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The Orvis Fly-Fishing Podcast

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Nov 13, 2023 • 1h 20min

Must-Reads in Classic Fly-Fishing Literature, with Michael Checchio

I get frequent questions from listeners on what I would recommend they read in fly-fishing literature, as there is so much out there it's tough to sort through it to find what's worth reading.  Michael Checchio [38:10] is a retired journalist and investigative reporter and a student of fly-fishing books, so we spend some time discussing what he feels are must-reads (or maybe just interesting reads) in the vast river of what has been written about fly fishing. Here is Michael's list:   Fiction A River Runs through It by Norman Maclean "Big Two-Hearted River" by Ernest Hemingway (short story) Ninety-Two in the Shade by Thomas McGuane The River Why by David James Duncan Non-fiction  The Longest Silence by Thomas McGuane The Angler's Coast and Dark Waters by Russell Chatham The Curtis Creek Manifesto by Sheridan Anderson "Hat Creek" and "Deeds Among the Steelhead" by Bill Barich (magazine articles; may be tough to find) The Spawning Run by William Humphrey Trout Bum by John Gierach "The Same River Twice" by David Quammen (published in Outside Magazine) "A Sporting Life" by Jim Harrison (magazine article, may be tough to find) My Story as Told by Water by David James Duncan In the Fly Box this week, we have lots of questions and tips, including: How do I know when to strip strike and when to trout strike? Do I really need to go barbless on small dry-fly hooks? How do I know what size material to use if I want to lengthen my leader? A great tip from a listener on learning to cast with your "off" hand A tip from a listener on wetting new tying materials befor you use them to see what color they will be Why do I only see larger wild brown trout in one section of a river I fish? How do I see my sighter in difficult lighting conditions? If I am fishing for stocked rainbows and grayling, where should I place my grayling fly—on the bottom or on the dropper? Should I use my 10-foot 7-weight Recon that I use for steelhead for streamer fishing from a boat for trout? What is the main difference between a Helios D and Helios F rod when fishing for bonefish? My bamboo ferrule only fits ¾ of the way to full engagement.  Is that OK? Why do I see steelhead smolt in my river but never chinook salmon smolt? Is there any way to get the bad smell off a bucktail? Why don't people fish bucktails much these days? Is there a way to tell a northern strain from a southern strain brook trout visually?
Nov 6, 2023 • 1h 34min

We're "Fixing" Trout Streams All Wrong, With Chris Jordan

My guest this week is Chris Jordan [41:13], a scientist with NOAA who specializes in habitat restoration.  His view is that, in our arrogance, we've gotten habitat restoration projects all wrong most of the time.  We think we can engineer river systems to conform with what we think they should be, but rivers are dynamic and mostly unpredictable and that, whenever possible, we need to look at watershed solutions—helping rivers do the job with a lighter hand but a larger scope. Follow this link to learn more:   In the Fly Box this week we have a wide variety of interesting questions, including: Should I bother fishing carp flats when the water temperature is in the 50s and air temperature is in the 30s? Will brown trout live in warm water rivers some of the time?  Is it worth it to fish the mouths of cold-water tributaries for brown trout? You always say that trout prefer to be in water that is two-to four-feet deep to feed.  Yet I have caught my largest trout in pools that are 10-to 15-feet deep.  I'm confused. How does George Daniel attach his light nymphing leader to his fly line? I fish small streams with a 10-foot, 4-weight Recon rod.  I worry about spooking trout when my rod casts a shadow over the pool I'm fishing.  Should I go with a shorter rod? Some great suggestions from a listener about fishing with kids, and why we should make it more about building relationships and not always about catching fish. I consistently foul-hook trout when fishing multiple flies.  Am I striking too soon or too late, or striking too hard? If most people fish barbless flies, why don't manufacturers make more barbless hooks? Do states only stock trout in specific locations due to allocated quantities, or are there environmental factors in play? Can I use a 6-weight Bank Shot line on my 11-foot, 4-weight Euro rod to try two-handed casting? I have a friend who ties all my flies.  What should I get him as a thank-you gift? If I hook but lose a big lake-run rainbow, would it be possible to go back later in the day to try for it? I have a small brook trout stream on my property.  Should I put some trees in the river to help the fish? A listener suggests that although smallmouth bass don't need much habitat help from us, they grow slowly so handling them with care is important if you want a trophy smallmouth fishery.
Oct 30, 2023 • 1h 38min

15 Ways to Break a Fly Rod, with Charlie Robinton

Besides breaking your fly rod in those boring old ways like car doors or ceiling fans, there are other, less obvious ways and most of them are preventable as well.  This week I chat with Charlie Robinton [49:00], rod repair expert on the Orvis Outfitter Team, and we'll explore other ways fly rods are broken—including some unusual ways they have been broken over the years, thanks to stories from our terrific rod repair team.  True, if you break an Orvis rod we can usually have it back to you in about five days—but a broken rod is still not a fun way to start (or end) a fishing trip.   In the Fly Box this week, we have some perplexing questions, tips from listeners, and some listeners who take exception to some of the things I've said in the past, including: Where can I take my sons and granddaughter on Route 20 in Idaho where they can easily catch trout? What is a good rod manufacturer? A listener describes a perplexing day on a difficult river and analyzes his day and asks Tom if he agrees. Do you take all of your fly boxes when you fish or do you determine what you will likely need for the day?  And where do you put your lunch, sunscreen, and raincoat? Last year I had great luck for pre-spawn brown trout and this year I can't hook them.  Should I keep trying different streamer patterns? A caution from a listener on serious reactions to UV resins A suggestion from a listener on sliding beads down your leader if you want to make any nymph a bead head. A listener says he has never had fly-tying threads weaken over time and disagrees with my suggestion that they can weaken after a few years. Are beaded or non-beaded flies more successful? How can I use adhesives to keep the dumbbell eyes on my Clouser Minnows from rotating? You have said trout eyes are designed to look up.  When I catch trout they are always looking down.  Why? You recommend using a throat pump.  But what good does it do you when you have already caught a fish?  And then you take their food away? Does gel flotant on a hook have a negative effect?
Oct 23, 2023 • 1h 23min

A new nymph fishing technique and the under-rated 10-foot fly rod, with George Daniel

My guest this week is the great George Daniel [42:00], who is always pushing the envelope, evolving and experimenting.  He tells us why he uses a 10-foot fly rod for nearly all of his trout fishing, even in smaller streams and he also introduces a new nymphing technique he has been experimenting with.   In the Fly Box this week, we have a great variety of questions and tips, including: Can I use a poly leader in salt water for stripers? Why do I find fewer and smaller fish in low water conditions later in the season? How often do you find yourself adjusting indicator depth in medium and large rivers? What should I do with the reject flies from my tying bench? Is a bow-and-arrow cast stealthier than a roll cast in small streams? I see large crayfish in a stream.  Why don't I see smaller crayfish? Are fiberglass rods more sensitive than graphite rods? Do creek chubs compete with brown trout? What can I do to keep the wings on my parachute flies at 90 degrees once I start fishing them? I found I could double haul better with some Orvis rods I tried than with entry level rods I have.  Is it simply the difference between a premium rod and my current lower level rods? I keep breaking off coho salmon.  What could I be doing wrong? Can I fish egg and worm patterns and streamers with my 7-foot, 4-weight rod? A tip from a listener—if you want to find out where trout live in a particular river, observe them from a bridge. Is there an organization devoted specifically to smallmouth bass?
Oct 15, 2023 • 1h 40min

Managing instream flows, with Hal Herring

Hal Herring [50:31] has been reporting on conservation issues in the American West for over 30 years for Field & Stream magazine as well as other publications.  In this week's podcast, he explores the many complexities of trying to keep enough water in our rivers for both agriculture and trout populations, which has become an increasingly difficult juggling act.  Hal also gently berates today's hunters and anglers about educating themselves on the science and the politics behind these issues.  It's not enough to just complain about the lack of water—it's important to understand the issue before you can have a credible  opinion.   In the Fly Box this week, we have some great tips and questions, including: Do bamboo and fiberglass rods load differently than graphite rods? When you have a very limited time on a river, do you have a fishing method that gives you the most bang for your buck? Is there an alternative to the "chuck and duck" method for fishing for salmon and steelhead on Michigan rivers? If you are buying older fly tying material, what should you look for to make sure it has not been degraded? How would you adjust your fly selection for smallmouth bass throughout the season? Is rising or falling water better on a fluctuating tailwater? Can I use my 10-foot, 8-weight rod in the surf?   If my Mop flies have fallen apart, can I easily add a new piece of mop material to the hook and bead?  I am not a fly tier. Are two three-turn whip finishes better than a single 6-turn whip finish?   A tip that textured lines in a long day of stripping flies can cut into your fingers Is the San Juan Shuffle ethical? Is a fast action 5-weight rod actually a 6-weight? I have been lipping bass for many years.  Why do you say it's bad for the fish?
Oct 2, 2023 • 1h 16min

Learning from Trout DNA, with Helen Neville

Helen Neville [38:57] is Trout Unlimited's senior scientist and also an expert in trout genetics.  In this interview, we talk about what scientists have learned about trout evolution and relationships in the past decade.  They now have tools at their disposal that can tell them how closely two trout populations are related, how much hatchery trout have interbred with wild populations, and how various races and subspecies of trout have evolved.  You'll also learn how they extract this DNA and study it—but you had better review your high school or college genetics first because it gets a bit complex.   In the Fly Box this week, we have some great questions and a couple helpful tips from listeners, including: A listener from Germany relates a horrible experience he had with a guide Can I underline my Orvis bamboo fly rod? What do you think putting a strip of material on a leader as a "worm attractor"? A great tip from a listener of how to make a paddle and rod rest for a canoe A warning from a listener that the drop shot method of fishing nymphs is illegal in California—and possibly other places. A listener wants to know if he can effectively use the Euro nymph technique with a 10-foot, 5-weight rod What is the best way to get polarized glasses for someone who needs a strong prescription.  Do clip-ons work well? Should I lubricate the zipper on my Pro Zippered Waders? When fighting fish, is tippet size or rod weight the deciding factor? When by myself, how do I take a photo of a fish so that I can later judge its size? Why is fall fishing better?  Do trout feed heavily in anticipation of winter? What size leader and tippet should I use for carp, and should I use my 6-weight or 8-weight rod? I tie my tippet directly to my fly line for small stream brook trout.  What advantages will I have by going to a tapered leader? Do brook trout in a small meadow stream move throughout the season?
Sep 18, 2023 • 1h 41min

Secrets of the Battenkill, with Doug Lyons

The Battenkill is an iconic and often frustrating trout stream.  It's a gorgeous river with a healthy population of wild trout but it has had its ups and downs over the years.  Doug Lyons [49:48] is a lifetime Battenkill expert and knows the river perhaps better than anyone, and his new book Fly Fishing Guide to the Battenkill unravels many secrets of this special river—perhaps more than many of us locals are comfortable with!  Doug and I had fun sharing our theories and thoughts about the river.   In the Fly Box this week, I have some especially interesting questions  from listeners, including: I have been experimenting with streams on a floating line with a short leader with no success.  What am I doing wrong, and what do you suggest? Is there a way to tell the various subspecies of cutthroat trout apart? What are the pros and cons of smooth vs. textured lines? Why are reel prices so expensive these days?  Aren't they just used to store line? How can I tell what line size a bamboo rod takes?  I bought an old rod that has no markings on it. Why don't more fly shops sell nymphs with matte beads? Will I save money by tying my own flies? How can I identify the various mayflies and caddisflies I have in southern Michigan? Why do I get tippet curls just ahead of my fly when I tie it on?  I have tried a couple knots and they still seem to do it. Will a Spey rod with a larger line size cast farther than a lighter one like a 6-weight? A reminder from a listener about the perils to wildlife of using lead weights in fishing. Will it hurt to store my fly line on the reel in the off-season? What tools do you personally use in fly tying and which are the most important? If I am making my own leaders should I use blood knots or surgeon's knots to connect the sections? Does it matter which way your fly is oriented when fishing?
Sep 11, 2023 • 1h 38min

Tips on fishing high alpine lakes, with George Hunker

This week, my guest is long-time Orvis-endorsed guide George Hunker [49:26], who has won two awards (guide of the year and the coveted lifetime achievement award) for his excellence in creating wonderful experiences for his customers.  George has a lifetime of experience in fishing alpine lakes in the Wind River range in Wyoming, and his tips will be valuable to anyone who fishes these wilderness gems for trout.   In the Fly Box this week, we have a varied assortment of questions about tackle, fly tying, and techniques, including: Am I missing out by just fishing close to home and not putting more exotic trips on the calendar? How can I stop my streamer tails from wrapping around the bend of the hook? Can I use a heavy switch rod for fishing in the surf in North Carolina and also for king salmon in Michigan? Can I tie large nymphs or streamers on some old Mustad salmon hooks?  How about saltwater flies? I want to get an 8-weight rod.  Should I get a Recon or Clearwater? How do you fish scuds in lakes? What is the best way to fish a short, narrow, deep, and fast pool in high water? Why can't I catch many trout on dry flies in small Missouri wild trout streams? Why do some 6-weight rods have fighting butts?  Do I need one to fish for trout in Virginia? What fly line do you recommend for striped bass in the Chesapeake region? How can I keep the eyes from coming off my deer hair bass bugs? Why not use a small perfection loop instead of a tippet ring? Why would you not fish a dropshot rig with nymphs all the time? How can I explore other parts of a favorite trout stream?  What should I look for?
Sep 4, 2023 • 1h 59min

Seven Deadly Sins of Pike Fishing, with Josh Nugent

Northern pike are a fascinating and explosive fish to catch on a fly rod.  There is not much that beats a big northern smashing a streamer close to the surface or eating a popper.  Josh Nugent [47:05] is a very experienced pike angler and has a host of tips on tackle, leaders, flies, retrieves, and how to find pike all year long.  This episode should really be called Everything You Need to Know about Fly Fishing for Pike, but Josh loves those Seven Deadly titles so I'm going with it.   In the Fly Box this week, we have some great questions, both basic and more advanced, including: What rod and reel do I need for chasing king salmon in Great Lakes rivers? Are posts on parachute flies for us or for the fish?  Do they imitate wings on a mayfly or are they just a strike indicator for us? How do I keep my line from tangling in a canoe? I have trouble seeing small ants and beetles on the water.  What can I do to help see them better? A listener offers another reason why we love trout fishing so much. What is the best strategy for fishing in the rain? What do you do when dry-dropper fishing in small streams with varying depth?  Do you constantly adjust the length of your dropper? Why do I see only one brook trout in a series of pools in tiny streams?  And do brook trout populations fluctuate from year to year? What detrimental effect would ammonia have on breathable waders?  If it is not recommended, what should I use to wash my waders? Is there a store-bought solution for leaders longer than 12 feet long?  And do you have any tips on getting them to straighten? Why are tarpon guides so obsessed with tying their own leaders? How much does time of day matter when trout fishing?
Aug 14, 2023 • 1h 42min

Tips for urban fly fishing, with James Spica

You may have some amazing fly fishing right in your neighborhood even if you live in a big city.  Urban fly fishing may not be pristine, but it has its own charms and moments of excitement, and you don't need to drive for hours to get to it.  James Spica [46:05], fishing manager of Orvis Royal Oak, gives us good tips on finding this kind of fishing in your area, what species you might encounter, and some tips for making the most of your experience.   In the Fly Box this week, we have some great questions as usual, including: Are there any fly-tying materials made from plant fibers? Are trout equally susceptible to stress in low water temperatures as they are in high water temperatures? What is the best way to dye bucktails? What feathers should I keep for tying from ducks I harvest? What is the difference between the Blackout 8-weight rod and the Helios 3 8-weight rods? What's a good rod for small stream brook trout fishing? Do you need to open your casting loops with leaders over 13 feet long? In a Pile Cast, will the line and leader butt hit the water before the tippet and fly? Is it OK to put my rod and reel in the water when landing a fish? What can we do about the flood damage in Vermont?  What will the fishing be like in the near future? What is the most effective way to interact with the people in a fly shop when looking for information? Why can't I get white Woolly Buggers to work in my river?  I hear people have good luck with them. What's a good rod for smallmouth and smaller stream steelhead fishing? Does underlining a rod help for longer casts? What is a short heavy rod, like the old 7'11" Recon rod for 8-weight, used for?

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