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Dig Deep – The Mining Podcast Podcast

Latest episodes

Mar 17, 2022 • 37min

Transforming Mine Planning to Improve Profits with Mark Bowater

In this episode, we chat with Mark Bowater, an experienced mine engineer and business owner with over 30 years of industry experience. In Australia, he worked with some of the majors and, during his career, has had directorships & ownerships of companies. Mark has recently written a free book called "Crimes Against Mine Planning". During this podcast, he tells us more about the book and why he thinks mine planning is a broken model, and what needs to be used instead.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Mark´s aim is to leave the mining industry in better shape than it was 30 years ago. His book is a part of that. The book is written so that stakeholders, surveyors, and everyone can understand the mine planning process. The current approach to mine planning does not take enough account of the physical realities of mining. Probabilistic planning is a far more effective approach. It enables you to recognise that delays happen and have a plan in place that can quickly be adapted. Optimistic planning assumptions shorten the shelf life of the plan, which undermines the role of mine planners. Using software, that is being developed, it will be possible to plan using a probabilistic approach rather than continuing to use a deterministic model. Performance motivating should not be a part of the mine plan. It needs to be benchmarked separately.   BEST MOMENTS ‘I´ve spent 30 years working in the industry. I would now like to work on the industry. ´ ‘The solution is stochastic or probabilistic planning.’ ‘We have a lack of KPIs that measure the quality of mine plans… we focus on the wrong things.’ ‘Writing the book has forced me to think at a deeper level.’   EPISODE RESOURCES Link to the free PDF version of Crimes Against Mine Planning: https://markbowater.com/shop/ols/products/crimes-against-mine-planning-ebook The paid version of the book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Crimes-Against-Mine-Planning-Pitfalls-ebook/dp/B09SXL8MVR/ Website: https://markbowater.com/ LinkedIn: https://au.linkedin.com/in/mineplanningguru   VALUABLE RESOURCES Email: rob@mining-international.org Website: https://www.mining-international.org/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MiningRobTyson Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theminingpodcast/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/videos   ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community insight into people's experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics. Rob is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specializing in all areas of mining across the globe from the first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our client's organizations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. Podcast Description Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Mar 14, 2022 • 35min

An Update on Cloudbreak Discovery´s Base and Battery Metals Successes with Kyler Hardy

In this episode, we chat with a returning guest who appeared in Aug 2021 (Ep 161). Kyler Hardy is the CEO of Cloudbreak Discovery, a junior exploration/development company that partners with explorers and developers to advance assets. Cloudbreak has a focus on battery and base metals projects. They own equity positions and royalties in a variety of projects across multiple jurisdictions, primarily in the Americas and Africa. Kyler has a background in finance and executive management/Directorships within the resources sector. In this episode, he provides us with an update on what he has been doing and what Cloudbreak has achieved within the base and battery metals sectors. KEY TAKEAWAYS Cloudbreak discovery is a project generator for the natural resource sectors. They mainly acquire early-stage to mid-stage assets. Norseman silver has recently ended up with some significant grab samples. Including, over 30% having 1%+ copper in them. The strategic alliance with Allianz minerals, in the USA, is bearing fruit. Klondike has over six kilometres of 6.23% copper. Their large lithium projects in the US are moving forwards rapidly. During the next 12 months, they are planning to explore multiple West African and Canadian assets and buy more. Cloudbreak is currently diversifying its portfolio to include more bulk materials and battery metals. Demand for bulk materials like Bauxite, (used to make aluminium) is also likely to soar. Aluminium can be used to make lighter vehicles, which saves fuel. In the podcast, Kyler talks about other batteries and net-zero metals, and other materials that are needed to make the green revolution work. BEST MOMENTS ‘We´ve married a good corporate team and a great technical team. ´ ‘It´s been a pretty busy six months and the team is just getting going.’ ‘For the US government, having lithium production in the country is a key metric.’ ‘Our alliance with Allianz in the US is because we believe that the area has been underexplored for the last decade, or so.’ EPISODE RESOURCES Website: https://cloudbreakdiscovery.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/CloudbreakPlc Dig Deep Podcast episode 161 - https://omny.fm/shows/dig-deep-the-mining-podcast/interview-with-kyler-hardy-ceo-of-cloudbreak-disco   VALUABLE RESOURCES Email: rob@mining-international.org Website: https://www.mining-international.org/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MiningRobTyson Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theminingpodcast/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/videos   ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community insight into people's experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics. Rob is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specializing in all areas of mining across the globe from the first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our client's organizations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. Podcast Description Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Mar 10, 2022 • 22min

Trends That Are Redefining Mining in 2022 with Andrew Swart

In this episode, we chat with Andrew Swart, Global Mining and Metals Leader at Deloitte. He talks about their recently released 2022 Global Mining Trends Report. A report that focuses on the top 10 trends that will impact the mining industry in the next 12-18 months. KEY TAKEAWAYS This year´s report focuses on redefining the mining industry. There are currently many external forces driving change. Including, ESG, changing values, labour forces, and changes in demand. A lack of talent is making a huge difference to the culture of mining. Turning to less traditional talent pools and adopting more flexible working practices is helping the industry to bridge the gap. Many talented people now want to be a part of positive change and look for that when deciding where to work. Companies are now thinking more about how to mitigate the risk from climate change, e.g., more flooding and inclement weather. The value chain is changing, new customer bases are coming on stream. There are broader geopolitical and tax risks. Something Andrew covers in detail during the podcast. A lack of cyber security is a big issue.   BEST MOMENTS ‘We see a number of external forces reshaping mining. ´ ‘There are some definite sub-themes that cut across a number of the trends, right now.’ ‘Mining is increasingly competing in a wider talent pool.’   EPISODE RESOURCES Link to the report: https://www2.deloitte.com/global/en/pages/energy-and-resources/articles/tracking-the-trends-mining-industry.html   VALUABLE RESOURCES Email: rob@mining-international.org Website: https://www.mining-international.org/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MiningRobTyson Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theminingpodcast/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/videos   ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community insight into people's experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics. Rob is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specializing in all areas of mining across the globe from the first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our client's organizations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. Podcast Description Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Mar 7, 2022 • 31min

On The Verge of Huge Growth in Mexico and Canada With Ralph Shearing of Altaley Mining Corp

In this episode, we chat to Ralph Shearing, CEO & President of Altaley Mining Corp who is a Canadian publicly listed mining company on both the TSX and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. They operate in Mexico where they engage in exploration, development, and operation of polymetallic mineral resource projects  Ralph is a geologist by background. He has been with the company for an incredible 36 years. Ralph is on the podcast to talk about the company and its gold and zinc projects, entrepreneurship, and growth areas in the industry.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Altaley Mining Corp is just a few weeks away from getting their first ball mill up and running at Tahuehueto. With the 2nd one coming on stream later in 2022. By mid-2022 production will be at 1000 tonnes a day. They are close to completing testing of two technologies. Both of which have boosted gold and silver extraction levels. They are currently pulling in $2 to $3 million EBITA from their Campo Morado polymetallic mine. By mid-2022 they will start to produce a copper concentrate alongside the zinc they already mine. Copper is a commodity that should perform well for the long term. The Campo Morado mine produces around 2,000 tonnes a day and has a 20-year life. Both projects have several opportunities to expand, which Ralph talks about in the episode. There is a lot of growth potential for the Alt-a-lay stock price. Ralph explains why, during the podcast. The fact there are not enough people around with the right knowledge means that there are still lots of opportunities within the mining sector. BEST MOMENTS ‘Mining companies are making great money these days. ´ ‘We hope to be able to justify an expansion from 1000 tonnes per day….to 3000 tonnes in 3 to 5 years.’ ‘There are some very good opportunities for young people…in the mining sector.’   EPISODE RESOURCES Website: https://www.altaleymining.com/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/altaleyminingTwitter: https://twitter.com/altaleyminingFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/AltaleyMining/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/altaleyminingEmail: ralph@telsonmining.com   VALUABLE RESOURCES Email: rob@mining-international.org Website: https://www.mining-international.org/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MiningRobTyson Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theminingpodcast/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/videos   ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community insight into people's experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics. Rob is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specializing in all areas of mining across the globe from the first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our client's organizations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. Podcast Description Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Mar 3, 2022 • 17min

Successfully Investing in a Responsible and Sustainable Way with Marc Bishop Lafleche

In this episode, we chat to Marc Bishop Lafleche, CEO for Anglo Pacific Group - a global natural resources royalty and streaming company listed on both the London and Toronto Stock Exchange. They are giving investors exposure to commodities such as cobalt, copper, nickel, vanadium, and uranium. Marc has a banking and international finance background and has been with Anglo Pacific for the past 8 years. He talks about the company, his new role as the CEO, and explains the strong ESG principles that underlie their investment strategy.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Anglo Pacific is focused on making investments that are going to help achieve net-zero climate change objectives. In just 8 years, the business has switched from mainly producing coke to focusing on green revolution metals. By 2026, the portfolio will be completely coal-free. The Anglo Pacific team has decades of experience of the royalty and streaming business models. 2022 is expected to be the firm’s biggest year yet. Cash flow has improved drastically, which will enable them to move fast. Anglo Pacific´s cobalt transaction relates to cobalt produced in a mine that has the lowest carbon footprint. The vanadium they produce is used to strengthen steel, which means less of it is needed. Something that reduces carbon emissions, overall. The nickel Anglo Pacific produces has an extremely low carbon footprint.   BEST MOMENTS ‘For every investment that we make going forward, fundamentally our objective is to make the world a better place for our children and our grandchildren. ´ ‘We recorded record revenues for 2021.’ ‘We have an exceptional amount of momentum, and the business has been completely transformed.’   EPISODE RESOURCES Dig Deep episode with Julian Treger of Anglo Pacific: https://omny.fm/shows/dig-deep-the-mining-podcast/the-vision-for-the-future-with-julian-treger Website: https://www.anglopacificgroup.com LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/anglo-pacific-group-plc/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/AngloPacificPLC Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AngloPacificGroup/   VALUABLE RESOURCES Email: rob@mining-international.org Website: https://www.mining-international.org/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MiningRobTyson Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theminingpodcast/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/videos   ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community insight into people's experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics. Rob is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specializing in all areas of mining across the globe from the first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our client's organizations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. Podcast Description Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Feb 28, 2022 • 22min

Leveraging the Joint Venture Model to Create New Royalties and Mines in Canada with Glenn Mullan

In this episode, we chat to Glenn Mullan, President/CEO of Val D’Or Mining, a junior natural resource issuer involved in the process of exploring, evaluating, and promoting its mineral property assets in Canada Glenn is a well-seasoned CEO with a demonstrated track record in the mining-metals and exploration industry. In this podcast, he talks about the journey Val D’Or Mining has been on and what the prospects are for the future.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Val D’Or Mining has come up with a model that sets them apart from the many other mining companies. Glenn explains it in the episode. They leverage creative joint ventures which keeps the cash flowing without diluting the financing, which is good for shareholders. Currently, Val D’Or Mining has over 55 properties in the most prolific geological domain, in Canada. The area has good infrastructure, which means low exploration costs. Currently, Val D’Or Mining is mainly focusing on gold. But are also involved in uranium and nickel. As well as, in the past, a long list of other minerals. Val D’Or Mining specialises in taking grassroots, 100% owned properties and converting them using other people´s money into a royalty (NSR).   BEST MOMENTS ‘Grassroots prospecting is what makes our heartbeat. ´ ‘We take a really good look at that historical work. We don´t want to repeat what´s been done, in the past.’ ‘Shareholders get a better deal than they do with most of our peers.’   EPISODE RESOURCES Website: https://www.valdormining.com/   VALUABLE RESOURCES Email: rob@mining-international.org Website: https://www.mining-international.org/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MiningRobTyson Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theminingpodcast/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/videos   ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community insight into people's experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics. Rob is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specializing in all areas of mining across the globe from the first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our client's organizations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. Podcast Description Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Feb 24, 2022 • 20min

Mining a Tier One USA Asset for Gold and Silver with George Salamis

In this episode, we chat to George Salamis, President, and CEO of Interga Resources who is a development-stage mining company focused on the exploration and de-risking of the past-producing DeLamar Gold-Silver Project in Idaho, USA. George has a geology background and over 30 years of experience in the mining and resource exploration industry and has been involved in over $2 billion of M&A transactions, either through assets sales or his involvement with junior mining companies. He tells us more about Interga Resources and what the future holds for them moving forward with the PFS.   KEY TAKEAWAYS The DeLamar project was acquired from Kinross. Interga is taking a different approach to once again extract gold and silver there. The infrastructure that was left behind when Kinross stopped mining there in the 90s, is still available. Using heat bleaching will create cash flow to build the mill, should it be financially attractive to do so. The project can be scaled slowly or quickly, to fit in with market conditions, which minimises risk and maximises profits. When in full production again DeLamar will be one of the largest gold and silver producers in the USA. Idaho understands the benefits of mining and are very welcoming. Integra has already found over a hundred intersects of high-grade finds and has many more targeted areas to explore. This is a tier-one asset in a low-risk jurisdiction.   BEST MOMENTS ‘When we acquired the project from Kinross, we had a sense that there was a lot of gold and silver resources left behind. ´ ‘Having a number of different options available to develop an asset is key to longevity.’ ‘It’s in a low-risk jurisdiction and is a very large asset.’   EPISODE RESOURCES Website: https://integraresources.com/   VALUABLE RESOURCES Email: rob@mining-international.org Website: https://www.mining-international.org/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MiningRobTyson Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theminingpodcast/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/videos   ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community insight into people's experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics. Rob is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specializing in all areas of mining across the globe from the first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our client's organizations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. Podcast Description Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Feb 21, 2022 • 23min

Mine No. 3 Profitable Ahead of Schedule and Annual Production Reaches Half a Million Ounces with Jeff Quartermaine

In this episode, we have a returning guest who appeared back in July 2019 (Episode 36). Jeff Quartermaine is the MD & CEO of Perseus Mining who are a rapidly growing, West African gold producer, developer, and explorer who currently operate 3 gold mines in Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire. Jeff has been with Perseus for over 12 years and has more than 30 years of experience in senior corporate, financial, and strategic management roles with ASX and TSX-listed resources companies involving operations in Australia, as well as countries in the Asia Pacific, South America, and West Africa. Jeff gives us an update on the tremendous progress the company has achieved over the last 2.5 years and what the outlook is for the company over the next few years.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Despite CoVid Perseus has been able to finish the construction of their 3rd mine (Yaouré), ahead of schedule and under budget. They have built 2 successful mines, in the past 4 years. In December 2021, they poured the first gold at Yaouré and started commercial production in March 2021. During the remainder of 2021, they produced 199,000 ounces from Yaouré. The Yaouré Gold Mine and area has far more minerals than anticipated. Currently, the company is producing half a million ounces of gold, per year, with between 300 and 400 million in cashflow Over the next 10 years they are planning to grow by exploring and possibly via acquisitions. Mining in Africa holds challenges because there is a lot of competition for land and in some places rogue miners to deal with. Due to difficult geo-politics both the Saudi and Namibian shields are under-explored. But conditions are now right for extensive exploration to start.   BEST MOMENTS ‘That rapid increase got us to 199,000 ounces in calendar 21. ´ ‘It looks very much to me that we will be mining at Yaouré for many years to come.’ ‘We are very resilient, we don´t get knocked off course easily.’   EPISODE RESOURCES Website: https://perseusmining.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/perseus-mining-limited Twitter: https://twitter.com/perseusmining Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PerseusMiningOfficial/ Previous Episode (36) with Jeff Quartermaine: https://backtracks.fm/discover/s/dig-deep-the-mining-podcast-podcast/c3e27a531b2932b7/e/jeff-quartermaine-of-the-challenges-of-mining/f8801451b981d0c5?primaryColor=%232DDBAD&theme=light   VALUABLE RESOURCES Email: rob@mining-international.org Website: https://www.mining-international.org/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MiningRobTyson Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theminingpodcast/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/videos   ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community insight into people's experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics. Rob is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specializing in all areas of mining across the globe from the first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our client's organizations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. Podcast Description Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Feb 17, 2022 • 27min

Exploring Pampa Metals' 8 100% Owned Properties in Chile’s Rich Mineral Belt with Paul Gill

In this episode, we chat with Paul Gill, CEO, and Director of Pampa Metals. A junior miner that is listed on the Canadian and Frankfurt stock exchanges. They own a highly prospective portfolio of eight projects for copper and gold located along the proven mineral belts in Chile Paul is an executive leader with a strong background in the resources industry. He talks about Pampa Metals, their management team, and the exciting projects they are developing. KEY TAKEAWAYS Pampa Metals has eight 100% owned projects with 62,000 hectares to explore, in Chile´s already productive mineral belt. They have just added a joint venture option for another eight projects and an extra 16,000 hectares. That is a big stake in a country that provides about 30% of the world´s copper. They are drilling now and exploring the area. Including doing so using VerAI Discoveries. The team has combined experience of over 100 years, mainly in copper. They are listed on both the Canadian and Frankfurt exchanges. Two of their projects already have joint venture partners, looking for gold. The company is currently trading far under value. Politics does not get in the way of mining copper in Chili, it is too vital to the country. BEST MOMENTS ‘We think there is a treasure trove of deposits lurking just under the surface. ´ ‘You can actually run induced polarisation and magnetics and see the flows of the material under the ground.’ EPISODE RESOURCES Website: https://pampametals.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/PampaMetals Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PampaMetals/ Email: paul@pampametals.com VALUABLE RESOURCES Email: rob@mining-international.org Website: https://www.mining-international.org/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MiningRobTyson Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theminingpodcast/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/videos   ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community insight into people's experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics. Rob is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specializing in all areas of mining across the globe from the first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our client's organizations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. Podcast Description Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Feb 14, 2022 • 28min

Gold Has Weathered the Storm and the Future is Bright with Krishan Gopaul

In this episode, we speak to Krishan Gopaul, Senior Research Analyst at the World Gold Council. He discusses what happened with Gold Demand Trends in 2021 and in more current times, the Gold Market outlook for 2022, and what the Gold market expects. KEY TAKEAWAYS In 2021, the jewellery, technology, and motoring sectors recovered, so demand for gold was strong from them. The Indian jewellery market was especially interesting. Demand from banks was high. Krishan explains why and which ones bought the most. Inflation is leading to consumers investing in gold coins. Krishan shares the figures and the story behind that. But high ETF outflows dragged down the overall investment level. For ETFs, there are currently very strong competing forces at play, which makes it hard to predict what will happen. In January, inflows into ETFs were strong. Krishan explains why, during the podcast. For mining, the picture was mixed. Krishan talks through which jurisdictions were up and which were down and explains why. Most supply issues have been resolved. So far, higher demand for cryptocurrencies has not really impacted demand levels for gold. The dynamics for gold, during 2022, are likely to be similar to 2021.    BEST MOMENTS ‘For gold ETFs, we saw outflows of about 173 tonnes, which was the first outflows for a couple of years. ´ ‘We saw about 463 tonnes of gold demand from central banks, last year, that 82% higher.’ ‘Gold will face very similar dynamics in 2022 as it did in 2021.’   EPISODE RESOURCES Website: https://goldhub.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/KrishanGopaul   VALUABLE RESOURCES Email: rob@mining-international.org Website: https://www.mining-international.org/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MiningRobTyson Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theminingpodcast/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DigDeepTheMiningPodcast/videos   ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community insight into people's experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics. Rob is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specializing in all areas of mining across the globe from the first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our client's organizations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace.   Podcast Description Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.

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