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Jan 18, 2022 • 13min


Welcome to Season 2 of The Moms on Call Podcast! We hope you love our brand-new show format designed to be short, sweet and full of trusted information from pediatric experts.This season, we are going in-depth with answers to your questions. If you have anything you want to ask, please leave us a message at 888-234-7979.This week, we have a question that we hear all the time! Thank you to Ashley, who lives in Charlotte with her almost one-year-old daughter, for calling in! "My daughter will be one in about two weeks and is eating solid foods like a champ. She's really great, but she's only pooping two or three times a week. She's not uncomfortable or anything or saying anything to me about it, but I just want to know if this is normal." Resources mentioned on the show:MOMS ON CALL’S BOOK + ONLINE COURSE FOR 0-6 MONTHSMOMS ON CALL’S BOOK + ONLINE COURSE FOR 6-15 MONTHS As a thank you for being one of our first podcast listeners, save 20% on any product purchased through our website with the code PODCAST! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jan 11, 2022 • 15min


We want to go in-depth with answers to your questions for season two of the MOMS ON CALL podcast. If you have anything you want to ask, please leave us a message at 888-234-7979.We are kicking things off with this question from Ashley, who lives in San Diego with her two little ones:"Our first baby was sleeping through the night at eight weeks and has always been the happiest baby, thanks to you guys. However, our second baby is 11 weeks old now and is so different from our first. We can't get him to nap for more than 30, 40 minutes. He's still waking up once a night and having colicky fits. We just thought that we'd be past this stage by now. He even spits up my breast milk like crazy so I'm trying formula. And I even gave up coffee and wine (so I have nothing to live for now). Currently, he's in a bassinet in our room so I'm going to try moving his crib downstairs but obviously I'm nervous about him waking up his older sister. I have four weeks to get him sleeping through the night before I have to go back to work. Please help us."Mission MightyMe: Save 20% off your first order at with the code MOMSONCALL20.Resources mentioned on the show: MOC Scheduler App 0-6 Month Book & Online Course As a thank you for being one of our first podcast listeners, save 20% on any product purchased through our website with the code PODCAST! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jan 3, 2022 • 39min


Happy New Year! We are starting 2022 off strong with: How to corral the chaotic rodeo that is grocery shopping with a toddler, with tips for all 5 toddler designs. How we handle the Moms on Call naysayers. (Yes, believe it or not, there are a few!) How the Moms on Call community (that’s you!) helps us help others. Recognizing the beauty in differences and embracing them. Your questions: My 8 month old wakes up after napping for 30-45 minutes and won’t go back to sleep; what should I do? I just went to work and my milk supply has decreased; do you have any tips to increase my supply? My 12 week old just came home from being in the hospital with RSV; when and how should we restart a schedule? Mission MightyMe: Save 20% off your first order at with the code MOMSONCALL20.Dr. NozeBest: Use offer code MOMSONCALL for $25 off the NozeBot Nasal Aspirator at Resources mentioned on the show: Toddler Online Course (including the famous Toddler Seminar) Toddler by Design App MOC Scheduler App 0-6 Month Book & Online Course Have a question for the Moms? Call us and leave a message at 888-234-7979.As a thank you for being one of our first podcast listeners, save 20% on any product purchased through our website with the code PODCAST! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dec 29, 2021 • 31min


We’re taking the opportunity to answer even more of your questions in this episode! Here is what Jennifer and Laura have for you: Daycare drop-off and pick-up for my toddler is right in the middle of my 8 month old’s nap times. What should we do? Can I get your books on Audible so that I can listen in the car? Does Moms on Call work for babies with reflux? What if my baby poops in the bathtub? My twins just started daycare and seem hungry when they get home at 5:30pm. What should I do to make sure they still get a full feeding at bedtime so they sleep a longer stretch at night? When my 7 week old wakes at 5am for a feed, how do we handle the rest of the day’s schedule? When can I expect my baby to sleep through the night? If my baby is 5 months old, should I get the 0-6 month book or the 6-15 month book? I’m watching my grandson during the days and he won’t take a bottle. What can we do? Mission MightyMe: Save 20% off your first order at with the code MOMSONCALL20.Dr. NozeBest: Use offer code MOMSONCALL for $25 off the NozeBot Nasal Aspirator at Resources mentioned on the show: MOC Scheduler App 0-6 Month Book & Online Course Toddler Book Toddler Online Course (including the famous Toddler Seminar) Have a question for the Moms? Call us and leave a message at 888-234-7979.As a thank you for being one of our first podcast listeners, save 20% on any product purchased through our website with the code PODCAST! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dec 21, 2021 • 30min


Tis the season…to answer your questions! Listed as Jennifer and Laura answer your questions, including: How do I shift the Typical Day schedules for daycare? How do I know when my baby’s umbilical cord is about to come off? When do I start brushing my baby’s teeth? Can you use a paci too much? How do I transition my twins from their crib to big kid beds? How do I shorten daytime naps? My spouse doesn’t get home until after 7pm. How can I shift the routine so that they can still have some time with our baby? My babysitter cancelled! What are your tips for working from home with my baby? What are your tips for bringing a baby home to a house with 4 dogs? How should I handle room sharing between my newborn and toddler? Mission MightyMe: Save 20% off your first order at with the code MOMSONCALL20.Dr. NozeBest: Use offer code MOMSONCALL for $25 off the NozeBot Nasal Aspirator at Resources mentioned on the show: MOC Scheduler App 0-6 Month Book & Online Course Toddler Book Toddler Online Course (including the famous Toddler Seminar) Have a question for the Moms? Call us and leave a message at 888-234-7979.As a thank you for being one of our first podcast listeners, save 20% on any product purchased through our website with the code PODCAST! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dec 13, 2021 • 39min


Whether you had your holiday decorations up in October or will be lucky if anything is up before the holidays are over, one thing we can all agree on is that with the holidays comes chaos! We’re going to help you thrive through the chaos with this episode. Here is what we have for you this week: When to adapt your schedule to a new timezone. What to do when Christmas dinner falls in the middle of naptime. Jennifer and Laura’s favorite holiday traditions and funny memories. Your questions: Should I keep my twins on the same schedule if one is progressing more quickly than the other? My 4 month old is suddenly waking at 4am every morning because she’s pooped; what do I do? How do I stop my two breastfeeding sessions, cold turkey?  Dr. NozeBest: Use offer code MOMSONCALL for $25 off the NozeBot Nasal Aspirator at Resources mentioned on the show:0-6 Month Book & Online CourseDiaper Changing HackToddler Online Course (including the famous Toddler Seminar)Have a question for the Moms? Call us and leave a message at 888-234-7979.As a thank you for being one of our first podcast listeners, save 20% on any product purchased through our website with the code PODCAST! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dec 6, 2021 • 42min


One of the big things we talk about at Moms on Call is being intentional with your children. In this episode, we’re going to talk about the ways we’ve done that in our own families, seen others do it and hopefully give you some ideas of your own. Here’s what we have for you: How unpopular choices can make you a role model for life. Laura’s lightbulb moment about nighttime with her kids. Using Tender Time to set the foundation for your home. Giving yourself freedom from your toddler’s behavior and words. Your questions: When my baby is sick, should I let them nap longer? We unexpectedly lost my husband last year and everything has changed; how can I help my 4 year old transition through all of these changes and reestablish some type of routine and structure for her? Will my child’s primary motivator from your Toddler by Design program stay the same, or does it change as they get older? Dr. NozeBest: Use offer code MOMSONCALL for $25 off the NozeBot Nasal Aspirator at  SlumberPod: For $30 off your SlumberPod privacy pod, use code MOCPODCAST at Valid through April 2022. Resources mentioned on the show: Toddler Online Course (including the famous Toddler Seminar) Toddler Book Toddler by Design App Have a question for the Moms? Call us and leave a message at 888-234-7979.As a thank you for being one of our first podcast listeners, save 20% on any product purchased through our website with the code PODCAST! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dec 2, 2021 • 43min


We get a lot of questions around food allergies in babies, so we called in the experts! In this bonus episode of The Moms on Call Podcast, Dr. Gideon Lack and Catherine Jaxon, Co-Founders of Mission MightyMe, talk to Jennifer and Laura about preventing food allergies in children and the power of early allergen introduction, including the new allergy prevention recommendations for babies. In this episode, you will hear two perspectives on the allergy epidemic in children and how you can prevent food allergies in your own families. Catherine shares her real-life experience as a food allergy mom and Dr. Lack explains the science behind his groundbreaking research on food allergies in children and how early, proactive introduction can actually prevent allergies. Catherine and Dr. Lack bring meaning to the term “made with love, backed by science”! Their company, Mission MightyMe, is a revolutionary new food company on a mission to end the food allergy epidemic by making it deliciously simple to follow new pediatric guidelines for including peanuts and other potentially allergenic foods in infant diets.Thank you to Mission MightyMe for sponsoring this podcast and giving us the opportunity to share this powerful information with our audience. Mission MightyMe wants to support the Moms on Call community by providing a simple (and delicious) way to follow new guidelines for keeping peanuts in babies’ diets regularly and are generously offering 20% off your first order at with the code MOMSONCALL20.For more information from Mission MightyMe, check out these blog posts: Introducing Solids, Including Peanuts and Other Potential Allergens Why Does Eczema Increase the Risk of Food Allergies? About Catherine Mitchell JaxonAs a food allergy mom, Catherine and her husband, JJ, understand what living with allergies is like. Their oldest daughter is allergic to most nuts. When their third child was born, they discovered Dr. Gideon Lack's groundbreaking research that found up to 86% of peanut allergies could be prevented by starting peanut foods in infancy. It gave them hope that they could prevent another food allergy in their family, but nuts and nut butters are a choking hazard for babies, and the entire baby food industry is allergen-free. So, they decided to make their own.About Dr. Gideon LackDr. Gideon Lack is one of the world’s leading pediatric allergists. His research has revolution­ized food allergy prevention and is transforming the way we feed our kids. Dr. Lack’s groundbreaking Learning Early About Peanut Allergy (LEAP) Study found that most peanut allergies could be prevented by in­cluding peanut protein in babies’ diets - early and often. And subsequent studies, including Dr. Lack’s EAT Study , have shown this proactive approach can work for other foods as well. His research upended decades of outdated food allergy advice and led to new American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines recommending early peanut introduction in infancy and new USDA Dietary Guidelines recommending early introduction of all common food allergens in infancy. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Nov 29, 2021 • 37min


As pediatric nurses, one of the most common after-hours calls that Jennifer and Laura received was about poop. In this episode, they’re sharing the answers to all of those questions and more. Why you don’t need to be scared of the dreaded 4 month “sleep regression”. Poop. What’s normal and what’s not? The big digestive change that happens at 6-8 weeks. What you can expect based on whether your baby is breast or formula fed. The difference between constipation and infrequent stools. Your questions: Should I wake my baby from a nap? How do I keep my dominant twin from hijacking the entire house? What can I do to help my baby learn to sleep in other environments, like daycare?This episode is sponsored by: Dr. NozeBest: Use offer code MOMSONCALL for $25 off the NozeBot Nasal Aspirator at Resources mentioned on the show: 4 Month Developmental Breakthrough blog post Toddler Book Toddler Online Course (including the famous Toddler Seminar) Travel Sound Machine Have a question for the Moms? Call us and leave a message at 888-234-7979.As a thank you for being one of our first podcast listeners, save 20% on any product purchased through our website with the code PODCAST! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Nov 22, 2021 • 38min


The holidays are here, which means lots of traveling and family time. We’re going to help you make this holiday season the best one yet. Here’s what we have for you in this episode: Choosing your battles with your toddler. The perfect way to respond to comments about your child’s behavior (and other awkward conversations). How to help your little one adapt to a new timezone. Remembering family traditions and making new ones. Your questions: What are your suggestions for finding a formula that my baby will take? Is it okay that my baby is sleeping through the night, but waking up a little early? I am watching my grandson during the day and he will not take a bottle; what can I do?This episode is sponsored by: Bobbie organic infant formula: For 25% off your first box, use the code MOMSONCALL25. Dr. NozeBest: Use offer code MOMSONCALL for $25 off the NozeBot Nasal Aspirator at  Resources mentioned on the show:Toddler Online Course (including the famous Toddler Seminar)Toddler BookTravel Sound MachineHave a question for the Moms? Call us and leave a message at 888-234-7979.As a thank you for being one of our first podcast listeners, save 20% on any product purchased through our website with the code PODCAST! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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