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Accidental Gods

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Aug 12, 2020 • 1h 10min

Growing into Relationship with the Earth: Mac Macartney, visionary, leader and teacher offers transformation

If you could transform your life with three questions whose answers would bring you into right relationship with yourself, the Earth and the whole web of consciousness, would you ask them?  Even if they took you to the full depths of yourself?  In this profoundly moving podcast, Mac Macartney guides us through. "When a human embryo is in the mother’s womb, creation whispers into their being ‘I am placing a piece of my genius inside you’.  Our task then is to find it, discover it, and share it. If that gift becomes the center of our work - we will shine and be seen and i's unearthing will bring a deep happiness and a sense of fulfilment and purpose."Mac Macartney is a writer, visionary, teacher, thought leader, TED talker, founder of Embercombe and leader of The Journey.  A role model for the best of masculinity, guided by his visions for a healed earth and healed humanity, Mac talks with deep, abiding compassion and authenticity of the ways we can find our way back into context with the earth. Links: Mac's site - https://macmacartney.comMac's books - Journey - - book about Rolling Thunder (not the original) TED talk: Mac TED talk2:
Aug 5, 2020 • 1h 7min

Feeling for the Edges of Ourselves - talking empowerment, neuroscience and societal change with Adam Hamdy

What links the neuroscience of love, the embracing of failure and the pheromones of trees?  Adam Hamdy, novelist, screenwriter and sense-maker in an increasingly non-sensical world shares ways to be the best of ourselves, and help others to reach the same place. Adam Hamdy is a novelist, screenwriter, advisor-to-ministers (not that they necessarily listen, but that's their loss) and soon-to-be author of a book on the neuroscience of empowerment - how we can do it and why it's essential.  Our conversation ranged from Phytoncides (yes, but trust me, it's fascinating), to the neuroscience of love, and - as ever, what we can actually do, to make a difference in the world around us. LinksAdam's site: Ligandal site: https://www.ligandal.comCrime Time list of best novels - featuring Adam's Black 13 paper on CoronaVirus - Rising: https://humanityrising.solutionsHealth Benefits of Phytoncies:
Jul 29, 2020 • 45min

ReBirthing Civilisation: a Pattern for a new governance with Benjamin Ross of One Nation

How could our entire political system be rewoven so that it met the needs of all humanity - and the More than Human world?  How can we step beyond the tribal toxicity that is tearing us apart and find ways to build a future that work?  The One Nation Party is a key to a radical new mode of governance.  Here, Benjamin Ross describes how it arose, what draw him to it and how it can work to transform the world. As we awaken to an emergent planetary coherence, we rely on stories about our Cosmovisión or Ultimate Purpose to place ourselves within our bodies, our communities, our planet, and our universe. Benjamin Ross, Media and Alliance Building Lead for the new governance group, One Nation, is an evolutionary myth-maker, meta-coherence steward, nurturer of emergence, and lover of all beings. Through the expression of non-dual archetypes, all-win ontology, and visionary holistic thriving in media, governance, and culture, Benjamin is co-creating narrative and experiential frameworks necessary to midwife the birth of a New Earth.In this wide-ranging, far-reaching and beautifully shared vision, Benjamin explores the purpose and drive behind One Nation, behind Azure Village and the thousand fractal shards of the Burning Man revolution in this post-pandemic world. "I identify with life. There's a part of me that identifies as Life. I am Life, Benjamin-ing. I am a verb. I'm not a noun. And that verb is an emanation of a complex system that I'm part of. I wouldn't be me if you didn't exist. The ways in which you've changed the world just by your being here is completely connected to who I am and and how I think of myself. And so when my identity frame begins to shift to actually see you as actually a part of me and me as a part of this greater whole, then then these these labels just become tools that we can use to sort through the complexity of information."One Nation Party:'s Medium post: ReDesign: https://www.civilizationredesign.oneChristopher Life, One Nation candidacy: 2020: Articles:
Jul 29, 2020 • 37min

ReBirthing Civilisation - Part 2: Elder Councils and the United Peoples' Coalition with Benjamin Ross

How can we reWeave the political governance, not just of individual nations, but of the world?  In Part 2 of our conversation, Benjamin Ross outlines the ways in which One Nation Politics is creating Elder Councils, a United Peoples' Coalition and how the One Thousand Fractal shards of Burning Man might ignite change across the worldAs we awaken to an emergent planetary coherence, we rely on stories about our Cosmovisión or Ultimate Purpose to place ourselves within our bodies, our communities, our planet, and our universe. Benjamin Ross, Media and Alliance Building Lead for the new governance group, One Nation, is an evolutionary myth-maker, meta-coherence steward, nurturer of emergence, and lover of all beings. Through the expression of non-dual archetypes, all-win ontology, and visionary holistic thriving in media, governance, and culture, Benjamin is co-creating narrative and experiential frameworks necessary to midwife the birth of a New Earth.In this wide-ranging, far-reaching and beautifully shared vision, Benjamin explores the purpose and drive behind One Nation, behind Azure Village and the thousand fractal shards of the Burning Man revolution in this post-pandemic world."The intention of Azure Village is to be a temple to our collective potential. And what that means to us is there's both a personal and a collective aspect to that. There's a way in which I feel this land in particular calls me into my own greatness. When I first set foot here, deeply listening to the way that nature speaks here, different ecosystems have such different ways of communicating and the energy that I felt here was so precise. It was so stripped away of any excess, and yet it was thriving, and I had associated thriving with this kind of lush, excessive kind of just dripping with water and life. And out here, things are only doing that which they must do and in that they are thriving. And so, I feel that kind of precision here within myself that anything that is excessive or not enough is coming into like this razor's edge of balance with itself. And that itself is my evolutionary edge that I continue to walk here. And so, I feel both challenged and supported in becoming that version of myself here."One Nation Party:'s Medium post: ReDesign: https://www.civilizationredesign.oneChristopher Life, One Nation candidacy: 2020: Articles: Citizens Coalition
Jul 22, 2020 • 1h 8min

What Humanity Wants - Moral Imagination & a new kind of change with Phoebe Tickell

How can we embody the change we need to see in the world?  How can we find the new ways of being before we even have words to describe them?  What is 'Warm Data' and how does it help us see the world as it really is?  Phoebe Tickell, utopian, sense-maker and facilitator of radical change talks us through answers that will help us to change the world. Phoebe is embedded in, and embodies the new sense-making and change-making of the world.  Founder of Moral Imagination and facilitator of Radical Collaborations, Phoebe works in fields as diverse as philanthropic funding at the National Lottery Community Fund,  innovative governance models, holistic science curricula and the convening of courses on deep systems thinking.  Here, she explores the nature of reality, how 'Warm Data' and a systems approach can help us to perceive the world as it is, as a necessary prerequisite to embodying the change we need to be.  She discusses patterning and the development of flies, language and how to grow it into what we need and the psycho-technologies we need to make the best decisions possible in a world currently in systems melt. Phoebe’s website - http://www.phoebetickell.comMoral Imaginations - https://moralimaginations.comFritjof Capra’s website: Capracourse.netTheory U- Structures - http://www.liberatingstructures.comNora Bateson - Philanthropy -
Jul 15, 2020 • 1h 3min

Imagineering 2: Weaving a flourishing future with Miki Kashtan

In this second of two episodes, practical visionary, Miki Kashtan, lays out her visions of a flourishing, generative future based on providing for the needs of all - the human and More-Than-Human world. And how to get there. Miki Kashtan, co-founder of the Bay Area NVC and adept nonviolent communication practitioner, lays out the pathways she believes could take us towards a future where everyone flourishes.  If we explore the flows of life - of need and resource, of how we interact, then we can begin to heal the patriarchal wounds of separation, scarcity and powerlessness and move into a world where mutual care and trust lead us to a state of community, empowerment and provision.  Links: Miki Kashtan website: https://mikikashtan.orgMiki Kashtan blog: https://thefearlessheart.orgTom Atlee: http://www.tomatleeblog.comMiki's concepts of how to structure Global governance: Vaughan - the maternal gift economy: http://gift-economy.comJames Gilligan - Conference ‘the Making of Destructive Leaders’ - Global Liberation Community - https://nglcommunity.orgCollaborative Lawmaking Study: James Gilligan: Violence: Reflections on a National Pandemic: Miller: ‘For your own Good’ Wink ‘Powers that Be’ Solnit  ‘Paradise Made in Hell’ after Covid-19 - Miki has a chapter in this - - available for pre-order here: Gimbutas ‘The Balts’ on the disempowerment of our ancestors:
Jul 8, 2020 • 59min

Imagineering: ReWeaving the Human Fabric with Miki Kashtan - Part 1

How can we reweave the fabric of humanity to create a world where everyone's deepest needs are met? How do we even know what our deepest needs are - for security (physical and emotional), freedom, connection and meaning? In part 1 of 2, Miki Kashtan gives us answers - and a vision of the future.  Practical visionary Miki Kashtan has devoted her life to the exploration and practice of non violent communication: to finding ways in which choice can become a central part of human existence: the capacity to set aside the patriarchal wounds of separation, scarcity and powerlessness and to choose instead, connection, flow and the ability to meet the needs of the whole of the web of life.   In this two-part podcast, she lays out the baselines of choice, of the ways we can think and feel and be beyond the confines of our patriarchal system, ahead of part 2, where we explore the futures we could reach if we all committed to choice and change. Miki Kashtan website: https://mikikashtan.orgMiki Kashtan blog: https://thefearlessheart.orgTom Atlee: http://www.tomatleeblog.comGenevieve Vaughan - the maternal gift economy: http://gift-economy.comJames Gilligan - Conference ‘the Making of Destructive Leaders’ - Global Liberation Community - https://nglcommunity.orgBooks: James Gilligan: Violence: Reflections on a National Pandemic: Miller: ‘For your own Good’ Wink ‘Powers that Be’ Solnit  ‘Paradise Made in Hell’ after Covid-19 - Miki has a chapter in this - available for pre-order here: Lawmaking Study: Gimbutas ‘The Balts’ on the disempowerment of our ancestors: detail here: In Goettner-Abendroth’s account, on the other hand, it’s specific events that change the experience and result in different choices leading to different actions. In other words, it’s stress and trauma on a large scale that interfere with the spontaneous unfolding of trusting relationships and love. The scale has to be large enough to overwhelm the capacity of a group or culture to metabolize stressful events within its finite resources and resilience. In the case of the “Kurgan” culture that Gimbutas identified, the possible causes could be the flooding of the black sea[1] and/or the desertification of large swaths of land on which many groups depended for their survival. Both of these events pushed large numbers and groups of people outside the bounds of their previous modes of subsistence, thereby creating both trauma and a clash between survival and their manner of living.[2] It is almost impossible, I believe, for our modern minds to grasp the calamity of what these waves of invasions from the Kurgans westward signified, because we no longer have the lived sensibility of what it’s like to live in a peaceful, life-loving, egalitarian culture in unity with nature and each other. I continue to contemplate this description of it and to extrapolate to the present to be able to grasp the loss and begin to mourn it, on behalf of all of humanity: “when [the Kurgans’] barrow-type graves appeared in Europe for the first time (primarily containing males with weapons), nearly 700 major habitation sites, representing a rich fabric of cultural and technological developments, disintegrated after flourishing undisturbed for many hundreds of years.” (Marler 179)[1] See Ryan et al, “An Abrupt Drowning of the Black Sea Shelf”, Marine Geology, 138 (1997) 119-126, where evidence is provided of a major, cataclysmic flooding of the Black Sea, which is now believed to be the source of mythological accounts such as that of Noah’s ark in the bible (not the only one in the region). [2] See The Rule of Mars for several overlapping accounts of these events.)
Jul 1, 2020 • 1h 9min

Fierce Tenderness and White Horse Hill Woman: the teachings of Carolyn Hillyer

Musician, artist, maker-of-ceremony and guardian of the ancestors of the land, Carolyn Hillyer talks - and sings - about the three things that take care of this land: a deep honouring of the ancestors, a fierce guardianship, and the absolute heart-felt connection of tribe.  Carolyn Hillyer lives on a 1,000 year old farm in the heart of Dartmoor.  Her fierce, deeply spiritual guardianship of this place involves a heart-commitment to sharing the space with those who have been and those yet to come. As we near the end of (the first) Covid lockdown, she talks - and sings - of her spiritual connection to the ancestors of this land, of the ceremonial spaces she has built, of the Sami women and the bear skull that they brought in honouring - and of the remains of a Bronze Age ancestor-woman found on the hill overlooking the land, and the bear skin she was wrapped in.  Carolyn's deep, heartfelt connection to the land shines through her words, her art and her songs: a shining beacon of how life can be lived for those who choose to follow. Carolyn’s website, Seventh Wave Music:
Jun 24, 2020 • 1h 3min

No More Rat Race. Creating a world without bullshit jobs - with renegade economist, Della Duncan

What if our work made our hearts sing every day? What if everyone were paid what they were actually worth? What if the profits went into the community, to build the better world our hearts know is possible?  How would that actually work?  Let’s find out!  Renegade Economist and Right Livelihood coach, Della Duncan, has spent most of her professional life exploring the ideas that might transform our culture into the more beautiful, flourishing - fun, joyful,  - safe - world our hearts know is possible.  In this deep-dive interview, we explore the furthest edges of what our world might look and feel like if we were able to reconfigure our economy so that every transaction was predicated on the flourishing of the human and more-than-human worlds.   From Manfred Max-Neef to the Post Growth Foundation, we explore the ideas at the cutting edge of human potential. Links: Della’s website:  https://www.dellazduncan.comUPSTREAM podcast - radio documentary series (including UBI) Norberg-Hodge World Localisation Day: https://worldlocalizationday.orgNo Impact Man: How on Earth? - how to flourish in a  post-growth world: https://www.howonearth.usHow on Earth? YouTube: Giridharadras ‘Winners Take All’, Felber - ‘Change Everything’ Generation: https://movementgeneration.orgStewart Brand, The Long Now Foundation: Max-Neef: Human Scale Development: Max-Neef: Economics Unmasked: Fundamental Human Needs: based on Max-Neef’s work:
Jun 17, 2020 • 1h 14min

No More Business as Usual: A second interview with Rupert Read of XR

Business as usual has brought us to the edge of extinction.  Can we switch off our complacency and turn towards life in time?  Raw, honest thoughts from Professor Rupert Read of Extinction Rebellion.  Professor Rupert Read, Green Party activist, XR speaker, and deep adaptation philosopher, speaks openly, deeply - and with a raw, almost unique honesty  - about the dangers of the current time, and the need to turn away from ‘business as usual’ There are times when we need to shock ourselves out of our complacency, when we need to realise how close to the edge of extinction., we are, when we need to step away from the fantasies of ‘business as usual’ and re-appraise the very nature of what it is to be human.  And then to work out how to go forward in ways that are regenerative, compassionate, and that turn towards life. Rupert Read website: - 24 theses on Corona’s ‘Pro-energy-descent’ review of Planet of the Humans by Michael Moore -  Rupert at Compass Online: Jem Bendell interviewing Joanna Macy- and Helena Norberg-Hodge on relocalisation: - Being podcast with Resmaa Menakem

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