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Inner Path Seekers | Lessons for Life

Latest episodes

Feb 26, 2025 • 50min

How I Overcame My 4-Year Battle with Depression | Elaine D.

In this deeply personal episode, Elaine shares her journey through four years of struggling with depression, shedding light on the often invisible challenges of preserving one’s mental health. She opens up about the emotional battles she faced, the misconceptions surrounding depression, and the resilience she built through adversity.Living with depression can strip life of its color. It is painful, can feel hopeless, and often leads to deep loneliness. While hearing the stories of others who have faced depression may not magically fix what you’re going through, it can offer reassurance that you are not alone. More importantly, it may provide a sense of understanding and hope.Follow Elaine’s adventures on Drako Adventure: mentioned in this episode: Carl Jung (Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology. He introduced concepts like the collective unconscious, archetypes, individuation, and synchronicity, deeply influencing psychology, philosophy, and spirituality.) Ho’oponopono (Ho‘oponopono is a traditional Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness centered on healing relationships through repentance, gratitude, and love, often using the mantra: “I'm sorry; please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.”) Kintsugi (Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery using lacquer mixed with gold, silver, or platinum, embracing flaws and imperfections as part of an object's history and beauty.) Think and Grow Rich (Think and Grow Rich is a personal development and self-help book by Napoleon Hill, outlining 13 principles for success based on mindset, desire, faith, and persistence, emphasizing the power of thoughts in achieving wealth and personal achievement.)_______📚The IPS Academy📚If you feel that you’ve gained some insights and lessons from this video, and you are curious to see what else we offer at The IPS Project, check out The IPS Academy, where we offer online courses taught by guests on The IPS Podcast. Learn more about essential life topics, such as mental health, relationships, the mind, and the body and the brain, through fun and interactive courses. Simply go to course has a few lessons to try for free, so you get a taste of what the course is like. We have countless reviews from other students so you can see what others think, and there is a 30-day money-back guarantee if you end up not liking the course . Again, check them out at
Feb 12, 2025 • 29min

How I Got out of My Depression | Jonathan Schoenmaker

Depression is a significant global health concern. It's a common mental health issue that many people experience in their lifetime. However, like many mental health topics, it still carries a stigma, and for many, it's a challenge to talk openly about it.At Inner Path Seekers, we want to dedicate some episodes to the topic of depression, inviting several people who have struggled with it and overcome it to share their experiences. We hope their stories will provide valuable insights to anyone—possibly you—who is struggling with depression.In this episode, Jonathan Schoenmaker, who delivered a TEDx Talk in 2019 titled "How I Overcame Depression by Just Sitting Around," shares how he managed to overcome depression.
Jan 8, 2025 • 6min

Why You Keep Failing at That One Thing You Want to See Changed

Are you feeling stuck in life? Whether it’s in your relationships, career, health, personal growth, or even hobbies, it’s all too common to feel like you’re running into the same walls again and again. In this video, you’ll learn why that might be the case and explore a simple but incredibly effective technique to break free from the cycle. ______ 📚The IPS Academy📚 If you feel that you’ve gained some insights and lessons from this video, and you are curious to see what else we offer at The IPS Project, check out The IPS Academy, where we offer online courses taught by guests on The IPS Podcast. Learn more about essential life topics, such as mental health, relationships, the mind, and the body and the brain, through fun and interactive courses. Simply go to Each course has a few lessons to try for free, so you get a taste of what the course is like. We have countless reviews from other students so you can see what others think, and there is a 30-day money-back guarantee if you end up not liking the course. Again, check them out at
Dec 15, 2024 • 12min

Easy Choices, Hard Life. Hard Choices, Easy Life: How to Grow as a Person

Life is full of moments when we stand at a crossroads, faced with three options: Stay Still: Avoid the decision, remain in your comfort zone, and risk stagnation. Take the Destructive Route: Fall back on unhealthy habits or coping mechanisms. Choose Growth: Take the hard but rewarding path of self-improvement and personal growth. While standing still might feel safe and destructive habits may seem familiar, both ultimately lead to a difficult and unhappy life. Growth, on the other hand, is the harder choice—it means confronting fears, stepping into the unknown, and taking responsibility for the situation we are in. Without a doubt, it is the hard path. However, it will ultimately lead to a much easier, more meaningful, and happier life. In this video/episode, learn more about these paths, as well as an additional tool—the cognitive triangle—and how these two tools can help you choose the path of growth more frequently. ______ 📚The IPS Academy📚 If you feel that you’ve gained some insights and lessons from this video, and you are curious to see what else we offer at The IPS Project, check out The IPS Academy, where we offer online courses taught by guests on The IPS Podcast. Learn more about essential life topics, such as mental health, relationships, the mind, and the body and the brain, through fun and interactive courses. Simply go to Each course has a few lessons to try for free, so you get a taste of what the course is like. We have countless reviews from other students so you can see what others think, and there is a 30-day money-back guarantee if you end up not liking the course. Again, check them out at
Nov 17, 2024 • 26min

8 Ways to Handle Pain and Suffering | Insights That Changed My Life

In this video, I open up about the challenges I've faced in life: losing my dad at a young age, living with heart disease, enduring years of depressive thoughts, surviving sudden cardiac arrest, and today, battling chronic health issues. By sharing my journey of dealing with suffering and pain, I hope to offer insights and perspectives that may resonate with you. My goal is for this video to introduce new ways of dealing with suffering and pain or serve as a reminder of strategies that might help lighten your burden—even if just a little. _____ Resources Mentioned: Books Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi Episode’s Quadruple Amputee Alex Lewis: Finding Your Way Out of Hell—and Thriving Lessons about Life and Death from a Cancer and a Cardiac Arrest Survivor | Dr. Martin Inderbitzin and Jellis Vaes How to Handle Pain and Suffering with Dr. Martin Inderbitzin | Pancreatic Cancer Survivor & Neuroscientist Martin Inderbitzin: A Survival Story of Pancreatic Cancer – The Lessons, The Hardships and Becoming a Triathlete
Oct 21, 2024 • 8min

How to Get the Most Out of Life: Use The Time-Bucket Strategy

Imagine going to the beach in winter to sunbathe. Technically, you can, but in most countries, it’s not the ideal season for that. It will be cold, windy, and likely rainy. We often don’t think of life this way, but in many ways, life has seasons—different phases when certain activities or choices make more sense or are more feasible than in other seasons. Seeing life through this lens allows you to get the most out of it by being smart and deliberate, recognizing that there are stages—seasons—that come and go, each with a most optimal time and opportunity for certain activities. _____ Resources Mentioned: – Die With Zero (In Die With Zero Perkins presents a framework that encourages living a life rich in experiences, using money as a tool to create memories and joy rather than a goal in itself. The core takeaway is that life is finite, and you should intentionally spend your time and money in ways that maximize happiness, fulfillment, and the ability to die with no regrets—and ideally with zero money left unused.) _____ 📚The IPS Academy📚 If you feel that you’ve gained some insights and lessons from this video, and you are curious to see what else we offer at The IPS Project, check out The IPS Academy, where we offer online courses taught by guests on The IPS Podcast. Learn more about essential life topics, such as mental health, relationships, the mind, and the body and the brain, through fun and interactive courses. Simply go to Each course has a few lessons to try for free, so you get a taste of what the course is like. We have countless reviews from other students so you can see what others think, and there is a 30-day money-back guarantee if you end up not liking the course. Again, check them out at
Sep 9, 2024 • 1h 27min

Derek Sivers on Embracing 'Weird' as a Compliment and Challenging Conventional Beliefs

Derek Sivers, an innovative entrepreneur and former musician, shares his extraordinary journey, from founding CD Baby to embracing diverse cultures. He explores how societal judgments shape our perceptions of weirdness, prompting listeners to celebrate their individuality. The conversation dives into the difference between useful beliefs and truth, emphasizing empathy. Sivers also discusses viewing money as a means to personal growth and challenges perceptions of identity, encouraging an adaptable and fluid self-definition. Expect insightful anecdotes and a spirited call to embrace unconventional paths!
Aug 29, 2024 • 39min

8 Things You Can Do to Improve Your Mental Health Today

In evolutionary psychology, there's often discussion about the mismatch between our modern environment and the way our brains evolved to function. While our lives have transformed dramatically in recent years, our brains haven't kept pace with these changes.  This disconnection is particularly striking given the rise in depression and mental health issues globally. Even as modern and wealthy countries achieve unprecedented levels of progress, it's curious that depression and mental health issues seem to be on the rise. This paradox has led psychologists, including Dr. Stephen Ilardi, to question its causes. Could it be that our modern lifestyles are misaligned with those of our ancestors? Based on this mismatch hypothesis, Dr. Ilardi created a 6-step program to naturally treat depression. This program has shown remarkable success, with a 75.3% success rate for those who follow it for 14 weeks. If you're looking to improve your mental health, Dr. Ilardi’s approach offers a promising solution. In this video, you'll learn about Dr. Ilardi’s six steps, as well as two additional strategies that have also proven effective to improve your mental health. To find all the resources mentioned in this video, check out the show notes: _____ Timestamps The Mismatch Between Modern-Day Living and Mental Health 00:00 Step 1: Sunlight Exposure 02:17 Step 2: Consuming Omega-3 Fatty Acids 05:53 Step 3: Exercise 08:15 Step 4: Social Interaction 11:39 Step 5: Keeping the Mind Occupied 18:18 Step 6: Creating Healthy Sleeping Habits 21:16 The Depression Cure by Dr. Stephen S. Ilardi 26:50 The Power of Humor in Improving Mental Well-being 27:21 Reducing Alcohol Consumption for Better Mental Health 31:20 Final Words 36:19 _______ 📚The IPS Academy📚 If you feel that you’ve gained some insights and lessons from this episode, and you are curious to see what else we offer at The IPS Project, check out The IPS Academy, where we offer online courses taught by guests on The IPS Podcast. Learn more about essential life topics, such as mental health, relationships, the mind, and the body and the brain, through fun and interactive courses. Simply go to Each course has a few lessons to try for free, so you get a taste of what the course is like. We have countless reviews from other students so you can see what others think, and there is a 30-day money-back guarantee if you end up not liking the course. Again, check them out at
Jul 5, 2024 • 51min

How to Sleep Better at Night Naturally with Dr. Michael Breus, the Sleep Doctor

Sleep is something we all need, whether we like it or not. Almost everyone has questions about sleep and wants to improve it. As we know, not sleeping well for even one night affects us the next day. Many have experienced poor sleep for weeks, months, or years, leading to emotional and physical issues. Yet, people are sleeping worse than ever, with problems like sleep apnea and insomnia on the rise (Dr. Breus discusses these in our interview). Modern life, with its constant noise from cities, cars, planes, and early/late work hours, has worsened sleep quality globally. An episode on how to sleep better at night naturally is long overdue. I reached out to Dr. Michael Breus, the sleep doctor, to educate us and provide tips on better sleep. Show notes for this episode with all the resources mentioned can be found here: _______ 📚The IPS Academy📚 If you feel that you’ve gained some insights and lessons from this video, and you are curious to see what else we offer at The IPS Project, check out The IPS Academy, where we offer online courses taught by guests on The IPS Podcast. Learn more about essential life topics, such as mental health, relationships, the mind, and the body and the brain, through fun and interactive courses. Simply go to Each course has a few lessons to try for free, so you get a taste of what the course is like. We have countless reviews from other students so you can see what others think, and there is a 30-day money-back guarantee if you end up not liking the course. Again, check them out at _______ 🕒Timestamps🕒 - Intro 00:00  - Why Dr. Breus became a clinical psychologist and a sleep expert 2:57 - The Questions: Overrated/Underrated 8:18 - The use of mouth tape and if it works or not 9:10 - Sleeping in the same bed, overrated or underrated? 10:53 - A white noise machine, overrated or underrated? 14:30 - Morning people, overrated or underrated? 17:41 - The IPS Academy 24:33 - Sleep disorders, overrated or underrated? 25:37 - How to solve insomnia and sleep apnea 31:25 - What Dr. Breus feels is overrated about sleep 34:20 - What Dr. Breus feels is underrated about sleep 41:21 - Exciting advancements in sleep technology 43:54 - Connect with Dr. Breus 46:43 - The final question  47:37 - Outro 48:24 - The IPS Academy 50:03 ______ About The Inner Path Seekers Project (The IPS Project): The IPS Project is an educational platform on life. Here, you can find knowledge about life topics such as mental health, relationships, the workings of the mind, the body & brain, etc.—topics we learn little to nothing about growing up. Learn more about these topics through countless practical articles, animated videos, a book library, online courses, events, a podcast, and more. Start your journey today:
Jun 4, 2024 • 1h 32min

What to Say to a Suicidal Person | Lessons from a Crisis Support Worker

As someone who once struggled with suicidal thoughts, I understand the importance of raising awareness for suicide prevention. Every year, 703,000 people take their own lives, and this staggering number highlights the urgent need for education on how to support those in crisis. In this interview on the Inner Path Seekers podcast, Rebecca Hooke, a crisis support worker at Lifeline Australia, offers practical advice and valuable strategies for having conversations with someone who might be suicidal. By learning what to say, we can make a difference and help reduce these heartbreaking statistics. If you are here to learn more about this topic and how to be there for someone, thank you for doing so—truly. Show notes for this episode with all the resources mentioned can be found here: _______ The IPS Academy If you feel that you’ve gained some insights and lessons from this interview, and you are curious to see what else we offer at The IPS Project, check out The IPS Academy, where we offer online courses taught by guests here on The IPS Podcast. Learn more about essential life topics, such as mental health, relationships, the mind, and the body and the brain, through fun and interactive courses.  Simply go to ⁠⁠⁠⁠ What is also interesting to note is that all the courses are quite affordable, as we at The IPS Project do not want money to stand in the way of bettering one's life. Each course has a few lessons to try for free, so you get a taste of what the course is like. We have countless reviews from other students so you can see what others think, and there is a 30-day money-back guarantee if you end up not liking the course. Again, check them out at ⁠⁠⁠⁠. _______ 🕒Timestamps🕒 I am working on them! :)

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