo run the A-Z podcast. So yeah, this is an opportunity to benefit everyone and I'm really looking forward to it. Of course, we'll always remain loyal to the A-Z English podcast, and we'll keep making content for you guys. Ah, 100% free of charge.00:02:02JackRight. We're never going to you.00:02:02XochitlAnd.00:02:04JackYou never have to pay for the podcast.00:02:06XochitlYeah, never abandoned you for the podcast.00:02:08JackYeah, and. And the for the English corner, the 1st 10 classes are free. So you can, you know, you get to really take it for a test ride and see if you like it. You know, like you can, you can go to 10 classes for free if it's, if you enjoy it.00:02:28JackThen you will become you. You will move on to VIP status for we we settled on 80 RMB a month.00:02:38JackOK, which is about $10 a month. US ten U.S. dollars per month, but for $10 you're getting 20 classes.00:02:49JackYou know, Monday through Friday.00:02:53JackEvery every week, Monday through Friday 9:00 PM to 10:00 PM for so 9:00 in the evening in in China.00:03:03JackAnd I don't know what you know. I'm not good at math, but $10.00 for 20 classes. What does that come down to $0.50 a class?00:03:13XochitlYeah, something like that.00:03:14JackOK, OK. Yeah.00:03:17JackYeah. I mean, in the in the, in the real world, you know, one hour with a A.00:03:23JackNative English speaker.00:03:25JackIs probably about five times that much you know about 50 bucks an hour, something like that, you know.00:03:32XochitlRight, that'd be 10 times as much as $0.50. Well, right per class. OK, I'm not strong mathematician, so that's why we keep.00:03:39JackSorry. Yeah, now we're.00:03:43JackWe're we're we're mapping poorly here again.00:03:45XochitlThat's that's why weird language teachers and.00:03:48JackHi.00:03:49XochitlSo yeah, I know I'm very excited about this. I'm looking forward to being able to connect with our students because Jack told me that we're going to be hosting this so that we get to interact with each individual student and I don't know, I really look forward to that. I think that's my favorite.00:04:09XochitlPart of doing at Oz is being able to have that link with the students directly and seeing you guys grow and seeing you progress and seeing you enjoy the content that we make and I'm really excited to be able to do that full time.00:04:22JackI mean, we've gotten so much love from China, you know, like the the podcast. I mean for for sure our our largest percentage of audiences from China and a lot of that comes from Billy. Billy, I think you know some of our videos or our podcast is is they the.00:04:42JackEpisodes have been uploaded onto Billy, Billy and so people have just found us.00:04:46JackThat way, but you can also join our we our our we chat group. So our WeChat username ID is A-Z English podcast. So A-Z English podcast. So if you you can look in the description.00:05:06JackYou can join, you can click on it and join. You know, come into my our WeChat group and I'll let you.00:05:12JackAnd and that's where I'll post the the discussion questions for the the, the, the video conferencing class. And so we're using VVOV the app, it's kind of like zoom or Skype kind of similar to those, but it's a.00:05:33JackI believe a a Chinese company, VOV and so you can join the V class.00:05:41JackStraight from clicking the the link in where the discussion questions are so in in the WeChat. So yeah, I think it's it sounds complicated right now. I mean the as I talk about it, it sounds very complicated, but it's I think once we students kind of get used to it, it'll be very.00:06:00JackYou know simple, you know.00:06:02발표자Oh.00:06:03XochitlYeah, and I and I'm just really excited. I I want to thank our students that have been with us from the beginning and that have allowed us to keep creating content and to keep growing as content creators. And I know we've taken quite a few turns and divots in the last few months trying to make sure that we stay afloat.00:06:21JackYeah.00:06:22XochitlPodcast and I really appreciate guys sticking with us.00:06:23JackRight.00:06:27XochitlThrough all of that, because it's been a lot, but our fan base, you guys are unshakable, you've you've supported us through all of this. And I want you guys to know that podcasts will only be free to you. I want you guys to know that we'll still be in the WhatsApp groups. We'll still be in the WeChat groups. You can still e-mail us directly to the you can still always leave us a comment. We'd love to see your comments at A-Z, and.00:06:56XochitlWe're so happy that you guys are part of this journey with us and and we'll always have that in mind moving forward.00:07:05JackYeah, I can't wait to see.00:07:06JackEverybody in the English.00:07:07JackCorner. It'll be. It'll be fantastic. So we're going to have so much fun. I just. I'm really excited.00:07:14XochitlSee you guys next time. Bye bye.00:07:15JackOK.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok: @atozenglish1Instagram: @atozenglish22Twitter: @atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Debora by Jangwa this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
May 30, 2024 • 8min

Quick Tips | Minimal pairs with the sounds /p/ and /b/

You can donate to the podcast here: here:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastIn this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack discuss minimal pairs. They focus on the /p/ and /b/ sounds.Minimal pairs are pairs of words that differ by only one phoneme and have different meanings. Here are some minimal pairs with the sounds /b/ and /p/:bat / patball / Paulbin / pinbark / parkbat / patban / panbet / petbake / pakebest / pestbow / powbuy / piebig / pigboat / coatback / packbeach / peachThese minimal pairs illustrate how a single phoneme change can result in completely different words and meanings. The /b/ and /p/ sounds are distinguished primarily by their voicing: /b/ is voiced, while /p/ is voiceless.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok: @atozenglish1Instagram: @atozenglish22Twitter: @atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Debora by Jangwa this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
May 29, 2024 • 9min

Vocabulary Spotlight | Common English Similes

You can donate to the podcast here: atozenglishpodcastAs easy as pie - Very easy"The exam was as easy as pie."As stubborn as a mule - Very stubborn"He's as stubborn as a mule and won't listen to reasonAs strong as an ox - Very strong"After years of weightlifting, he's as strong as an ox."As white as snow - Very white"Her dress was as white as snow."As sharp as a tack - Very sharp or smart"She's as sharp as a tack, always quick with a witty response."Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok: @atozenglish1Instagram: @atozenglish22Twitter: @atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Debora by Jangwa this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:

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