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The Orvis Fly-Fishing Podcast

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May 19, 2023 • 1h 44min

Fishing through climate change, with John Gierach

Our climate is changing, and regardless of whether you think it's human caused or natural it is changing. If you don't believe that you need to get outside more. John Gierach [58:00], thoughtful guy that he is, wanted to talk about this subject and how he deals with changes that have happened in his lifetime, and what we can all do to deal with climate change and still enjoy fly fishing, because as he says "we still gotta live" and to some of us fly fishing is life. I n the Fly Box this week we have lots of questions, many of them quite basic but still fun to answer because you can always give them a new twist. What is the best rig to catch trout with worms? (I hope he meant worm flies and not real worms) What can I do to keep my Depth Charge line from tangling? I am moving to Texas and want one rod for inland bass and one for inshore saltwater. Is there one outfit that can do this? Am I better off buying one high-end rod or several lower priced rods if I fish in a variety of trout situations? Can you overline bamboo and fiberglass fly rods? I have a dog that likes to chase rocks and sticks. Any tips on how to train a dog to be a good fishing companion?  Is there any way to tell a trout rise from a chub rise? I am confused by fly line numbers and hook numbers. Can you explain them? What do fish deep in a lake take my Pat's Rubber Legs fished quickly? What do the fish think it is?  How do you fish your Rabbit's Foot Emerger patterns? What do I do with my rod when tying on a new fly or landing a fish? Is there a better knot than a clinch knot for tying on size 18 to 22 flies? My welded loop has cuts in it. What can I do to fix that? What kind of dry/dropper arrangement do you use when there is nothing visibly hatching? A good tip from a listener on walking the banks of your favorite rivers in low water to get a sense for the bottom structure. Can you tell the difference between a male and female trout by looking at the anal fin?
13 snips
May 12, 2023 • 1h 41min

All about western caddisfly hatches, with M.E. Sorci

A few weeks ago we did a podcast on eastern caddis hatches and I promised to get an expert on western hatches. ME Sorci [43:40] is a student of entomology, a guide, fly fisher, and manager of Orvis Jackson Hole. You can tell by her enthusiasm in the podcast that she thinks caddisflies are fascinating, and she gives us some great tips on when, where, and how to fish these prolific hatches. I learned a lot on this podcast and you will, too. In the Fly Box this week we have some interesting and unusual questions as well as tips from listeners, including: How do I fish short, fast, deep plunge pools with streamers and what line should I use? What tips do you have for fighting a big fish when it runs downstream? Should I fish a 12-foot leader when bluelining? Can an old cork handle on an Orvis bamboo fly rod be repaired? What line should I put on my 10-foot, 3-weight rod for fishing dry flies? Why don't we use other feathers from peacocks besides the eyed tails? Where can I find something that shows me pictures of saltwater prey so I can imitate them? Should I change tactics when fishing at sunrise and sunset? So I don't transfer invasive species how can I tell good algae from bad algae?  Is it possible to put too much hackle on a dry fly?  Why do we use dubbed bodies on dry flies? Why causes a dry fly to not sit properly on the water?  I put small glass beads on my dry flies so I don't crowd the head. Do you think this is a good idea?  Where would Tom like to live (for fishing reasons) if he didn't live in Vermont?
May 5, 2023 • 1h 43min

How to swing soft hackle wets, with Steve Culton

Swinging wet flies, specifically soft hackle flies, is an often misunderstood method of fishing and many people try it but give up when it doesn't seem to work. But it's an elegant, relaxing, and fun way to cover a lot of water and probably the oldest way to fish for trout. There are some tips to rigging and fishing soft hackles, and wet fly expert Steve Culton [42:39] shares some great tips with us this week. In the Fly Box this week, we have some interesting questions and great tips from listeners, including: With the high water in Utah this spring, should I try to fish rivers or stick to lakes? And what flies should I use?  For float fishing smaller streams for bass, should I get a small raft or a kayak? Would it be better to use a double taper or weight forward line for small streams? Are fly rod actions and recommended line sizes consistent across manufacturers? Two great tips from listeners for getting the fly line out of your guides when you start fishing. At what point should I give up repairing my waders? How should I fish a river that alternates between rocky rivers and slow, mucky pools? Should I change techniques when going from one type of water to another? When should I switch from a nymph to a dry in early season? How can I prevent fish taking streamers form getting foul hooked? Should I fish a pool with a nymph or streamer first? Why did I see few fishing rising in an afternoon hatch and many more fish rising in the evening?  Where should I go to catch bonefish, tarpon, and roosterfish from shore without a guide? I want to start guiding for striped bass. Where should I start?
Apr 28, 2023 • 1h 20min

How to buy a trout stream, with Josh Kling -fixed-

No, I am not talking about buying a trout stream and locking it up in a private club. I am talking about buying a piece of a trout stream, fixing (basically rewilding) the habitat, and then ensuring public access on the water for perpetuity. That's what the good folks at Western Rivers Conservancy do, and in this week's podcast I talk to Josh Kling [45:30], their conservation director, about projects they have on the Yakima and Big Hole rivers—two rivers treasured by fly fishers and in need of help. In the Fly Box this week, we have some great questions and tips from listeners, including: I fished a 5-weight line on my 10-foot 3-weight rod and liked it. Is there anything wrong with this? I foul-hooked a couple fish when using a dry dropper. Is there a way to avoid this? A good tip from a listener on getting the line to leader connection out of your rod tip by using the current.  If I use a kayak for accessing wade fishing, should I park at the head of a pool and fish downstream or should I park at the tail and fish upstream?  How should I fish deep, slow-moving pools with a mud bottom? Where in the US should I go on a fishing trip with my father? Why are fly rod grips from different manufacturers so different?  I impacted my rod with a heavy bead-head fly. How should I inspect it to look for damage?  A great tip for attaching the leader to a fly line when using a mono rig. When did fly fishers first use backing on fly reels? Can I throw big flies, as large as a 5/0, on my 8-weight rod?  What flies should I use for spawning carp? How do I tell if a bass is on a bed and spawning as opposed to chasing bait? Why did fish strike my Prince nymph when I stripped it and not on a dead drift? Are rods getting stiffer and fly lines getting heavier?
Apr 21, 2023 • 1h 22min

Great things happening in the world of trout, with Chris Wood

There's some real positive news in the world of trout these days, from the mitigation of acid mine drainage in wild trout streams to replacement of perched culverts to an unprecedented funding opportunity for habitat projects. Chris Wood [38:36], president and CEO of Trout Unlimited, takes us through some ongoing and upcoming projects that have him excited and optimistic. In the Fly Box this week, we have some very helpful tips and interesting questions from listeners, including: I want to sell some of my flies. Should I start an online store or go through a local fly shop? Why don't light-colored flies like the Light Cahill work in my streams? I s there a database of older Orvis rods? Brown trout from a larger river spawn in a tributary that holds a good population of native brook trout. Should I feel bad about fishing for those spawning brown trout? For a small stream fly rod, I am looking at a 10-foot 3-weight and a 7 ½ foot 3-weight. Which should I choose? How do you keep the body thin when tying a Comparadun or Sparkle Dun?  I fish small streams with tricky current. When it gets windy, should I fish a longer or shorter leader? The trout got active when the wind blew some seeds into the water. Is that typical? A great tip from a listener on using a balanced leech and an indicator in plunge pools. My friend just fishes Clouser Minnows and outfishes me when I use my fancier Game Changers and Dahlberg Divers. Am I wrong to be wasting my time on these more complicated patterns?  What is the best way to get the leader knot out of the guides before you start fishing? What recommendations do you have for fly fishing for crappie? A terrific tip from a listener on a different way to rig a dry dropper. How do I feel about yarn flies for gar and egg flies for carp? I want to replace my fluorocarbon with nylon. Will I notice the difference?
Apr 17, 2023 • 8min

15 Years Ago Today - Reading the Water

Hey folks! This is Jamie, I produce The Orvis Fly-Fishing Podcast with Tom Rosenbauer. Today is the 15th anniversary if the show and to celebrate we are running the first episode that was published on April 17, 2008. It's short! Only 5 minutes or so. We weren't sure if anyone would listen. Twenty-one million downloads later, we know you are listening, and more importantly, contributing to the show. Thank you for all you have done to make this a real joy to be a part of, and thank you to Tom Rosenbauer for letting me be a part of it. Let's do another 15!
Apr 15, 2023 • 1h 10min

The Future of Bristol Bay, with Nelli Williams

Champions of clean water and an intact ecosystem have a lot to celebrate with our recent victory in the Bristol Bay region of Alaska. But this ruling only protects a relatively small part of Bristol Bay, which is a huge body of water. Nelli Williams [33:34] from Trout Unlimited Alaska, a veteran of this battle, gives us her perspective on what has been protected, what remains to be protected, and what we should all be vigilant about in this magnificent watershed. It's a feel-good story but a reminder that we need to keep our eyes and ears open in the future. In the Fly Box this week, we have some interesting questions—and some phone calls that seemed to have come out of the woodwork! How do I narrow my efforts in fly tying so I don't end up with 10 fly boxes? A great tip from a listener on another way to separate stuck rod sections What do people mean by a "technical" trout stream? A bunch of great tips for fly fishing from a canoe from two different listeners A tip from a listener on using deer hair instead of elk when tying small Elk Wing Caddis dry flies What kind of fly-fishing questions are reasonable to ask from an AI chat? And is this ethical? A great tip for fly tiers for keeping the hook eye open when finishing the head of a fly Where do I put the studs in my new Orvis Hybrid Wading Shoes?
Apr 7, 2023 • 1h 19min

The Science behind the Everglades Storage Reservoir, with Steve Davis

This week begins a month of habitat/conservation podcasts as a celebration of Earth Month. We start the series off with Steve Davis [43:25], Chief Science Officer for the Everglades Foundation, and instead of talking about the boring aspects of Everglades Restoration like funding and politics we're delving deep into the science of how the water will be stored and cleaned, which plants aid in the cleanup, and how this process will aid in more fresh water to Florida Bay and the Everglades, and less polluted fresh water to estuaries on both coasts of Florida. We'll also talk about immediate benefits, but also how it will take seven years to completely fill the reservoir. And yes, we will talk about fly fishing topics this month in the Fly Box. This week we have some great tips and questions, including: I have a 5-weight, 6-weight, and 10-weight rod for fishing in the Mississippi. I may be catching fish up to 20 pounds. Do you think an 8-weight will handle them? Three great tips from a listener on fishing from a canoe. Is there a database where I can plug in the fly-tying materials I have and have it tell me what fly patterns I can tie? What flies can I use India hen backs on? I have trouble with my back cast hitting the water when I wade waist deep. How can I correct this problem?  I have been stumped by fish rising once and then not rising again for a long time. What are these fish doing and how can I target them?  What are your thoughts on intermediate lines for tarpon? Should I get tarpon flies in bigger hooks like 3/0 to 5/0? Will a bit of bucktail under my pine squirrel streamers help to keep them from fouling?  A listener asked a bunch of specific fishing questions to a chat bot for a trip he was going to take to Grand Lake Stream in Maine and asked me to critique the answers he received. How should I kill and keep the occasional stocked fish I want to eat? If you see a nymph in the water that you want to imitate, how would you go about creating a pattern to match it? Are hooks trending to shorter shanks and wider gaps? Is this a good thing?
Mar 31, 2023 • 1h 22min

Great tips on canoe fishing, with Perk Perkins

I did a podcast a few weeks ago that was billed as a canoe and kayak podcast but my guest and I spent a lot of time on Kayaks and not much on canoes. Some of you took me to task and asked for more information on fly fishing from canoes, so I asked retired president and CEO of Orvis, Perk Perkins [49:06], to share his tips with us. Perk fishes from a canoe more than anyone else I know, and has been using these craft all his life. He gives us some great tips on making fly fishing from a canoe more fun and productive.  In the fly box this week, we have some fascinating questions from listeners, including: Should l I use a double taper or weight forward line on my small stream rod? If you fish barbless dry flies with a dry/dropper rig, won't the knot slip off the hook? What can I do to lessen my shoulder involvement in casting? I have severe arthritis in my right shoulder. Should I learn to cast left-handed? Do tippet rings make tying on a dropper less fussy? Won't the fish see a tippet ring? What is your opinion on attractor patterns? What do you think of UV resins and tying materials? If I want to fish a leader with a light butt section, what diameter should the permanent loop be on my fly line? The permanent loop on my fly line got damaged. My fly line says "cold to moderate temperatures". Can I also use this line for fishing for bass during the summer?  Do flies need to be perfect and symmetrical? I s road kill of any use in fly tying? We were catching hickory shad on spoons we made using Krystal Flash and UV resin. People told us we weren't fly fishing. What's your take on flies that aren't really "flies"? How are fly rods most often broken? What rod do I need to make my mono rig work better? I see many color variations in pre-made dubbing blends, for instance one March Brown dubbing is brown and another one is light tan. Do insects vary in color? Does color even make a difference?
Mar 24, 2023 • 1h 31min

All about the mono rig, with Dom Swentosky

This week, my guest is Dom Swentosky of the Troutbitten blog [33:16], podcast, and guide service. If you have not seen his stuff it's definitely one of the most informative and thoughtful fly-fishing blogs out there. Dom devotes a lot of his blog to the mono rig, which is sorta like Euro-nymphing in that it uses a long leader and no fly line, but it's more of a method for everyday anglers than pure Euro nymphing, which is based on competitive rules that prohibit things like split shot. Dom goes through why it is such an effective method, how he builds his leaders, and how he presents his flies this way. It's just one more thing to try if you're interested in new ways of using a fly rod.  In the Fly Box this week, we have some helpful tips from listeners and an assortment of questions from rigging to watercraft to fly tying, including: If I am using a drop-shot rig with a single nymph, can I just tie the weight on a long tag from the clinch knot I use to tie on my fly? What is your opinion of traditional Catskill-style dry flies? Could spawning affect a trout's diet? In your canoe and kayak podcast, you didn't say enough about canoes. If I want to use my canoe for fly fishing, what considerations should I have? And should I put a trolling motor on my canoe?  I have a stream nearby that has nice gravel, cold water, deep pools, and nice riffles. I have not caught any trout there. How can I find out if trout even live there? A great tip from a listener for finding tiny leaks in waders Do trout use shelf ice as cover? A listener suggests the float tube as a great option in the inflatable category, which I did not mention in my recent podcast on inflatables. A great tip from a listener on how to cover up items in a boat that could snag your fly line. When do you switch from a floating to a sinking line in streams? A great tip from a listener on using forceps to hold tiny flies when tying them on. I am looking at monofilament thread. What is the difference between 6/0 and G size, and where did the G designation come from? And is there any application in tying freshwater flies with monofilament thread?

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