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GRIT: The Real Estate Growth Mindset

Latest episodes

Jan 19, 2021 • 44min

Episode 053 with Shoshana Socher, Owner/Founder of the Socher Team

Shoshana Socher used to be a stay at home mom until her family went through bankruptcy in 2005.  This motivated her to find ways to put money into their lives which is why she decided to get a license and start her career in real estate.  Five years later, her son, Cody became her business partner and grew the Socher Team from there.  Currently, the Socher Team is made up of 6 real estate agents and last year, they brought in $42.5M in sales with 166 transactions, marking 2020 as their most productive year to date. They attribute their growth and success mostly to having systems in place such as SISU and by doing activities that encourage agents to produce more. In this episode, Shoshana Socher, the Operations Manager of Socher Team, Alex Ryb, and I talked about: (05:28) How the team produced at a higher level despite having the same number of agents from the previous year (09:01) Managing numbers vs. managing emotions (11:26) How working with spreadsheets compare to having SISU? (15:02) How morning meetings can shift your business (17:25) How to motivate agents through 1 on 1 meetings (19:28) The advantage of having an in-house Marketing person (22:26) The importance of market updates (25:50) What is Concierge Level Services? (27:54) What technology does The Socher Team use in their business? (31:23) The one thing that sets The Socher Team apart    
Jan 12, 2021 • 41min

Episode 052 with Erica Ramus, Broker/Owner of the Ramus Realty Group

In 1987, Erica started working for a magazine where she worked her way up from opening the mail to being editor-in-chief.  Years later, she bought this magazine from her boss only to be hammered by major players in the industry. Her business went down in flames and she was in $750,000 debt.  But this didn’t stop her and she daringly decided to start a new magazine.  Two years went on and her publication proved to be a great success - this was when she was dubbed as “The Magazine Lady”. One of her clients was a realtor and an ad she made for his marketing resulted in a $10 million deal. This paved her way into the real estate world.  Her passion for professionalism and education led her to take up a master’s degree in real estate. She was one of the first people to hold this title in the country. Today, Erica is the broker/owner of the Ramus Realty Group with multiple awards under her name. She is currently the 2021 President Elect of the Reading Berks Association of Realtors. Aside from these, she is also active in the community and her family hosts exchange students to live with them from all over the world.  In this episode, we talked about: (05:41) Why Erica refers to her brokerage as “fiercely independent” (09:51) How a Masters Degree in Real Estate helps you understand the business at a different level (11:58) Which tech stack her brokerage uses for lead generating, tracking and contract to close (16:41) How being in production helps Erica inspire her agents (18:00) The strategy that resulted to having the best August, September and October in 13 years despite COVID (20:34) How to best motivate agents to keep dialling (22:29) The story behind “The Magazine Lady” (25:53) How Erica got started in real estate (28:12) How to have work-life balance and still have time to give back to those in need (29:39) What is Erica’s advice for those starting in real estate business (34:27) The importance of contributing to a higher purpose  To get in touch with Erica, visit the websites below:
Jan 5, 2021 • 42min

Episode 051 with Derick Van Ness, Wealth Strategist & Founder of Big Life Financial

Derick Van Ness  was making it big in real estate when the 2008 financial crisis hit. It also happened right when he was recovering from a snowboarding accident. He remembered laying in bed on painkillers while everything was going down the drain.  That’s when he realized that he didn’t have a strong financial foundation which is why when the cash stopped flowing in, it started to quickly empty out his bank account. From then on, figuring out financial models that work became Derick’s passion.  He was determined to help people who, like him, are very good at making a lot of money but are quite bad at keeping it and making it grow.  Today, Derrick is a wealth strategist and the founder of Big Life Financial which aims to help people reach their full potential through understanding tax strategies and finances. In this episode, we talked about: (02:09) How Derick got into managing money (05:25) The advantage of keeping a separate bank account for paying off taxes (07:26) What can you do with the money that you pay yourself (09:24) What you need to understand about life insurance   (11:38) Why Derick thinks that the stock market setup is broken (14:29) Why investing in anything you don’t understand is a bad idea  (16:22) What are the 3 rules in investing (19:04) Alternative investments with tremendous tax benefits for higher net worth people (21:58) How to get a massive tax write-off and do good for other people at the same time (23:05) How to get tax refunds through real estate research and development credits  (25:07) What are the biggest financial mistakes people make (31:01) How to eliminate the fear of money (37:03) What is Derick’s best piece of advice To know about Big Life Financial and the services they offer, go to 
Dec 29, 2020 • 33min

Episode 050 with Greg Flanagan, Founder of Power Onward Mastermind

Greg Flanagan has been in the real estate business since 2006.  Prior to that, he worked for the New York Department of Corrections for 17 years where he experienced talking to people who really didn’t want to talk to him. This taught him the valuable skill of listening - which he now uses to his advantage as a real estate agent. Today, Greg is the team leader and CEO of the Flanagan Home Team LLC.  He also founded Power Onward Mastermind and Coaching wherein as a growth partner, he aims to share the information he learned over the years and provide transformational training to help real estate agents grow their business and take it to the next level.  In this episode, we talked about: (05:05) Why solo agents/small teams need to “list to last” (05:51) Which CRM Greg uses to track his leads (09:19) How Greg got through the impacts of COVID for his business (10:15) What Greg thinks of SISU’s program (12:01) The importance of understanding your P&L numbers (15:16) What Greg’s goal is for Power Onward Mastermind (19:18) How to eliminate the mindset of fear (21:25) How working in prison shaped Greg negotiating tactics  (24:39) The book that turned Greg’s life around (30:58) The most important piece of advice from Greg   Visit to know more about Greg Flanagan.  
Dec 9, 2020 • 42min

Episode 049 with Jeff Glover, Owner of Jeff Glover & Associates and Head Coach at Glover U

Jeff Glover has been in the real estate industry since 2003. He started his career at a young age of 19 and he was able to take 11 listings after just a few months of training and learning scripts. As a gifted salesperson, he quickly rose to the top of his team which led him to build his own team years later. He knew that apart from hard work, he also owes his success to the training he received. Which is why he made it his mission to make sure that every real estate agent he meets will have the same opportunity as he did. Today, Jeff is still in production, selling 85 - 90 homes this year.  He also handles a high-producing real estate team which sold under 1000 homes in Michigan.  In addition to those roles, he is also the CEO of Glover U where they re-invent sales training for the Real Estate Industry. He finds that being on the ground himself makes him the best business coach. In this episode, we talked about: (05:19) How important is it to have your own ISA? (07:02) How to structure an ISA team (14:22) Why you need to be on appointments each and every day (15:13) How staying in production allows Jeff to become the best trainer (19:45) Jeff’s advice for mastering scripts (27:48) What you need to focus on to stay on top of the real estate industry (30:45) How to deal with iBuyers (34:45) What’s the most important thing a team owner should be doing now   Reach out to Jeff Glover at Join the Glover U Inner Circle Facebook Group
Dec 1, 2020 • 53min

Episode 048 with Paul Ross, CEO & Head Trainer at Subtle Words That Sell

Paul Ross has been a speaker, author, teacher and trainer for 32 years.  He is an expert master practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP and focuses on teaching techniques on how to use the power of language to persuade and get the results you desire.  He is also the author of the book: Subtle Words That Sell where he shares revolutionary concepts and tools to get your prospects to convince themselves to buy.  Let’s join Paul as he takes a deeper dive into NLP, how to use it in sales and in our daily lives. In this episode, we talked about: (02:30) What is NLP? (07:45) How to do Subconscious Selling? (13:59) A phrase that you can use to induce a state of compliance (16:02) What’s the one thing you are actually selling regardless of what industry you’re in? (17:11) How do I make your clients feel good about their decision to buy  (18:45) What is the power of using hypnotic language? (21:25) How to use language to destroy objections (28:20) How to implement NLP in your everyday living (34:10) How to eliminate limited self-belief and negative self-talk (40:26) What do they not teach you in sales training programs (47:14) The three things you need to balance to achieve success Here are the links mentioned in this episode: Website: To read his book, go to To get in touch with him, email:
Nov 24, 2020 • 41min

Episode 047 with Anna Krueger, Owner of Platform Consulting & MAPS Coach at Keller Williams

Since 2006, Anna Krueger has been an inside sales leader.  In 2013, she joined the Haro Group as their first and only ISA at that time and her efforts resulted in 46% of 185 closings during her first year. Impressively, she was able to achieve this despite the fact that she was new to the team and didn’t know a lot of people from the area. In 2015, she joined the MAPS coaching program as a mastery agent coach and she is now recognized as one of the thought leaders for ISAs in the nation. Today, Anna runs her own consulting company where they partner with teams, observe lead generating behavior and provide immediate feedback.  She is also a huge advocate of language patterns and believes that learning the science of talking is vital especially in this industry.  Let’s join Anna as she shares her thoughts on finding the right ISA and her tips on how to build your own ISA team. In this episode, we talked about: (03:37) Why is it important to generate your own lead in today’s market? (07:49) What things can you do to sharpen your skills? (08:22) How to make people talk to you (15:07) Where do you go if you are looking to hire an ISA? (17:35) The personality traits to look for in an ISA (19:09) What is the proper compensation for an ISA? (23:35) Who should an ISA be calling to generate qualified leads? (27:50) Should an ISA focus only on inbound leads?  (29:23) Must all incoming leads go to an ISA or should some agents get them too? (31:18) What are some simple things you can do to keep track of data? (32 34) What are the benefits of having in-house ISAs? (33:49) Why you should be okay with “boring”   Reach out to Anna Krueger, visit
Nov 18, 2020 • 36min

Episode 046 with Jennifer Seeno Tucker, Associate Broker and Vice President of Business Development at Exit Realty

Jennifer started her career as an educator.  But after 5 years of teaching in middle school she felt the need to start doing her own thing.  After her husband got involved in an accident that left him seriously injured, she felt like they were living their lives in chaos. But somehow, she was able to overcome that adversity and used that experience as her momentum to start her career in real estate. Today, Jennifer is an Associate Broker and Vice President of Business Development at EXIT Realty United located in Nassau County, New York. She is the co-creator of the 7 Saturday's Agent Success Training Program for local real estate agents. With her background in education, she helps provide new agents the necessary tools for support as they transition to a full-time real estate agent. Jennifer is also the author of the book: Rockstar Real Estate Agent. Let’s join Jennifer as she shares what the 7 Saturday’s Agent Success Training Program is all about and her tips on how to have a flourishing career in real estate. In this episode, we talked about: (08:39) What is Jennifer’s philosophy when it comes to recruiting? (09:09) How to create a message around culture with social media (12:33) What are the 7 steps to reach success? (14:15) How to know exactly what you need to do to get to your 100K goal?  (16:33) How to use effective scheduling to achieve a successful routine (19:28) Why you should treat yourself as the CEO of your business (21:42) The importance to have a marketing game plan in place (25:01) How to use your own experience to create a natural attraction  (26:19) The importance of having a holistic approach to your business (28:57) Jennifer’s tips on how to bring gratitude into our lives If you want to download Jennifer’s book for free, go to:
Nov 10, 2020 • 46min

Episode 045 with Stacy Bahrenfuss, Founder & CEO of Catalyst Group

At the age of 19, Stacy started her real estate company, Catalyst Group.  From then on, she continued to scale her business beyond the 7-figure mark to become one of the top performing real estate teams in the state of Idaho. Stacy’s vast experience led her to create her own premier consulting program where she uses the “Inside Out Success Method” which aims to guide female change makers all over the world to discover inner freedom and fulfillment. Let’s join Stacy as we take a deep dive on how the Inside Out Success Method works, and how it could help build a vision of a better life moving forward.  In this episode, we talked about: (01:56) What is Stacy’s ultimate goal for her program? (06:56) What is the Inside Out Success Method? (08:53) How to integrate the Limitless Mindset Success Method into our business (12:02) How do we eliminate fear and go into the abundance mindset? (21:42) Where does the deep fulfillment come from? (22:15) The importance of having a “deep why”? (24:30) How can we not allow fear to limit us? (26:31) How do we train our subconscious to believe that we are capable of achieving greater things? (31:09) What is the Triple Threat System? (32:00) How to do conscious breathing? (37:10) The value of having a daily routine (44:20) Stacy’s most important piece of advice
Nov 3, 2020 • 24min

Episode 044 with Jeff Cohn, Owner of kwELITE

Jeff began his career in real estate in 2006. Since then, Jeff and his team has closed over 5,000 in sales, totaling over $1 billion in volume.  As founder of Omaha’s Elite Real Estate Group, he led his team from 70 to 700 transactions in 6 just years.  In 2019, Berkshire Hathaway Home Services awarded him the #1 team in unit sales in the world. Today, Jeff is the CEO of a tech-powered Keller Williams market center in Omaha, NE.  His objective is to offer the consumer a one-stop-shop customized experience that will provide access to the agent and all ancillary businesses, virtually and in-person. Let’s join Jeff as he talks about his vision of 2021, what he is most excited about and his new tech-powered hybrid office of the future. In this episode, we talked about: (01:52) Why Jeff moved from Berkshire Hathaway to KW Elite  (05:00) What’s the one thing that everyone should be focusing on for the next five years that’ll help their business for the good? (05:41) How to strategically market properties virtually to keep your clients safe (09:26) What should be the agent’s role in the future? (09:55) Why should agents be worried if their roles are replaced with digital technology? (10.30) What does a 100% virtual transaction look like? (12:06) What is the 6-Degree of Freedom Tech?  (17:27) What strategies did Jeff implement to scale his business? (21:41) How can agents ensure that they stay in business for the next 2 years?

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